domingo, noviembre 30


it was so great seeing all rest of the church ppl (not including yesterday)..haven't been to mass for so long that i totally missed out on some of the changes...for example, we actually SING the nicene creed was kinda spiffy!!...threw me off at first tho, i was like "waiitt...wut's going on..."..and then while we were singing the offeratory song? ( i can't remember which song it was) janice and teresa noticed that the numbers were all wrong on the they made ted go up and change it..hehe..and then halfway through mass, ivan turns around and starts pointing..i was like "OMG!!"..*pouts*...hehehe ok now apparently it's MY turn to get butchered..^_^

and TED is the BEST because he brought the shirts!!!! thank you!!!!..u TOTALLY ROCK!!!....woooot for longhorns!!!

alrite. NOW for the interesting stuff. hahahahha.....ok yall remember when i was talking about how i was banned from church?..well i never found out the WHOLE story behind that..and all i can say to that is: HHAAHAHAHA.....*falls off chair laughing*...if u wanna hear the story u gotta ask me, cuz 1)it's too long to type out and 2)i can't type it out without totally laughing my head off in the process, so it would, in effect, take too long to type of course, poor ted got totally BUTCHERED in the process....awww

and then today i joined some ppl from fellowship after the potlucK (janice, ted, cecilia, ivan, albert, carol, carol's sister) and we went to watch "cat in the hat"......and all the meanwhile, *ahem* CECILIA, JANICE, and IVAN WERE NOT HELPING THE SITUATION AT ALL....*COUGH*..hehhe...but lemme tell ya, 'cat in the hat' was an..umm..interesting*shakes head*....ok. it was an ODD movie...the cat was skarie looking, the kids looked pretty weird too, and the things...oh my goodness the THINGS....they looked EXACTLY like the ones from teh book..o_O...*shudders*....hmm i guess i WAS laughing the most out of everyone guess i just get easily amused....stopped by barnes and nobles....AGAIN, cecilia , janice, and ivan did NOT help...hahaha....aah, u know i'm j/p with fun....


ok well i wanted to post on some other stuff but i promised that i'd make this post the thanksgiving post, so i'll just blog about other stuff after this one... tell the truth it really wasn't supposed to be that big of a deal of a blog anyways, it was just supposed to be kinda like a shout-out/thank-you thingie for everyone who's been out there for me all thru my life. which, whether yall know it or not, means a LOT to me. going to school every day, going to the museum every day in the summer, going to church every week (well actually here i'm referring to BEFORE the ban), going to the lab every day in's just simply SEEING yall that helps me get through every day, every stress that i have to go through...your words, your actions, your laughs, your smiles....from contact-juggling to physics projects, from gooofing off in government to citations, from hacky sack to blowtorching beakers, from welch drama to piggin out in the dorms, from fellowship choir rehearsals to singing disney songs....thank you guys for all of that. it's somethign i'll keep with me. siempre.

viernes, noviembre 28

Man. Today was a INTERESTING day. (ok wait, before I blog about today, side note: I mentioned earlier that I was going to do a special post on thanksgiving day. I haven’t forgotten about it, I just haven’t gotten around to it. It will be my next post I promise!!)

first, heather picks me up to go to the mall for XMAS SHOPPING! WOOT!!we had this huge lengthy discussion about car wrecks. (ah! Skarie!) we didn’t stay long in the mall we were talking the entire time (WOW..our families are REALLY similar minus the family not really looking at the stuff in hallmarks anyways. we decided to go to katy mills cuz I’d never been there before, cuz it’s huge. Lol so while driving to katy mills, guess what song comes on the radio? “stacy’s mom!!”…HAHHA..woot! we both started singing at the top of our lungs…but seriously, wow, what is WITH that song?!! every one I’ve hung out with in the last week or so has mentioned that song, or kept singing it over and over again..(hehe museum peeps….which reminds me …at the museum, we were discussing why there isn’t a “stacy’s dad” song?!!...i mean, come on, there’s plenty of hot older guys out there…HEHEH)..then when we got to katy mills we spent like 30 minutes trying to find a parking was so crowded (poor heather was getting really frustrated..^_^)…so we finally decided to just follow people around in the parking lot who were going to their car. We followed this one lady first, but we stopped when we realized that the lady didn’t know where she had…then we followed these two other people and heather put on a blinker and waited so that she could park, but then some jerk comes in the lane from the other direction, sees us waiting there with our blinker on, and what does he do? He sits there and puts on HIS blinker too for the exact same spot!!!!!!...jerk…but luckily we managed to still get the parking space..hehe…go heather!!!...katy mills is HUGE maann….i don’t think I’ve ever seen a mall so big in Houston ..then we realized that we only had an hour to shop, so we speed shop through the hallmarks there (got some NICE stuff there…heheheeh….heather helped me pick it out…^_^), and we went into this really weird store like full of earthy/gothic/asian stuff…kinda weird, but had neat stuff overall…but then heather directed me to the most AWESOME STORE EVER. It was totally BALLA…lol I can’t blog about it and about what we got there, cuz then xmas presents won’t be a surprise anymore, but it is the BEST…haha we spent the rest of our hour in that store…maan it was worth it!!!...we gotta go there again since technically we dind’t “finish” our shopping!!!..hehe

went home, ate lunch, played piano. Dang it I have to learn the piano part of Bach’s Concerto No.3 for two violins – but on the other hand, guess who’s got a $200 accompanist job???..hehehehe..then sid came over to print out some college app on his way to steve’s house…he brought a church friend with him who is only a freshman yet is already looking at college even I wasn’t THAT terribly…haha so then we were using the computer and I signed onto yahoo…and sid IMs troy and he’s all like “troy u should practice polygamy!!”..and then he DREW a picture of troy on the Doodle IMvironment depicting troy surrounded by three different girls..AND he labeled them too!!! (I won’t blog what their names were, tho)....bad bad sid…hehee…by the way, everyone who sees sid needs to tell him to play CHOPIN!!!..NOT maple leaf rag!!

sid: yea, so I tried to play maple leaf rag..but it was too hard. I got thru like a page
me: that’s why you should play CHOPIN!!
sid: hmm…but don’t tell your mom that I’m bad at piano. she might not like me then.
me: hahah umm ok
sid: tell her that I play piano that’s it. I play the piano and the violin

HAHAHAHAH…sid makes me laugh...i just found out that our moms have known each other since we were in 2nd grade…o_O..looong time…

and my brother CRACKS me up soo much. I was talking to him today, and he was telling me about some weird kid who sits in front of him in English..he’s like “there’s this stupid kid in my class…..well actually he’s not stupid, he’s kinda smart actually”…HHAHAH…I guess u gotta have actually heard the way he said it to see why it was so funny..

ok…that’s all for now…I desperately have to get back to my mentorship paper. help. lol..i WILL finish my paper tonite. even if it kills me in the process.

jueves, noviembre 27

NoToRioUslBigC (autoresponse): u can feed a cougar all the coal u want but that don't mean its gonna crap out diamonds

