viernes, noviembre 28

Man. Today was a INTERESTING day. (ok wait, before I blog about today, side note: I mentioned earlier that I was going to do a special post on thanksgiving day. I haven’t forgotten about it, I just haven’t gotten around to it. It will be my next post I promise!!)

first, heather picks me up to go to the mall for XMAS SHOPPING! WOOT!!we had this huge lengthy discussion about car wrecks. (ah! Skarie!) we didn’t stay long in the mall we were talking the entire time (WOW..our families are REALLY similar minus the family not really looking at the stuff in hallmarks anyways. we decided to go to katy mills cuz I’d never been there before, cuz it’s huge. Lol so while driving to katy mills, guess what song comes on the radio? “stacy’s mom!!”…HAHHA..woot! we both started singing at the top of our lungs…but seriously, wow, what is WITH that song?!! every one I’ve hung out with in the last week or so has mentioned that song, or kept singing it over and over again..(hehe museum peeps….which reminds me …at the museum, we were discussing why there isn’t a “stacy’s dad” song?!!...i mean, come on, there’s plenty of hot older guys out there…HEHEH)..then when we got to katy mills we spent like 30 minutes trying to find a parking was so crowded (poor heather was getting really frustrated..^_^)…so we finally decided to just follow people around in the parking lot who were going to their car. We followed this one lady first, but we stopped when we realized that the lady didn’t know where she had…then we followed these two other people and heather put on a blinker and waited so that she could park, but then some jerk comes in the lane from the other direction, sees us waiting there with our blinker on, and what does he do? He sits there and puts on HIS blinker too for the exact same spot!!!!!!...jerk…but luckily we managed to still get the parking space..hehe…go heather!!!...katy mills is HUGE maann….i don’t think I’ve ever seen a mall so big in Houston ..then we realized that we only had an hour to shop, so we speed shop through the hallmarks there (got some NICE stuff there…heheheeh….heather helped me pick it out…^_^), and we went into this really weird store like full of earthy/gothic/asian stuff…kinda weird, but had neat stuff overall…but then heather directed me to the most AWESOME STORE EVER. It was totally BALLA…lol I can’t blog about it and about what we got there, cuz then xmas presents won’t be a surprise anymore, but it is the BEST…haha we spent the rest of our hour in that store…maan it was worth it!!!...we gotta go there again since technically we dind’t “finish” our shopping!!!..hehe

went home, ate lunch, played piano. Dang it I have to learn the piano part of Bach’s Concerto No.3 for two violins – but on the other hand, guess who’s got a $200 accompanist job???..hehehehe..then sid came over to print out some college app on his way to steve’s house…he brought a church friend with him who is only a freshman yet is already looking at college even I wasn’t THAT terribly…haha so then we were using the computer and I signed onto yahoo…and sid IMs troy and he’s all like “troy u should practice polygamy!!”..and then he DREW a picture of troy on the Doodle IMvironment depicting troy surrounded by three different girls..AND he labeled them too!!! (I won’t blog what their names were, tho)....bad bad sid…hehee…by the way, everyone who sees sid needs to tell him to play CHOPIN!!!..NOT maple leaf rag!!

sid: yea, so I tried to play maple leaf rag..but it was too hard. I got thru like a page
me: that’s why you should play CHOPIN!!
sid: hmm…but don’t tell your mom that I’m bad at piano. she might not like me then.
me: hahah umm ok
sid: tell her that I play piano that’s it. I play the piano and the violin

HAHAHAHAH…sid makes me laugh...i just found out that our moms have known each other since we were in 2nd grade…o_O..looong time…

and my brother CRACKS me up soo much. I was talking to him today, and he was telling me about some weird kid who sits in front of him in English..he’s like “there’s this stupid kid in my class…..well actually he’s not stupid, he’s kinda smart actually”…HHAHAH…I guess u gotta have actually heard the way he said it to see why it was so funny..

ok…that’s all for now…I desperately have to get back to my mentorship paper. help. lol..i WILL finish my paper tonite. even if it kills me in the process.