viernes, noviembre 7

ferget bio is the long awaited blog for troy..^_^ to start off? that would be a tough one, seeing how there's too many things than can fit in the blog....hence the name troy the already took the title of "the awesome," so troy gets to be "the almighty" judge for yourself which one you think is higher..hehe..j/ first i think i'll start off messenger!!..yes, troy indeed is the one who has re-introduced me to the world of yahoo messenger..i LOVE the smileys! and now i have...3 people on my buddy list!!..woot!!..and yesterday troy drew me a funny picture of me on the DoodleIMVironment....hehee..i printed it out - geez i wish i had a scanner so that i could scan it's soo even has a pear in it! for those of you who don't know, i believe i am now troy's official provider of pears...*shakes head*..seriously, i don't think i've met anyone before who likes pears so much..hehe

it's funny tho, i've known troy since...4th grade?..and yet i've never gotten to know him really till this year...kinda sad thinking about it, since he's really quite a cool person...and he's actually been in a ton of my classes too...thank goodness for government groups, otherwise, we'd prolly still be "acquaintance strangers" this year..^_^

take for example, all the government projects we've done...*shakes head*...absolutely excellent...i have to say that troy's talent at putting videos together is one that cannot be equalled in any aspect at all...did yall SEE the campaign ad that yall put together (i know those of you in physics II did)...i seriously wanted to cry when i saw it for the first time,it was just THAT good...^_^..*faints in amazement*... oh yes, and also writing songs and "flowing"...HAHHA..."congressmen have got it going on"...i have to post that song sometime!!..troy had an obsession with the song "stacy's mom" (this is a cue for a big groan rite here...hehee..J/K!!!) when we all met at colin's house to work on the fenno presentation, troy comes in like "we can make our song to the tune of 'stacy's mom'!!"..and he starts singing..HAHAAH..i gotta admit, that was a pretty good idea..especially since I still don't really know what "the general" sounds like...altho i HAVE heard of jack johnson!!!..hehe..troy and colin are the ppl who keep me up to date on modern music...altho major props to troy for introducing me (yet again) to that fiddling song..haha i can't even remember what it's called now, but maaan i tell you that has got some high tech fiddling in it ...and then getting to hear troy sing along with the cd, heheh that was classic too!!!..TALENTED kid....he ought to get together with colin's awesome guitar playing and form a band or something...mebbe sing in the streets of nyc..(hehehe..j/k..)..well actually they did kinda do that already, when we were doign our truman presentation...they did the interest group song, which i just TOTALLY LOVED..hehe...i had it linked on my blog but i'll link it again just in case yall didn't get to hear it...INTEREST GROUP SONG....oo!!!...and also yall have to hear the POP CANON IN D that one's a classic too, i don't know HOW he did it (troy: mmaaaagic!!............hahaha now that doesn't help much now does it troy..hehe)..

and also troy, do u remember our..umm..citation adventures??..hehehe i won't blog about that incident, but maan that was quite interesting...

troy is also the best at making soup!! (well virtually at least) when i was sick a couple of weeks ago, he kept offering to make me soup..hehe i think THAT was what made me get better..and also at giving, troy is such a bad influence on me in gov, now i just sit there and draw pictures instead of listening to lecture (hehee..j/k troy!!!) lol but's a direct quote from him .."government is so much fun when you just don't stress out over the work"...LOL...hey, that quote actually STUCK with me (unlike all most other quotes)..and to tell the truth, i gotta owe it to that kid - 2nd 6 weeks was just pretty awesome in gov for me as compared to the first six weeks, cuz less stress indeed es igual que more fun...hehe

i'm going to have to cut this blog short for now, becuase i am desperately behind on writing my bio paper, but troy is just a great person overall, fun yet DEfinitely the smartest person i know, and not just book-wise , but overall...personality, and good times good times, especially in government and our endless messing around with colin...*falls off chair laughing*...ppl in our little corner in gov class will know what i'm talkign about..^_^....

oo and oh yes, his WRITING...this kid can WRITE lemme tell ya...just read his citation sounds so sophiscated and superior, that you have to almost force yourself to stop reading when you get to the end, cuz it pulls u in so much....well, ok, at least that's what i have to do when i read his

i've actually posted a lot about troy throughout my entire blog, so you can read what you want there

and i can't believe that we're all going off to college next year..different places...troy, i've said this before, but we have to go to the same college next year, ookkies?..or else i really will cry ..*tear*...hehe...aah, good memories, good memories

u know, i can't really finish this blog post, cuz i know i'm gonna post about troy in the future anyways...^_^ ( i wish i had one of those yahoo smileys rite here)...but this one is just specialer cuz it's actually all about troy this time..well with little interspersings of colin here and

hehe...this is only the second dedication blog that i've done, so i'm trying to make it different than the one i did for hope you like it!!..lemme know what u think!!!.....^_^

(omg..i just realized how long this blog i have to go back and balance out colin's too..hehee)