HHAAHAHA..*falls out of chair laughing*...WHERE does he come up with these away messages....i love it...LOL

oh yea, and i'm supposed to blog about colin's new plan...since we both affirmed that procrastination DOES INDEED pay off in the end (I'm dead serious!!! ask me about it - i have concrete proof!!!!!), colin came up with this idea that nike is all wrong in their ad. ...according to him, nike's motto OUGHT to be "JUST DON'T DO IT'.....hahhahahhaahahaha:

me: u should create an anti-nike company
me: make some shoes or something
me: that can be ur invention
colin: yea, but then that means i have to do work
me: well that's why u hire little slaves like _____ to do the work for u
me: while you just eat chips and sit on your throne
colin: GOOD IDEA!!!!!!
colin: i like the way u think

uh oh...what have i done??!!! 10 years if u see an anti-nike company pop up out of nowhere sponsored by some company named Lupold corporations or something like that, then u'll know where the idea came from!!...(hey and i'd better be gettign some comisssion for this!..hehe...j/k..

miércoles, noviembre 26

this survey is stolen from janice, who stole it from cecil, who stole it from mink, who stole it from can't u just feel the fellowshiplove??..hehe

? name = Steph Wang
? piercings = ears
? tattoos = nope
? height = uhh..5 '2? ..i'm not short!!..everyone else is just too tall!
shoe size = 10 in sneakers (yes i have big feet..>.<)
? hair color = black!!..what else?

? movie you went to see = SCHOOL OF ROCK!!...effin awesome!
? movie you bought = uhh....i'm broke
? song you listened to = MEndelssohn Octet
? song that was stuck in your head = "stacy's mom" (grrrr..thanks for michelle and
? cd you bought = i don't buy CDs..ppl burn them for me..last one was...BOND!!..yay for wai-ying!!.(wow .geez that was like 5 months ago in arlington)
? cd you listened to = Bach's Sonatas and Partitas (the Ciaconna in particular!)
?person you've called = christine
? person that's called you = christine
? tv show you've watched = iuno..simpsons?
? person you were thinking of = HEHEHEHHE. *wink*...(i'm sure heather and troy know who i'm talkign about...hahaah)

DO ..
? you have a bf or gf = nope, single!
? you have a crush on someone = HAHAHA....what do you think??!
? you wish you could live somewhere else = Espa?a!!!, Italia, argentina, venezuela, or just back in good ol' Maryland
? you think about suicide = it's all in the mind
? you believe in online dating = that's stupid
? others find you attractive = i don't know..u tell me
? you want more piercings = umm where else?
? you drink = hot chocolate!
? you do drugs = NO. NO NO NO
? you smoke = YUCK. why would anyone want to torture themselves like that?
? you like cleaning = well good question. kinda i guess. i enjoyed cleaning the musuem kitchen. and anu knows about my obsession with the vacuum cleaner in arlington..hehe
? you like roller coasters = of course..they make me feel taller
? you write in cursive or print = print. cursive takes too long. and plus it doesn't work on museum cards...heheh
? you carry a donor card = no, but i want to. but dont' i have to get a license first?

? long distance relationships = o, i don't know. i guess it depends on the other person. side note: NO PESSIMISM allowed in long distance only makes it worse
? using someone = HECK NO
? killing people = only when i'm the murderess..hehehe...J/K!
? teenage smoking = against. makes u look stupid and smell like crap
? premarital sex = against
? driving drunk =against. geez ppl, just don't drink in the first place. not that hard.
? gay/lesbian relationship = *shrugs*..wutever floats ur boat
? soap operas = EN ESPA?OL!!!!

? food = CHOCOLATE. YUM. and pasta. and anything hispanic or italian
? song = fotograf?a - juanes y nelly furtado.......but my musical tastes change quite stay tuned..
? thing to do = playing piano of course!!..and hanging out with awesome friends
? thing to talk about = books and music and Chopin (yay for steve!!)
? sports = soccer!!!..and basketball ( i suck at basketball. but i still like to play)..umm.and tennis
? drinks = hot chocolate!
? clothes = umm anythign comfy
? movies = The Pianist, Road to Perdition..anything that makes u think
? band/singer = oo too many...alejandro fernandez, juanes, nickelback, coldplay, etc..
? holiday = XMAS!!..without a doubt!..fa la la la laaa la la la laaaa
? new nerdy saying = oii...

? ever cried over a girl/boy = hate to admit it, but yes
? ever lied to someone = psssh yea
? ever been in a fist fight = nope
? ever been arrested = yea, of course., i broke into Bank United once...pssshh i LOOk like i've ever been arrested?..geez..who makes up these questions

? of times I have been in love? = .........
? of times I have had my heart broken? = .......
? of drugs taken illegally = none
? of people I would trust with my life type friends? = 3
? of people I consider my enemies = genghis!!..hehe j/k
? of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = several i think..not sure..dun really
? of scars on my body? = those from hiking on a mountain in colorado in the dark wearing shorts and flip flops..o_O
? of things in my past that I regret? = a lot

? disney movie = Beauty and the Beast!
? scent = hmmm...vanilla, apple, or citrus
? word = tryconympha!!!..muahahaha
? nickname = steph, stephie, step-on-me, wang, lil wang (courtesy of sid), wangsta! (courtesy of troy)
? guy name = good question...i'll post on this one at a later blog
? girl name = vicki, jackie, keara
? eye color = BLUE!!!!!
? flower = roses
? piercing = just ears
? actor = mel gibson

? handsome/pretty = *shrugs*
? funny = quiz?s
? hot = well, no i'm freezing rite now seeing how for some reason my mom set the thermostat to 68 degrees rite now
? friendly = yes!
? amusing = isn't that the same thing as funny?
? ugly = pssh yea!
? loveable = yes!..hehe..well at least according to troy i
? pessimistic = YUP
? optimistic = i try to be
? caring = i'm always here for u!!!
? sweet = i try!!
? The story behind your user name = band people. go ask them..
? Are you straight = yes of course
? Where do you live = da land of suga!!!
? 4 words that sum you up = iuno you tell me (hey that's 4 words)

? Wallet = black..perty!
? Toothbrush =um... i think it's gray.
? Pillow cover = yellow with printed flowers
? Blanket = same as above
? Coffee cup = it's dark blue and says BePOS on dad says it stands for "Bechtel People On Street" will gave me another one thats dark blue and says "starbucks" on it, and christine gave me another perty one that's white and has coffee, tea and cocoa written all over
? Sunglasses = don't have any
? Shoes = my adidas soccer slides!
? Favorite top = my black tank top
? CD in stereo right now = Chopin's ballades and scherzos...rubinstein...aaah so GORGEOUS
? What you are wearing now = black shirt, pj bottoms with pandas
? Hair = CURLY!!!!...(why is it curly do u ask?..*shrugs*...i don't know..i promise, it used to be straight!!)

