domingo, noviembre 9

maan, u know what, I say screw homecoming, I had WAAY more fun last nite than I could have possibly had at homecoming…soo hilarious…it’s gonna be a looong blog..(if u don’t get to read all of it, at least scroll down and read the part about sid and the spider)

ok so first, troy comes and picks me up to go to sid’s house, where we meet up with colin..and find colin and sid in the midst of an argument of whether or not to join ravi and his gang (edem, minal, joel etc..) at olive garden…sid wanted to go , but colin didn’t, and troy didn’t really want to go either, since he thought that ******* and @@@@@@ were gonna be there, but then sid reassured him that they wouldn’t be there…it went something like this:

troy: oh, no, if ******* and @@@@@@ are there, then I am NOT going
sid: they’re NOT going to be there!
*sid’s phone rings , ravi calling, sid goes and picks it up*
*colin’s cell phone rings, he looks at the number and says*
colin: oh, look at that, guess who’s calling - @@@@@@!
*both talk on the phone for a while, while me and troy both confirm to each other that we don’t want to go to olive garden*
*colin hangs up*
*sid hangs up*
colin: well, guess what…@@@@@@ called and guess who he gave the phone to - *******!!!

HAHHAHAHA… that kinda solved the issue rite there and then…we decided to go and watch "school of rock" instead and just eat at the mall beforehand..well on the way to the mall, colin and me got into this discussion about game consoles , etc, and I was telling him how I had a playstation, but instead of saying playstation, I said..umm..something else… …yall figure it out yourselves, I am NOT blogging what I actually said…lol…colin got a kick out of that, and he insisted on telling troy what I had said…(colin: yea, and she says she has FLIGHT SIMULATOR on it too!)…u suck colin..>_<..hehe..needless to say, troy and sid both got a kick out of hearing that too…(troy: man, steph, we need to start coming over to YOUR house)…grrr…well at dinner (yummy we had Cajun chicken) we somehow got into another discussion about metrosexuals and about people at our school who were metrosexuals…(troy referring to a certain person at our school: but the hair! And he ALWAYS wears that jacket! even in the summer!!)

after that, having nothing better to do for 45 minutes, we ran around the mall, trying to complete each of our "missions"…troy was supposed to look for "significantly older women", sid was just looking for what he terms as "hot girls", and I looked for metrosexuals…haha..colin declined to look for anything…I think his main job is to keep aubrey far away from sid..^_^ (hehe..j/k) we tried looking for the discovery store, but couldn't find it…and troy and colin dragged me and sid into Abercrombie for the first time ever..WOW..hahah I have never been in Abercrombie before… half the guy clothes could be girl clothes too…that was pretty amusing…then we tried to make sid go into that "motherhood maternity" store and buy something, but that didn’t work out so well……spent the rest of the time at this sunglasses stand..i didn’t try any on, but I got to make fun of the rest of them trying on random sunglasses looking like either pimps or dorks....especialy when sid put on those sunglasses that looked like swimming goggles…hehe..but some of them actually looked pretty good on them

the movie was pretty awesome tho!!!..i really liked it, and I really liked the music too..jack black could have been a little less annoying, but overall it was still really great…before the movie colin sat there basically reciting all the lines of the commercials that popped up on the screen, since he had just watched "matrix" on Friday, so he had seen all the commercials already…hehee he just had to ruin all the commercials for me..i was like maan, i’m not gonna go watch matrix with u, u’d just spend the entire time telling me what’s gonna happen in the movie before it actually…but "school of rock" totally rocked..the characters in the movie were so hilarious..(metrosexual kid: but I want to be the stylist! about magenta with green sequins?............LOL…troy and colin got a kick out of that one)..and then we had that Chinese piano kid ("but mr. S, I’m not cool")..kinda reminded of us sid..haha…that one girl , Summer , tho, was so annoying…I wanted to punch her the whole time thru the movie..and then after the movie, colin’s like "yea, she kinda reminded me of Stephanie"…hahah I had to hit him for that, even though he CLAIMED that he was just joking…lol..we all agreed tho, that colin was the most like ned schneebly…(sid: yea, especially with the hot girlfriend)..HAHAA..i say it was cuz of the hair..

then back to sid’s house…we finally got to eat my marble cake!!..well I didn’t make it, but I guess u could ASSUME that I made it..the box that the cake came in was "just a box".everyone really liked the cake, tho, so I’m happy..^_^..("the main ingredient is love")

went outside and played ping-pong by sid's pool…we had some difficulties retrieving some balls from the water..geez colin, u had to do it the hard…but NOW comes the highlight of the entire night…when me and colin were playing, and trying to cream each other by serving like tennis players (colin’s getting all into it, yelling stuff like "30-love!"..)..I hit a ball into sid's little fenced in garden, and sid and troy both went to retrieve it , with sid in the lead…and we resume the game with another ball..but all of a sudden, we hear this HUGE SCREAM, and sid comes RUNNING out from the garden, JUMPING and WAVING his arms all over the place, screaming "SPIDER!!SPIDER!!"….HAHAHA…oh my freakin goodness, it had to be the MOST HILARIOUS thing ever…we were all doubled over laughing for the longest time, I wish I had a camera with me..that is one image that I will NEVER forget for the rest of my life..LOL..we made fun of poor sid the rest of night, with colin even doing a pretty accurate reenactment of it

but that was basically it…I may have left out some details here and there, but it was great overall… I’d like to see anyone else try to top a night like that..hahaaha…major props to troy for coming up with the idea in the first place!!!