lunes, noviembre 24

in about 6 hours, i will be leaving for the museum..yay! time to do volunteer work with mishellie and all the other ecoteens while i stress out about osteoblasts and osteoclasts and subcommmittees and reforestation and TGF-beta and jurisdiction and protolysis and cement lines and haversian canal systems and policy and greenpeace and bsu and bmu and compact bone vs. cancellar bone and interleukin-1 and interleukin-2 and cytokines and parathyroid hormone and resorption and college apps and

ok nvm let's think about something else instead...

monday: museum of natural science - anyone wanna come along for personal hours? 10-3 pm. get home, possibly stop by club (gym) and attempt to work out, finish policy project and write section I of bone remodeling paper, send out stanford music audition material, finish 2 stanford essays

tuesday: work on bone remodeling paper and stanford essays and application. go running in afternoon.

wednesday: violin at 8:45 am - 9:45 am (oh wait...that means i actually have to practice this week..>_<...well, it should be an interesting experience, as mr. rubin is trying to convince me to play with my violin tuned down a whole step and with a baroque bow..hehe..imma steal christine's word here - SPIFFY!).... hopefully finish remodeling paper and stanford application as well. harvard and yale apps. go work out. play some more violin in the kitchen where it sounds all nice and ringy..hehe..double spiffy!!...i love my kick-a$$ violin!!!

thursday: doing the rest of my family hours at george r. brown convention center. anyone else willing to stay 7 hours? going to someone's house for thanksgiving dinner.

friday: xmas shopping!! who wants to come??!! afternoon, hang out with sid and chen's church friends..??TBA

saturday: piano lessson!! (must learn beethoven sonata and rachmaninoff elegie)..fellowship potluck..??TBA

sunday: MU MU OFFICER MEETING. sorrie guys, but this is the only time everyone seems to be in town.

am i leaving anything out? or should i add anything in? anyone else wanna go hang out sometime and save me from brain deteoration?......^_^