WHO OR WHAT (was/is/are)
? In my mouth = umm..a watermelon starburst?
? In my head = when is this survey gonna end
? Wishing = that i knew how to turn the thermostat up
? After this = finish government project..and then mentorship paper..and then stanford esays..aaaaaahh
? Talking to = sid (who is ranting about steve not being online), janice, and christine
? Fetishes = CHOPIN MUSIC!!!
? If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason = nah, i don't want to murder anyone
? Person you wish you could see right now = hehehehe....*WINK* (again, heather and troy know who i;m talking about..^_^)
? Is next to you = a copy of my policy paper game plan that i accidentally used as a napkin
? Something you're looking forward to in this upcoming month = XMAS!!..seeing all my fellowship buddies!
? Something that you are deathly afraid of = a cage
? Do you like candles = oooo spiffy!!..yes!!
? Do you like hot wax = why?
? Do you like incense = depends on the scent
? Do you like the taste of blood = YUCK
? Do you believe in love = of course
? Do you believe in soul mates = define "soul mates"
? Do you believe in love at first sight = no
? Do you believe in forgiveness = all the time, yes
? Do you believe in God = yes, but in a different way than others. ask me if you're curious
? What do you want done with your body when you die = uhh iuno..donate it?
? Who is your worst enemy = genghis!
? If you could have any animal for a pet = baby tiger. RAWR
? Can you eat with chopsticks = of course
? What's your favorite coin = dime...iuno, i think it's perty
? What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to = pittsburgh, boston, cambridge, barcelona, madrid
? What are some of your favorite pig out foods = ice cream, cake and choocolate!!
? Whats something that you wish people would understand = that classical music is really quite nice
? What's something you wish you could understand better = ME
? Anyone you miss = YOU!!!! *MUAH*

yes i have have work to do. i'm just taking all these weird little quizzes cuz i dont want to do my

You are Fresh Mint.
You are caring and friendly. You have a nurturing
personality and always help out a friend in
need. You are fairly outgoing, and always show
a friendly face. You truly care for other
people, and you show it. However, you may
neglect your own responsibilites or become over
involved in your friends' personal affairs.
Most Compatible With: Orange

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Afterlife as an Angel by childdoll
Your Name
Astrological Sign
Angel TypeAngel of Music
Wing ColorLavendar
Heavenly WeaponTrident
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

HAHAH yessss!!!'s perfect!!!!

martes, noviembre 25


punag: im in AZ
punag: so im usein aim express
me: oo hey that's what i'm using too!!
me: isn't it ghetto??!!
punag: HELL YEA
punag: i hate it man!
me: lol that's what i gotta use EVERY DAY
punag: hehehehe
punag: that is hell
punag: i feel ur pain
punag: u r a saint for that

HAHHAAHHAHAH...*angelic halo* and he still remembers what happened in 3rd grade too *Ahem*...hehe

ooo i fergot to post about the museum....but i'll just steal michelle's entry (copyright laws in effect hehe)from her xanga instead, since that sums it up pretty

"then this morning went to shipleys then went to was just me steph and daniel for a while, and we were just like sitting there going x___x haha. then we had to do lots of random cleaning the boxes and the bookshelves. fun...NOT! haha. then for lunch, went up to mcdonalds and daniel had the BRIGHT IDEA of going outside to eat even though it was freakin cold. and steph wang gave me her senior picture..she sooo pretty!! ^__^ man..when i take my senior pix i wont have anything to take it with...cuz im so un-extracurricular. bah. so we sat next to this monument thing, but after a while we couldnt take it adn went back inside. and then we stayed there for like half an hour before going back to work. when we went back downstairs, we had to feed all the animals ((THE ROACHES!! naasssttyyyy!!)) and then we all just like lay down on the carpet and stared up at teh ceiling..."wow those lights are nice.." haha. then me steph and daniel left at 2:40 to go to the zoo, but the admission was too much for us (($7!!!)) so we just walked around randomly...we finally got to lay down and stare up at the sky..but there were no clouds and we chilled at the "washington monument" pwahhaa. "

hehe oh yes and let me add...first of all, when i walked in, i didn't even recognize daniel..haha woops...been too long....and while they were feeding the roaches and the tarantula (with michelle pouring hand sanitizer on the tarantula), i was playing the role of ms. chambermaid in the kitchen..but it's nice and sparkly now!!....oh yea, and since michelle and steph were singing "stacy's mom" the whole day, that's what i had stuck in my head too..lesse wut else...umm..there was also this other kid from bellaire..dang it fergot his name already...oh well..he was kinda creepy anyways...

ok brother just took the cord off of the telephone and now he's trying to show me how to jump-rope with the 15-inch long telephone cord....hahhaa..umm ok good luck with that andy...

ok yall, remember that lovely schedule i had planned out? yea, well forget that u ever saw it, cuz i'm grounded. yup, grounded. that's all. peace out.. (wow...i never say "peace out")..heeh

lunes, noviembre 24

in about 6 hours, i will be leaving for the museum..yay! time to do volunteer work with mishellie and all the other ecoteens while i stress out about osteoblasts and osteoclasts and subcommmittees and reforestation and TGF-beta and jurisdiction and protolysis and cement lines and haversian canal systems and policy and greenpeace and bsu and bmu and compact bone vs. cancellar bone and interleukin-1 and interleukin-2 and cytokines and parathyroid hormone and resorption and college apps and

ok nvm let's think about something else instead...

monday: museum of natural science - anyone wanna come along for personal hours? 10-3 pm. get home, possibly stop by club (gym) and attempt to work out, finish policy project and write section I of bone remodeling paper, send out stanford music audition material, finish 2 stanford essays

tuesday: work on bone remodeling paper and stanford essays and application. go running in afternoon.

wednesday: violin at 8:45 am - 9:45 am (oh wait...that means i actually have to practice this week..>_<...well, it should be an interesting experience, as mr. rubin is trying to convince me to play with my violin tuned down a whole step and with a baroque bow..hehe..imma steal christine's word here - SPIFFY!).... hopefully finish remodeling paper and stanford application as well. harvard and yale apps. go work out. play some more violin in the kitchen where it sounds all nice and ringy..hehe..double spiffy!!...i love my kick-a$$ violin!!!

thursday: doing the rest of my family hours at george r. brown convention center. anyone else willing to stay 7 hours? going to someone's house for thanksgiving dinner.

friday: xmas shopping!! who wants to come??!! afternoon, hang out with sid and chen's church friends..??TBA

saturday: piano lessson!! (must learn beethoven sonata and rachmaninoff elegie)..fellowship potluck..??TBA

sunday: MU MU OFFICER MEETING. sorrie guys, but this is the only time everyone seems to be in town.

am i leaving anything out? or should i add anything in? anyone else wanna go hang out sometime and save me from brain deteoration?......^_^

domingo, noviembre 23

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL-STATERS 2004!!!!! (well, at least the ones i know)

Janice, Johann, Atma (symph VIOLA!! man u ROCK!!), Greg, Christine, Alyssa, Jessica, Adam, Andrew, Andre, Brandie, Bo, Brian


whoa..before i leave...

