miércoles, noviembre 26

this survey is stolen from janice, who stole it from cecil, who stole it from mink, who stole it from ivan..haha...wow can't u just feel the fellowshiplove??..hehe

? name = Steph Wang
? piercings = ears
? tattoos = nope
? height = uhh..5 '2? ..i'm not short!!..everyone else is just too tall!
shoe size = 10 in sneakers (yes i have big feet..>.<)
? hair color = black!!..what else?

? movie you went to see = SCHOOL OF ROCK!!...effin awesome!
? movie you bought = uhh....i'm broke
? song you listened to = MEndelssohn Octet
? song that was stuck in your head = "stacy's mom" (grrrr..thanks for michelle and steph..lol)
? cd you bought = i don't buy CDs..ppl burn them for me..last one was...BOND!!..yay for wai-ying!!.(wow .geez that was like 5 months ago in arlington)
? cd you listened to = Bach's Sonatas and Partitas (the Ciaconna in particular!)
?person you've called = christine
? person that's called you = christine
? tv show you've watched = iuno..simpsons?
? person you were thinking of = HEHEHEHHE. *wink*...(i'm sure heather and troy know who i'm talkign about...hahaah)

DO ..
? you have a bf or gf = nope, single!
? you have a crush on someone = HAHAHA....what do you think??!
? you wish you could live somewhere else = Espa?a!!!, Italia, argentina, venezuela, or just back in good ol' Maryland
? you think about suicide = it's all in the mind
? you believe in online dating = that's stupid
? others find you attractive = i don't know..u tell me
? you want more piercings = umm where else?
? you drink = hot chocolate!
? you do drugs = NO. NO NO NO
? you smoke = YUCK. why would anyone want to torture themselves like that?
? you like cleaning = well good question. kinda i guess. i enjoyed cleaning the musuem kitchen. and anu knows about my obsession with the vacuum cleaner in arlington..hehe
? you like roller coasters = of course..they make me feel taller
? you write in cursive or print = print. cursive takes too long. and plus it doesn't work on museum cards...heheh
? you carry a donor card = no, but i want to. but dont' i have to get a license first?

? long distance relationships = o, i don't know. i guess it depends on the other person. side note: NO PESSIMISM allowed in long distance stuff...it only makes it worse
? using someone = HECK NO
? killing people = only when i'm the murderess..hehehe...J/K!
? teenage smoking = against. makes u look stupid and smell like crap
? premarital sex = against
? driving drunk =against. geez ppl, just don't drink in the first place. not that hard.
? gay/lesbian relationship = *shrugs*..wutever floats ur boat
? soap operas = EN ESPA?OL!!!!

? food = CHOCOLATE. YUM. and pasta. and anything hispanic or italian
? song = fotograf?a - juanes y nelly furtado.......but my musical tastes change quite rapidly..so stay tuned..
? thing to do = playing piano of course!!..and hanging out with awesome friends
? thing to talk about = books and music and Chopin (yay for steve!!)
? sports = soccer!!!..and basketball (ok..so i suck at basketball. but i still like to play)..umm.and tennis
? drinks = hot chocolate!
? clothes = umm anythign comfy
? movies = The Pianist, Road to Perdition..anything that makes u think
? band/singer = oo too many...alejandro fernandez, juanes, nickelback, coldplay, etc..
? holiday = XMAS!!..without a doubt!..fa la la la laaa la la la laaaa
? new nerdy saying = oii...

