viernes, noviembre 7

aaah , i so love our corner in's crazy as heck, but maan the people there are great...i think our gov teacher should know by now that "group days" in government means more or less "FREE DAYS!!!" to the rest of us. even better, we got to have TWO free a row!.wooot!! lesse...the first glorious free day was spent listening to troy and colin sing and bantering with colin over whether or not i'm an alcoholic....o_O....he thinks i'm an alcoholic becuase i was going through random stuff in my letter jacket pockets, and i found a wine cork bottle...LOL...for the life of me, i canNOT remember how it got there, or where it came CLICK, colin automatically makes the assumption that i'm a little alcoholic...HAHAHAAHAH....ok, i HOPE he was just joking...i don't know who would win the gullibility contest here, me or then colin and troy both spent the rest of class trying to make the cork into a little guy with feet made from paper clips that could stand up in the slippers i have attached to my pencil bag..*shakes head*...we have officially redefined the level of boredom here....^_^...j/k

then earlier in the period, they were both doing this really weird imitaion of a horse..i have no idea why they were doing it, but wutever was the reason, it was FREAKIN hilarious..hahaha..they both sounded and looked EXACTLY like horses....

and today, our second wonderful free day was spent..partly in productivity....troy was talking about his new blog, and he asked me what character i wanted to be, and i was like 'uhhh, i have no idea', and colin steps in and says something about being an old lady...hahah...i threw my pencil at him, but my aim (which is SUPPOSED to be inaccurate) actually turned out too accurate and hit him in the head....=(....i'm sooo sorrie!!!!! i felt so bad this is why my blog is now refocusing again on colin, i promised i'd do that to make up for throwing the pencil at him...heehhe

ok i don't feel like finishing this i don't think u want to hear about what reid did to me..*COUGH*..