1)steve, someone has been coming to my site through entering your screenname into google. stalkers. lol.

2)raymond, someone has also been linking to my site through typing in "tryconympha" at

hmm how strange...u would think that i would have tons of more time to blog during the holidays, but now that we're out of school i have nothign to blog about.. hahah that kinda shows u where my life revloves around, hmmm....sad

also funny how my parents make me go out and eat with their friends...which is absolutely boring, yet they seem so opposed to me going out with my own friends...which is much more fun...takes up the same amount of time, it's just that one scenario is more worth it than the other...hmm, i wonder which scenario that coudl be..

wow that was rather bitter. i apologize. i don't meean to sound bitter.

hmm...but i really don't know what to blog about. i mean, what do u want to hear? i woke up. i looked at applications. i read 3 articles on bone remodeling for my research paper. bla bla bla. not terribly exciting.

i haven't been goign online that much either. maybe it's cuz there's no one to talk to. or mebbe its cuz i've been getting on in the mornings when no one is awake..hmmm

ferget it. i'm gonna go back to reading articles now.


viernes, noviembre 21

government was sad today (b/c certain ppl weren't here...*tear*)..but i had a fun time writing notes back and forth to heather the whole was the only way we could keep ourselves from dying of boredom or sheer astonishment at how stupid some ppl can be...honestly, who would be dumb enough to spend $15,000 using credit cards by the time they're 17 and not be able to pay for it and end up in major debt??...well yup, that's actually a true life story, according to the video that they made us watch...the chick who spent $15,000 spent it all on clothes, shoes, and stuff like that. geez. get some control.

lol..the highlight of the presentation was when the presentor guy asked "so how many of you right now has someone who owes money to you and is probably never going to pay you back?"...and IMMEDIATELY, half of our gov class turns around, points at reid and starts yelling "REID" over and over again...HAAHHAHAAH....well...they DO have a point..

annd...before i forget....everyone go and check my blog on thanksgiving day (prolly sometime late at night)...i'll have a special post up then..^_^

martes, noviembre 18

colin: *shows me the pictures in his phone*
me: WHY would I want to see that?
colin: iuno, why not?
me: haha, well if i shoved a half-naked picture of colin farrell in your face would u wanna see it?
colin: no, but they aren't half-naked, they're wearing bikinis big difference there..^_^

*colin shows me picture of his car stored in his phone*
colin: see, it's blue
me: i know it's blue..but i thought it was black first
colin: i told u it was blue!! *turns and shows picture to raymond* raymond, what color is this car?
raymond: *half-zoned out*'s black
colin: WHAT??!! *shoves picture in ray's face again* it's blue!
raymond: *grabs a strand of my hair and compares it to the picture*. *pause*..nope, it's black
me: *puts head down on table to laugh.*

LMAO.....hehehehe...yea..but too bad it actually IS blue tho...

and then he proceeds to turn my entire pencil bag inside out....i couldn't get it open until ray helped me in bio...and then i couldn't get it open again during spanish..i figured it out in the end tho....but out of laziness, i still haven't turned it back again..

lunes, noviembre 17

this blog format is inspired by janice's blog ..hahah..woot! (crap...why don't the indentations show up rite tho??)

I. Morning
A. discovered that all 5 clocks that i use say different times
1. wind-up clock says 3:30 am
2. semi-circle clock says 3:05 am
3. watch says 3:10 am
4. digital clock says 3:01 am
5. music clock says 1:37 am
6. started to panic because glanced at music clock and saw 1:37, then went upstairs and saw that wind-up clock said 3:30
B. finish college apps
1. discovered that there are only 6 stamps left
2. gave up
C. went to bed at 4 am. woke up at 6.
1. write out mu alpha theta proposal in a hurry
2. make ghetto resume paper out of sketch pad paper
D. somehow manage to catch the bus at 6:45 am
1. want to scream because bus filled with annoying freshman who think that swearing makes them look cool
2. get squashed in my seat
II. School
A. give recs to gigliotti
B. wait for baevich to give her mu alpha theta proposal
1. wait until 7:25 am. meanwhile get swamped by more annoying freshmen
2. why do freshmen always think that I'M a freshman??
C. distribute yoplait caps
D. library
1. discuss merits of yahoo messenger with heather and ray
2. habla en espa?ol con sid
3. locker - sid insists on waiting for colin to arrive (awwwwww)
1. basketball!
F. Bio
1. westman: soy is bad for you
ray: yup, all asians are screwed
2. diploid! tryconympha!!
G. Spanish
1. don quijote test...ugh
2. why do we always have homework on spanish test days?
H. Government
1. sky was nice today. wow. o_O
2. reid takes over david and sky's roles as offical smarta$$ of the day
3. chp. 13 quiz back . one word: wow.
a. contact juggling!
b. chasing after oranges
5. brought highlands yearbook for sameer. ms. duke sees it and wants to see. half the class gets to see what i looked like back in first grade.
6. more contact juggling with oranges!
a. will is good. so is troy. so is colin. colin throws orange at me. misses and goes halfway to chalkboard. luckily ms. duke has her back turned....
b. throw orange back
7. fight with sky over who finds troy's name first on the senior t-shirt.
8. government lecture. stopped paying attention when i realized that everything is already in our book.
9. drew cartoons of troy and colin
10. colin informs me that he has invented a new language called "chinamerican"..o_O
I. Statistics
1. contact juggling!
2. david: sorrie
me: for what?
david: i kicked u
me:..u did?
david: oh ok u prolly didn't feel it because of ur muscle
(hahha...wut the heck..???)
3. lecture...aburrido
4. talk about the A&M monkey (*AHEM**COUGH*)
J. English
1. senior record. quiz
2. run around school trying to figure out how to cancel mu alpha theta meeting
3. no mentorship!!!! no mu alpha theta! but s? NHS...=(
III. After School
A. rained. a lot.
B. more annoying bus freshmen! this just gets better and better!
C. bus stops RIGHT in the middle of a deep puddle at my stop. step out from bus and water goes 3/4 of the way up my knees.
D. call steph currie to make sure there is no mentorship. we wonder if chen knows that there is no mentorship today...
E. eat ice cream. currently skipping NHS meeting. don't feel guilty. *shrug*. blogging.

hmmm....this IS quite an interesting format....

domingo, noviembre 16

intensesidnia: que es mas fresco que siendo fresco???
intensesidnia: frio hielo!!!!