? ever cried over a girl/boy = hate to admit it, but yes
? ever lied to someone = psssh yea
? ever been in a fist fight = nope
? ever been arrested = yea, of course., i broke into Bank United once...pssshh NOT...lol...do i LOOk like i've ever been arrested?..geez..who makes up these questions

? of times I have been in love? = .........
? of times I have had my heart broken? = .......
? of drugs taken illegally = none
? of people I would trust with my life type friends? = 3
? of people I consider my enemies = genghis!!..hehe j/k
? of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = several i think..not sure..dun really care..lol
? of scars on my body? = 3...got those from hiking on a mountain in colorado in the dark wearing shorts and flip flops..o_O
? of things in my past that I regret? = a lot

? disney movie = Beauty and the Beast!
? scent = hmmm...vanilla, apple, or citrus
? word = tryconympha!!!..muahahaha
? nickname = steph, stephie, step-on-me, wang, lil wang (courtesy of sid), wangsta! (courtesy of troy)
? guy name = good question...i'll post on this one at a later blog
? girl name = vicki, jackie, keara
? eye color = BLUE!!!!!
? flower = roses
? piercing = just ears
? actor = mel gibson

? handsome/pretty = *shrugs*
? funny = quiz?s
? hot = well, no i'm freezing rite now seeing how for some reason my mom set the thermostat to 68 degrees rite now
? friendly = yes!
? amusing = isn't that the same thing as funny?
? ugly = pssh yea!
? loveable = yes!..hehe..well at least according to troy i am..lol
? pessimistic = YUP
? optimistic = i try to be
? caring = i'm always here for u!!!
? sweet = i try!!
? The story behind your user name = band people. go ask them..
? Are you straight = yes of course
? Where do you live = da land of suga!!!
? 4 words that sum you up = iuno you tell me (hey that's 4 words)

? Wallet = black..perty!
? Toothbrush =um... i think it's gray.
? Pillow cover = yellow with printed flowers
? Blanket = same as above
? Coffee cup = it's dark blue and says BePOS on it..my dad says it stands for "Bechtel People On Street"..lol..altho will gave me another one thats dark blue and says "starbucks" on it, and christine gave me another perty one that's white and has coffee, tea and cocoa written all over
? Sunglasses = don't have any
? Shoes = my adidas soccer slides!
? Favorite top = my black tank top
? CD in stereo right now = Chopin's ballades and scherzos...rubinstein...aaah so GORGEOUS
? What you are wearing now = black shirt, pj bottoms with pandas
? Hair = CURLY!!!!...(why is it curly do u ask?..*shrugs*...i don't know..i promise, it used to be straight!!)

WHO OR WHAT (was/is/are)
? In my mouth = umm..a watermelon starburst?
? In my head = when is this survey gonna end
? Wishing = that i knew how to turn the thermostat up
? After this = finish government project..and then mentorship paper..and then stanford esays..aaaaaahh
? Talking to = sid (who is ranting about steve not being online), janice, and christine
? Fetishes = CHOPIN MUSIC!!!
? If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason = nah, i don't want to murder anyone
? Person you wish you could see right now = hehehehe....*WINK* (again, heather and troy know who i;m talking about..^_^)
? Is next to you = a copy of my policy paper game plan that i accidentally used as a napkin
? Something you're looking forward to in this upcoming month = XMAS!!..seeing all my fellowship buddies!
? Something that you are deathly afraid of = a cage
? Do you like candles = oooo spiffy!!..yes!!
? Do you like hot wax = why?
? Do you like incense = depends on the scent
? Do you like the taste of blood = YUCK
? Do you believe in love = of course
? Do you believe in soul mates = define "soul mates"
? Do you believe in love at first sight = no
? Do you believe in forgiveness = all the time, yes
? Do you believe in God = yes, but in a different way than others. ask me if you're curious
? What do you want done with your body when you die = uhh iuno..donate it?
? Who is your worst enemy = genghis!..um..no.lol
? If you could have any animal for a pet = baby tiger. RAWR
? Can you eat with chopsticks = of course
? What's your favorite coin = dime...iuno, i think it's perty
? What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to = pittsburgh, boston, cambridge, barcelona, madrid
? What are some of your favorite pig out foods = ice cream, cake and choocolate!!
? Whats something that you wish people would understand = that classical music is really quite nice
? What's something you wish you could understand better = ME
? Anyone you miss = YOU!!!! *MUAH*