domingo, noviembre 16

lol ok so about government....side note: i wonder why i post about government so much. maybe it's cuz the most interesting ppl are in there....haha..on friday we had to go to the FEET presentation during 5th period...i'm not too sure what it was about, i think it was about budgeting and spending and how to control how much u spend (or something like that)..but most of my time was spent trying to make sure that colin didn't confiscate everything in my pencil bag..including the slippers that are attached to the zipper...he took apart my eraser and passed both pieces halfway down the aisle before i was able to get it back...haha and that kid has an "uncanny obsession" with the slippers..i think i ought to just buy him a pair, then he won't be bent on trying to destroy mine and make them dirty (hhee..J/K!!!)..and then halfway thru the presentation, troy leans over and says "stephanie, i'm gonna make more money than you."...and colin goes "me too."...WHAT?!!..haha...but THEN, like rite after they said that, this slide pops up on the screen displaying a chart that showed do make more $$ than women..grrrrrrr....maaan wut's with that?? ...colin and troy started laughign so hard when that screen came*rant rant rant*...hahahah..j/k..but it was funny debating over that while the presentor guy was trying to i think we were the loudest ppl in there, we were talking the entire time and drawing pictures on the handout sheets...i LIKED my ghetto pic of colin's future dream car!!..but he crossed it out and drew a picture of his celica was interesting looking at colin's drawings, some of them looked pretty close to being actual chinese characters..and afterwards they told me about how a doughnut hole going at 50 mph almost knocked out colin in speech class...haha..hey, and maybe there IS such a thing as a $150,000 guitar..mebbe one day colin will become some famous guitarist and then we can auction it off for $150, reminds me i am NOT that gullible!!!...ppl (*COUGH*) just like taking advantage of the fact that they think i's an example:

*colin and troy talking about basketball*
me: hey, colin, ur on varsity, rite?
colin: *straight face* no, i'm on JV
me: what? i thought u were on varsity
colin: *still using straight face* no, i SWEAR, i'm on JV!
me: *not knowing what to say* oh....
********several minutes later***********
colin: troy, she thinks i'm on JV
me: what? u TOLD me you were on JV!
colin: no i didn't
me: *confused look*
colin: hahah ur so gullible

LOL..*ahem*..there IS a thing called "lying"....^_^..j/k