HAHAHAHAH.....a mí me encanta hablar en español con sid!!!!

i just played the G minor Chopin Ballade on our piano...and i put up the lid all the way...and when i finished playing it thru the first time....all i could think of was..."DAMN we have one heck of an amazing piano"...

best advice i got today:

roamer879: grab the reins, don't let ur parents steer

lol ok so about government....side note: i wonder why i post about government so much. maybe it's cuz the most interesting ppl are in there....haha..on friday we had to go to the FEET presentation during 5th period...i'm not too sure what it was about, i think it was about budgeting and spending and how to control how much u spend (or something like that)..but most of my time was spent trying to make sure that colin didn't confiscate everything in my pencil bag..including the slippers that are attached to the zipper...he took apart my eraser and passed both pieces halfway down the aisle before i was able to get it back...haha and that kid has an "uncanny obsession" with the slippers..i think i ought to just buy him a pair, then he won't be bent on trying to destroy mine and make them dirty (hhee..J/K!!!)..and then halfway thru the presentation, troy leans over and says "stephanie, i'm gonna make more money than you."...and colin goes "me too."...WHAT?!!..haha...but THEN, like rite after they said that, this slide pops up on the screen displaying a chart that showed do make more $$ than women..grrrrrrr....maaan wut's with that?? ...colin and troy started laughign so hard when that screen came*rant rant rant*...hahahah..j/k..but it was funny debating over that while the presentor guy was trying to i think we were the loudest ppl in there, we were talking the entire time and drawing pictures on the handout sheets...i LIKED my ghetto pic of colin's future dream car!!..but he crossed it out and drew a picture of his celica was interesting looking at colin's drawings, some of them looked pretty close to being actual chinese characters..and afterwards they told me about how a doughnut hole going at 50 mph almost knocked out colin in speech class...haha..hey, and maybe there IS such a thing as a $150,000 guitar..mebbe one day colin will become some famous guitarist and then we can auction it off for $150, reminds me i am NOT that gullible!!!...ppl (*COUGH*) just like taking advantage of the fact that they think i's an example:

*colin and troy talking about basketball*
me: hey, colin, ur on varsity, rite?
colin: *straight face* no, i'm on JV
me: what? i thought u were on varsity
colin: *still using straight face* no, i SWEAR, i'm on JV!
me: *not knowing what to say* oh....
********several minutes later***********
colin: troy, she thinks i'm on JV
me: what? u TOLD me you were on JV!
colin: no i didn't
me: *confused look*
colin: hahah ur so gullible

LOL..*ahem*..there IS a thing called "lying"....^_^..j/k

sábado, noviembre 15

oh maan..secrets secrets!!!..*wink*

O Star (the fairest one in sight),
We grant your loftiness the right
To some obscurity of cloud-
It will not do to say of night,
Since dark is what brings out your light.
Some mystery becomes the proud.
But to the wholly taciturn
In your reserve is not allowed.
Say something to us we can learn
By heart and when alone repeat.
Say something! And it says, 'I burn.'
But say with what degree of heat.
Talk Fahrenheit, talk Centigrade.
Use Language we can comprehend.
Tell us what elements you blend.
It gives us strangely little aid,
But does tell something in the end
And steadfast as Keats' Eremite,
Not even stooping from its sphere,
It asks a little of us here.
It asks of us a certain height,
So when at times the mob is swayed
To carry praise or blame too far,
We may choose something like a star
To stay our minds on and be staid.

yay!! healed troy!!!..wooott!!!!!

oh and remind me to post about government class (yet again! ) later..hahah

i'm gonna be at A&M the entire day, it ought to be fun.....i'll get back home around 5

hey, anyone up for some tennis today (after i get home)???...for some odd reason i feel like playing tennis...or mebbe i'll go to the club and make an attempt to work out...

leave a message in the tagboard or email me to let me know....hasta luego compadres...

viernes, noviembre 14



(off of troy's profile)--->

"Ok, so if you have some free time and want to find out just how cool i am, b/c i know everyone is really bored and checking everyone's profiles. Take a look at the shameless flattery (stole from Bird) made by our own Wangsta (the coolest chinese *cough* Taiwanese girl i know!) ok ready? click here"

hHHAAH...everyone go look on the blog entry of November 7, 2003, and u'll know what we're talkign

yay for troy!!

(and i have told Bird many's NOT flattery...geez..unlike most people, i actually MEAN it when i compliment someone

more hilarious convos with various ppl

******: and the landlord is the hottest 35 year old ever
******: it's like that stacy's mom song
Wtw286: it's a lot more boring without me
Wtw286: that's for sure
Wtw286: screw writing things about government class....I write about things that matter

uh oh...i sense some blogging competition coming up now...heheh

HAHAHAHAHA...oh my FREAKIn goodness.....this cracked me up SO much....LOL....

******: I think Jessica simpson needs a divorce
me: haha to get married to her?
******: well, I'd just marry her to have sex with her
******: so yes
******: because she's a blonde millionnaire
me: can i put that on my blog????
******: well, I'll ask you to put that on your blog instead of the previous conversation
******: and I should be ******
******: becuase it could eventually get used against me....
******: when I'm on the alter with both of the olsen twins
me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
******: preparing to marry them
******: both
******: at once
******: and live in utah with them
******: and practice twin polygamy

jueves, noviembre 13

calculus homework!!!

You're the loving smile,the one that is entirely
devoted to others,especially that one
person.You really can't get them out of your
head,but then,you don't really want to.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm today, i made 9 phone calls...grrrrr...*rant*

miércoles, noviembre 12

from approximately 6:15 - 6:35 pm today, PALS thought that i had either been: 1) kidnapped, 2) stolen by a janitor, or 3) molested or killed or something like that

i find that amusing because from 6:01 - 6:30 pm, i was actually sitting on one of the benches outside of the gyms (at our school), messing around on my violin

*shrugs*..very nice of them to actually be concerned (and i do appreciate it), but after all the frustration that we had today during our rehearsal, i'd say that PALS rather deserved the little scare that i gave them...

i just left like 15 messages under someone else's away message and i can't remember who it is

well, at least i didn't leave ..was it 32.?.messages again..haha..i think colin was rather amused by that one

i'm in a blogging frenzy rite now

thanks to johann, i've had that aladdin song stuck in my head the entire day. quite literally, too. how does it"street rat, riff raff, i don't buy that"..yea, something like that.. and not even the whole song..just that one little part (i didn't even figure out the lyrics to that little part until waay after i got home)

ivan's worst enemy is...janice..??, ivan, just becuase jigglypuff decided to rebel...LOL

*****:Thanks for "publishing" my first work. Now, per the
advice of translator Sidney Monas, I should request an
annual royalty instead of a fixed lump sum...


martes, noviembre 11

for the last three days we have had free days in government (much to the dismay of ms. duke)..and i guess that really got me thinking..(ok. well it's not ONLY because of the free days. other factors are involved too)

i know i sit and whine about government all the time and how it's so much work and how i wish i had taken it at Rice this summer. I know i sit and whine about how much extra work mentorship is, and how much i wish that i could get 6th and 7th off next semester to get that extra time...

but u know, in the end...forget all of the above...

some people (^_^)i've met in government this year (well the people i've finally gotten to know after being mere acquaintances for all thruout high school) - they just mean so much to me now that it's just not worth leaving that particular class (5th period) and juggling my schedule around just so that i have an easier time in high time can always be found...but you can't always find people like this

thanks guys..^_^

steve randomly IMed me this poem that he wrote:

The Man Knowing Infinity

Boundless, the highway stretching:
Farther, expanding,
Yonder, yearning.

