martes, noviembre 25

ooo i fergot to post about the museum....but i'll just steal michelle's entry (copyright laws in effect hehe)from her xanga instead, since that sums it up pretty

"then this morning went to shipleys then went to was just me steph and daniel for a while, and we were just like sitting there going x___x haha. then we had to do lots of random cleaning the boxes and the bookshelves. fun...NOT! haha. then for lunch, went up to mcdonalds and daniel had the BRIGHT IDEA of going outside to eat even though it was freakin cold. and steph wang gave me her senior picture..she sooo pretty!! ^__^ man..when i take my senior pix i wont have anything to take it with...cuz im so un-extracurricular. bah. so we sat next to this monument thing, but after a while we couldnt take it adn went back inside. and then we stayed there for like half an hour before going back to work. when we went back downstairs, we had to feed all the animals ((THE ROACHES!! naasssttyyyy!!)) and then we all just like lay down on the carpet and stared up at teh ceiling..."wow those lights are nice.." haha. then me steph and daniel left at 2:40 to go to the zoo, but the admission was too much for us (($7!!!)) so we just walked around randomly...we finally got to lay down and stare up at the sky..but there were no clouds and we chilled at the "washington monument" pwahhaa. "

hehe oh yes and let me add...first of all, when i walked in, i didn't even recognize daniel..haha woops...been too long....and while they were feeding the roaches and the tarantula (with michelle pouring hand sanitizer on the tarantula), i was playing the role of ms. chambermaid in the kitchen..but it's nice and sparkly now!!....oh yea, and since michelle and steph were singing "stacy's mom" the whole day, that's what i had stuck in my head too..lesse wut else...umm..there was also this other kid from bellaire..dang it fergot his name already...oh well..he was kinda creepy anyways...

ok brother just took the cord off of the telephone and now he's trying to show me how to jump-rope with the 15-inch long telephone cord....hahhaa..umm ok good luck with that andy...