The car (a laser-guided ray), -
set upon the speck of the present,
needling into the forlorn wilderness of
- swooping on the highway toward -

The blazing white lane stripes
(designating our course)
streaming past beneath, reminding of
a definite here and now,
flickering with the hot furious
of time riding a grain of photon toward -

Alaska past
Patagonia future entwining by the thread of
upon which
the racing transport of the present coursing toward -

Time galloping -
Quick, unknowing,
Silent, uncaring,
- at a feeble flickering mirage whispering,
or, that road-mark proclaiming: "infinite miles to -

Perched upon this transport from
the Alpha to the Omega,
I, riding this Godspeed car of light.
The stratosphere of obscurity and
enveloping the man knowing -

domingo, noviembre 9

maan, u know what, I say screw homecoming, I had WAAY more fun last nite than I could have possibly had at homecoming…soo hilarious…it’s gonna be a looong blog..(if u don’t get to read all of it, at least scroll down and read the part about sid and the spider)

ok so first, troy comes and picks me up to go to sid’s house, where we meet up with colin..and find colin and sid in the midst of an argument of whether or not to join ravi and his gang (edem, minal, joel etc..) at olive garden…sid wanted to go , but colin didn’t, and troy didn’t really want to go either, since he thought that ******* and @@@@@@ were gonna be there, but then sid reassured him that they wouldn’t be there…it went something like this:

troy: oh, no, if ******* and @@@@@@ are there, then I am NOT going
sid: they’re NOT going to be there!
*sid’s phone rings , ravi calling, sid goes and picks it up*
*colin’s cell phone rings, he looks at the number and says*
colin: oh, look at that, guess who’s calling - @@@@@@!
*both talk on the phone for a while, while me and troy both confirm to each other that we don’t want to go to olive garden*
*colin hangs up*
*sid hangs up*
colin: well, guess what…@@@@@@ called and guess who he gave the phone to - *******!!!

HAHHAHAHA… that kinda solved the issue rite there and then…we decided to go and watch "school of rock" instead and just eat at the mall beforehand..well on the way to the mall, colin and me got into this discussion about game consoles , etc, and I was telling him how I had a playstation, but instead of saying playstation, I said..umm..something else… …yall figure it out yourselves, I am NOT blogging what I actually said…lol…colin got a kick out of that, and he insisted on telling troy what I had said…(colin: yea, and she says she has FLIGHT SIMULATOR on it too!)…u suck colin..>_<..hehe..needless to say, troy and sid both got a kick out of hearing that too…(troy: man, steph, we need to start coming over to YOUR house)…grrr…well at dinner (yummy we had Cajun chicken) we somehow got into another discussion about metrosexuals and about people at our school who were metrosexuals…(troy referring to a certain person at our school: but the hair! And he ALWAYS wears that jacket! even in the summer!!)

after that, having nothing better to do for 45 minutes, we ran around the mall, trying to complete each of our "missions"…troy was supposed to look for "significantly older women", sid was just looking for what he terms as "hot girls", and I looked for metrosexuals…haha..colin declined to look for anything…I think his main job is to keep aubrey far away from sid..^_^ (hehe..j/k) we tried looking for the discovery store, but couldn't find it…and troy and colin dragged me and sid into Abercrombie for the first time ever..WOW..hahah I have never been in Abercrombie before… half the guy clothes could be girl clothes too…that was pretty amusing…then we tried to make sid go into that "motherhood maternity" store and buy something, but that didn’t work out so well……spent the rest of the time at this sunglasses stand..i didn’t try any on, but I got to make fun of the rest of them trying on random sunglasses looking like either pimps or dorks....especialy when sid put on those sunglasses that looked like swimming goggles…hehe..but some of them actually looked pretty good on them

the movie was pretty awesome tho!!!..i really liked it, and I really liked the music too..jack black could have been a little less annoying, but overall it was still really great…before the movie colin sat there basically reciting all the lines of the commercials that popped up on the screen, since he had just watched "matrix" on Friday, so he had seen all the commercials already…hehee he just had to ruin all the commercials for me..i was like maan, i’m not gonna go watch matrix with u, u’d just spend the entire time telling me what’s gonna happen in the movie before it actually…but "school of rock" totally rocked..the characters in the movie were so hilarious..(metrosexual kid: but I want to be the stylist! about magenta with green sequins?............LOL…troy and colin got a kick out of that one)..and then we had that Chinese piano kid ("but mr. S, I’m not cool")..kinda reminded of us sid..haha…that one girl , Summer , tho, was so annoying…I wanted to punch her the whole time thru the movie..and then after the movie, colin’s like "yea, she kinda reminded me of Stephanie"…hahah I had to hit him for that, even though he CLAIMED that he was just joking…lol..we all agreed tho, that colin was the most like ned schneebly…(sid: yea, especially with the hot girlfriend)..HAHAA..i say it was cuz of the hair..

then back to sid’s house…we finally got to eat my marble cake!!..well I didn’t make it, but I guess u could ASSUME that I made it..the box that the cake came in was "just a box".everyone really liked the cake, tho, so I’m happy..^_^..("the main ingredient is love")

went outside and played ping-pong by sid's pool…we had some difficulties retrieving some balls from the water..geez colin, u had to do it the hard…but NOW comes the highlight of the entire night…when me and colin were playing, and trying to cream each other by serving like tennis players (colin’s getting all into it, yelling stuff like "30-love!"..)..I hit a ball into sid's little fenced in garden, and sid and troy both went to retrieve it , with sid in the lead…and we resume the game with another ball..but all of a sudden, we hear this HUGE SCREAM, and sid comes RUNNING out from the garden, JUMPING and WAVING his arms all over the place, screaming "SPIDER!!SPIDER!!"….HAHAHA…oh my freakin goodness, it had to be the MOST HILARIOUS thing ever…we were all doubled over laughing for the longest time, I wish I had a camera with me..that is one image that I will NEVER forget for the rest of my life..LOL..we made fun of poor sid the rest of night, with colin even doing a pretty accurate reenactment of it

but that was basically it…I may have left out some details here and there, but it was great overall… I’d like to see anyone else try to top a night like that..hahaaha…major props to troy for coming up with the idea in the first place!!!

sábado, noviembre 8

absolut_truths: sounds experience
absolut_truths: but did you get to drink hot chocolate while working???
ciaconna74: nooo!!!! we didn't!!!!
ciaconna74: *gasp*
ciaconna74: how could we forget?
ciaconna74: actually i think we had cokes...LOL
ciaconna74: hahah see that's why we need u around troy
ciaconna74: u need to look after us and make sure we eat and drink the right things...and i need to look after u and make sure u get ur pears and otis cookies and napkins..heheh
absolut_truths: for the hot chocolate!
absolut_truths: o definitely
absolut_truths: what a match!
absolut_truths: well for one thing we wouldn't be underfed or undercleaned
absolut_truths: at least

*falls off chair laughing*..THAT totally made my day already, and it's not even noon yet

taylor: you need to find out who is pretending to be colin
taylor: and beat him up...or get me to do it

hehe look colin, u DO have outside support after all...hooray for katy taylor!!..^_^

oh yes and something else i forgot to post from a while ago...

in bio, mrs. westman wrote the word "yeast" on the side i look at it, (and you guys know how spontaneous i am), i yell out "bread!!" (you know, yeast makes bread rise, etc etc,. then ray heard me, and he yells out "alcohol!!"..

HAHAHA..WOW....bread and alcohol?...does anyone see a

******: but I had fun...saw michelle there
******: and others, too...the only thing that was missing was you

hehe aww!!...i miss my museum buddies so much!!!

HAPPY LATE 17TH BIRTHDAY TO STACY!!!! (november 2) u can watch R movies now!!..hehe


viernes, noviembre 7

aaah , i so love our corner in's crazy as heck, but maan the people there are great...i think our gov teacher should know by now that "group days" in government means more or less "FREE DAYS!!!" to the rest of us. even better, we got to have TWO free a row!.wooot!! lesse...the first glorious free day was spent listening to troy and colin sing and bantering with colin over whether or not i'm an alcoholic....o_O....he thinks i'm an alcoholic becuase i was going through random stuff in my letter jacket pockets, and i found a wine cork bottle...LOL...for the life of me, i canNOT remember how it got there, or where it came CLICK, colin automatically makes the assumption that i'm a little alcoholic...HAHAHAAHAH....ok, i HOPE he was just joking...i don't know who would win the gullibility contest here, me or then colin and troy both spent the rest of class trying to make the cork into a little guy with feet made from paper clips that could stand up in the slippers i have attached to my pencil bag..*shakes head*...we have officially redefined the level of boredom here....^_^...j/k

then earlier in the period, they were both doing this really weird imitaion of a horse..i have no idea why they were doing it, but wutever was the reason, it was FREAKIN hilarious..hahaha..they both sounded and looked EXACTLY like horses....

and today, our second wonderful free day was spent..partly in productivity....troy was talking about his new blog, and he asked me what character i wanted to be, and i was like 'uhhh, i have no idea', and colin steps in and says something about being an old lady...hahah...i threw my pencil at him, but my aim (which is SUPPOSED to be inaccurate) actually turned out too accurate and hit him in the head....=(....i'm sooo sorrie!!!!! i felt so bad this is why my blog is now refocusing again on colin, i promised i'd do that to make up for throwing the pencil at him...heehhe

ok i don't feel like finishing this i don't think u want to hear about what reid did to me..*COUGH*..

oh yea. and we figured out today that the size of troy's foot is the size of my lower leg...o_O...

ferget bio is the long awaited blog for troy..^_^ to start off? that would be a tough one, seeing how there's too many things than can fit in the blog....hence the name troy the already took the title of "the awesome," so troy gets to be "the almighty" judge for yourself which one you think is higher..hehe..j/ first i think i'll start off messenger!!..yes, troy indeed is the one who has re-introduced me to the world of yahoo messenger..i LOVE the smileys! and now i have...3 people on my buddy list!!..woot!!..and yesterday troy drew me a funny picture of me on the DoodleIMVironment....hehee..i printed it out - geez i wish i had a scanner so that i could scan it's soo even has a pear in it! for those of you who don't know, i believe i am now troy's official provider of pears...*shakes head*..seriously, i don't think i've met anyone before who likes pears so much..hehe

it's funny tho, i've known troy since...4th grade?..and yet i've never gotten to know him really till this year...kinda sad thinking about it, since he's really quite a cool person...and he's actually been in a ton of my classes too...thank goodness for government groups, otherwise, we'd prolly still be "acquaintance strangers" this year..^_^

take for example, all the government projects we've done...*shakes head*...absolutely excellent...i have to say that troy's talent at putting videos together is one that cannot be equalled in any aspect at all...did yall SEE the campaign ad that yall put together (i know those of you in physics II did)...i seriously wanted to cry when i saw it for the first time,it was just THAT good...^_^..*faints in amazement*... oh yes, and also writing songs and "flowing"...HAHHA..."congressmen have got it going on"...i have to post that song sometime!!..troy had an obsession with the song "stacy's mom" (this is a cue for a big groan rite here...hehee..J/K!!!) when we all met at colin's house to work on the fenno presentation, troy comes in like "we can make our song to the tune of 'stacy's mom'!!"..and he starts singing..HAHAAH..i gotta admit, that was a pretty good idea..especially since I still don't really know what "the general" sounds like...altho i HAVE heard of jack johnson!!!..hehe..troy and colin are the ppl who keep me up to date on modern music...altho major props to troy for introducing me (yet again) to that fiddling song..haha i can't even remember what it's called now, but maaan i tell you that has got some high tech fiddling in it ...and then getting to hear troy sing along with the cd, heheh that was classic too!!!..TALENTED kid....he ought to get together with colin's awesome guitar playing and form a band or something...mebbe sing in the streets of nyc..(hehehe..j/k..)..well actually they did kinda do that already, when we were doign our truman presentation...they did the interest group song, which i just TOTALLY LOVED..hehe...i had it linked on my blog but i'll link it again just in case yall didn't get to hear it...INTEREST GROUP SONG....oo!!!...and also yall have to hear the POP CANON IN D that one's a classic too, i don't know HOW he did it (troy: mmaaaagic!!............hahaha now that doesn't help much now does it troy..hehe)..

and also troy, do u remember our..umm..citation adventures??..hehehe i won't blog about that incident, but maan that was quite interesting...

troy is also the best at making soup!! (well virtually at least) when i was sick a couple of weeks ago, he kept offering to make me soup..hehe i think THAT was what made me get better..and also at giving, troy is such a bad influence on me in gov, now i just sit there and draw pictures instead of listening to lecture (hehee..j/k troy!!!) lol but's a direct quote from him .."government is so much fun when you just don't stress out over the work"...LOL...hey, that quote actually STUCK with me (unlike all most other quotes)..and to tell the truth, i gotta owe it to that kid - 2nd 6 weeks was just pretty awesome in gov for me as compared to the first six weeks, cuz less stress indeed es igual que more fun...hehe

i'm going to have to cut this blog short for now, becuase i am desperately behind on writing my bio paper, but troy is just a great person overall, fun yet DEfinitely the smartest person i know, and not just book-wise , but overall...personality, and good times good times, especially in government and our endless messing around with colin...*falls off chair laughing*...ppl in our little corner in gov class will know what i'm talkign about..^_^....

oo and oh yes, his WRITING...this kid can WRITE lemme tell ya...just read his citation sounds so sophiscated and superior, that you have to almost force yourself to stop reading when you get to the end, cuz it pulls u in so much....well, ok, at least that's what i have to do when i read his

i've actually posted a lot about troy throughout my entire blog, so you can read what you want there

and i can't believe that we're all going off to college next year..different places...troy, i've said this before, but we have to go to the same college next year, ookkies?..or else i really will cry ..*tear*...hehe...aah, good memories, good memories

u know, i can't really finish this blog post, cuz i know i'm gonna post about troy in the future anyways...^_^ ( i wish i had one of those yahoo smileys rite here)...but this one is just specialer cuz it's actually all about troy this time..well with little interspersings of colin here and

hehe...this is only the second dedication blog that i've done, so i'm trying to make it different than the one i did for hope you like it!!..lemme know what u think!!!.....^_^

(omg..i just realized how long this blog i have to go back and balance out colin's too..hehee)

jueves, noviembre 6

i have to dedicate a blog to troy....i'll blog it later after i get home from dulles tonite

in the past few days, these are what people have typed in google and managed to link to my site from:

-mad world gary jules sheet music
- troy ruths
-janica quach
-violin online sound
-xanga miinkay
-this was so freakin accurate

and my favorite one of all.....

-why wear undershirts

miércoles, noviembre 5

ciaconna74: yea, i think i woudl find that a little disturbing
absolut_truths: mmm it is
absolut_truths: but its also sorta fun
absolut_truths: if you know what i mean
absolut_truths: but most often
absolut_truths: stalkers are never quality stuff
absolut_truths: there's a reason why they stalk and not talk

LOL...NICe quote there that u know u have a stalker...^_^

INTENSE sidnia: think about it
INTENSE sidnia: you ARE mit
INTENSE sidnia: you fit mit like a mit

haha..very clever..*sigh*..if only that were true...

(referring to sid)

Steveie986: quite talented
Steveie986: he was just not frugal enough with the toilet paper

*falls off laughing*

me: lol.. i can't imagine you getting mad, seriously
steve: ah, your unblemished immaculate innocence
steve: thy virgin eyes have not understood the wrath borne of Chen's fiery Tempestuousness

oh..and i have to blog punag too:

roamer879: orcestradorcestra

and today in english:

thida: *does something for punag*
punag: assygrass
punag: wait
punag: i meant grassyass (AKA "gracias" but said with a hick accent)
thida: hahahah whoa that didn't sound rite at first

yea, i was just talking to taylor, and i realized that with all the welch drama going on (****....janice, remember?..hehe) and all the stress of being isolated in the life science building by myself till one am , singing at the top of my lungs along with the radio in order to stay awake and to make noise so that the stupid humming of the incubator wouldn't sound so with all of that...i think that taylor's constant emails were what kept me from going totally insane while up in arlington....THANK YOU TAYLOR....thought i'd just make that a public u know that you're gonna have to leave a message on the tagboard sooner or later..^_^

la luce che tu dai
i pray we'll find your light
nel cuore resterá
and hold it in our hearts
a ricordarci che
when stars go out each night
l'eterna stella sei
nella mia preghiera
let this be our prayer
quanta fede c'é
when shadows fill our day
lead us to a place
guide us with your grace
give us faith so we'll be safe

sognamo un mondo senza piú violenza
un mondo di giustizia e di esperanza
ognunu dia la mano al suo vicino
simbolo di pace di fraternitá

beautiful. absolutely beautiful.

martes, noviembre 4

maan u KNOW i was joking about #5.....but see,i apologized anyways..heheh i didn't fall for that this time....2.5 - 2!!!..i'm catching up!! WERE laughing....u know u were!!!..^_^

i can't believe that i actually read dodd and it WASN'T on the freakin test...*RANT RANT RANT*.....and it was a looong and boring article too....

jigglypuff is my role model!!! out gary, imma rebel sometime in the future!!... dun dun dunnn..*innocent grin*

and i canNOT believe that today in gov, i actually WILLINGLY, VOLUNTEERINGLY testified that colin's car is blue...aaaahhh....SOMEONE (*cough*bird*cough*)has got me brainwashed over the color of his car, hmm?? theory is that colin's repeated assertions as to the true color of his car brainwashed me and thus led me to believe, when I finally saw his car, that the color is blue...HEHEEHEHE

this is the most random blog that i have ever written. every other line is like a diffferent subject.

hahah ok and two more things before i leave and start studying for PART II of the gov test:

1) "pheasible"!!!...hahah how cute
2) king leopold? king lupold? king leopold lupold?....umm...can u say...confused??

lunes, noviembre 3

ok whoever is impersonating colin on my tagboard, please stop it

domingo, noviembre 2

i am now charmander, allied with...darn it i i remember is that ted is my master now...

wait a sec...why do ted and ivan get to be masters?....i sense a gender disparity here....


we shall see about this when i return during thanksgiving break...muahaha

oh! and janice!!!...rebel against ur master (ivan) and come join forces with us!!

...i still don't get it...haha someone from fellowship please explain..???

ted: yes i think i will call it pokechurch with pokegirls

HAHHAHA...oh dear..

i went to the library today to do some research for mentorship, and i came across a book in the reference section titled "The Encyclopedia of Disney". Interest got the better of me, and to satiate my increasing curiosity, I tentatively pulled the crimson bound book from the shelf and opened a page.

my eyes were greeted with brilliant , vivid pictures depicting each well-beloved disney character, as well as the not-so-beloved ones....but as i began to peruse the text of the encyclopedia......hark! what was this??!!!

my heart raced faster. the blood started pounding in my head. "no," i told myself. "i must be just dreaming." but no, the horrors were true. i read on and on and gradually the nightmare entangled and grew upon itself to an unbearable degree.

for underneath each bolded subtitle of our dear disney movies....


for goodness sakes, how the HECK can u possibly ruin DISNEY like that????!!!!

they even analyzed "the three caballeros" if THAT short little film even needed analyzing in the first place

*shakes head in disbelief*

this is kinda interesting....someone from MIT keeps coming to my site, and i can't figure out where he/she is linking from...o_O...

sábado, noviembre 1

endless battles rage across fiery plains
brazened warriors from each side march valiantly forward to meet
the opposition
yet their shining armor soon becomes battle-stained
and they become weary
man against man. flight against flight.
when shall it end, this ceaseless blight?
armies come and go and fight
come, walk into the blessed light
and both sides battle on, unwilling to relinquish
what they both consider to be the obvious
day after day. sunset after sunset and sunrise
after sunrise
until at one moment, one lull in the field
a sole soldier, exhausted, wearied, yet
still retaining dignity
slowly makes her way up onto the vanquished hill
towards the blue-eyed victor standing on the other side
she holds a single branch of olive
and raises it in the quickly diminishing light
beaten, yet not broken
the fire is yet in her eyes
for she has realized...........

the color of colin's celica is, indeed, blue

...YOU WIN COLIN..........for now, at least....hehehehe...^_^

NoToRioUslBigC (autoresponse): if u wanna see how great of a person i am go check out shameless flattery in its purest form here compliments of stephanie

*falls off chair laughing*...geez i didn't think they were actually serious when they said that my blog was actually linked on his away message...

and it's NOT flattery!!!...>_<