viernes, octubre 31

colin made me this really really REALLY cool sign on which he drew my initials in this really PIMP style...haha THANKS COLIN!!!!...ur so awesome!!.....his initials look even cooler though, cuz the shapes all link together...i'd scan it in and put it on my blog but my scanner doesn't work.....^_^

wow i just noticed that we don't pay attention in government anymore...we sit there and draw pictures during lectures and during presentations...o_O..i'm gonna be a professional artist by the end of the year at this rate..haha j/k...but it's still a fun class.....troy is rite, it IS a lot more fun when you don't stress out over the work...not sure if that's a good thing or not, but hey, it seems to be workign out all rite, so i'm not too worried rite

ok ok time to get back to work on essays now

INTENSE sidnia: well do ur work
INTENSE sidnia: go
INTENSE sidnia: go
INTENSE sidnia: no talk
INTENSE sidnia: work

haha ok

miércoles, octubre 29

i just opened my government folder, and the first thing that i saw was the little sheet of paper that troy and me were writing and drawing on during class today...HAHAHAH...first troy wasn't taking notes (eh, he's too smart anyways, he doesn't need to take notes..^_^) so i started writing stuff to keep him occupied and from getting bored....troy then draws this REALLY ..umm..interesting looking picture of the same time ms. duke was talking about killing off bills in the house and in the i drew a picture of a dead bill....then i got bored listening to the lecture so i suggested to troy that he draw a picture of colin instead of yoda..i DID mention to troy that colin woudl prolly get suspicious if he kept staring at him while drawing the portrait....and whaddya know, the next time i turned around, i see troy staring at colin and trying to draw a portrait of him at the same time, and all the while colin is extremely confused, and HE keeps looking at troy like "what the heck are u doing"?..haha now did i call that or what??!!...and then troy became creative and drew a picture of "colin the bill"....heheh...we're J/K colin!!!....hahaha we just all pick on you cuz we love you!!!!


this WEBSITE is the BEST thing ever

Steveie986: I can just drool with lust by staring at the sheet music

HEECCK yea i agree

michelle!!!!....u finally guessed it rite!!!..woooott!!!

hahahaa u were so funny tho...("david? peter? jon lew? jason? daniel? nick? im out of guys")


i am SO sore rite now...and that's just from practicing..dang it how am i supposed to tape tomorrow with my arms so freakin sore??!!

2nd 6th weeks is finally over....and good riddance...all the tests were today, and all our genius teachers who tell US not to procrastinate decide to procrastinate themselves and shove everything on this last grading day before the 6 weeks end....thank goodness for mrs. westman and her videos....altho my class is weird and we voted for the evolution video over the sex video....o_0..haha..don't ask

to anyone who i blew up at on monday, i apologize for's just that on monday everything and everyone was making me mad...including my government THAT'S when i know i'm having a bad day, if even my gov class gets on my nerves...or maybe that was just a combination of certain people from throughout the day...iuno

yesterday was least it was terrible when i came home from school....i couldn't do homework cuz i had to practice half the night (which explains why i am so sore today) was so terrible that it totally blocked out anything that had happened durign the day....

hmm..that reminds me....colin told me to blog about something, but now i can't remember what it is....

OH!!!...and i actually went to the parking lot after school today to try to find colin's celica!!!.....but i didn't find the debate STILL or blue??..DUN DUN DUNNNNN.....hehe

martes, octubre 28

ted and davin:

i'm sorry to hear what happened, but think of it this way, he's in a way better place now...stay strong, i know yall will be able to...remember, we're always gonna be here for yall whenever you need it...i will be praying for you both and your family..god bless..

lunes, octubre 27

HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(i would have made it a bigger font too, but being computer-challenged, i couldn't figure out how to do that..^_^)

domingo, octubre 26

Steveie986: I have to hear you play sometime
Steveie986: because I'm not very proficient with Chopin's softer stuff myself
Steveie986: just the bang-bang stuff
orkdorc74: haha..umm..steve..that didn't sound..umm..rite
Steveie986: lol but you understand

hehe..YES!!!..another chopin-obsessed pianist!!!!

i am a HAPPY happy little girl rite now...^_^

(click on the link to see what i mean)

sábado, octubre 25

the following post is brought to you by the words of colin: (he told me to put it in my blog..hahah)

colin: u need to put that in your blog.
me: haha ok so what exactly should i write?
colin: write down " troy has an obsession with colin's leg hair. i think it's weird. so does colin."

hehehehehe....for the millionth time, I LOVE MY GOV GROUP

viernes, octubre 24's a message to all the GUYS out there:

don't wear white socks with dark slacks


jueves, octubre 23

orkdorc74: we need to worship you troy
cgtruths: hahahah no no no
orkdorc74: i think we all willingly would anyways
orkdorc74: except for bird
orkdorc74: hehe
orkdorc74: j/k
cgtruths: i know bird man
cgtruths: goooosshh
cgtruths: hey guess what
cgtruths: you're cooooooool!
orkdorc74: lol
cgtruths: i'd worship you too, but if i got down on my knees, i think i would still be taller than you

LOL....that's why we need to worship YOU instead!!!....sooo funny...awww maan, troy we need to go to the same college next year, okkies??..i can't believe i've known you this long yet didn't really get to know ya till this year..>:O....*tear.....hehe...

martes, octubre 21



from janice's blog:

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Dear Janica Quach and Stephanie Wang,

Guess who I saw over the weekend? ^_~ *wink wink*

hehehehe....lucky lucky janice

lunes, octubre 20

wow ever since colin put my blog (and the comment about him being awesome)on his profile, i've been getting a lot more visitors to my blog..THANKS COLIN!!! u rock!!

joel's response to seeing colin's profile: man, how much did you pay her to get her to write that??!!

LOL..well now that u mention it....haha..j/k

and once again, another 5th period government story..well actually several:
- during lecture today, ms. duke was saying somethign about China, and i was currently partially zoned out, so i didn't catch completely what she said, but then troy starts kicking me in the arm, and i turn around, and colin troy and frank are all staring at me and pointing and going "china!!!"...lmao..come on now guys, i'm not the oNLY chinese person in the class...
- before lecturing, ms. duke asked us all how many people had actually done the kurtz reading and about 5 people raised their hands..and she makes some comment about how no one all day has read the kurtz....and then troy goes "*gasp*..just like the voter turnout!!"..HAHHAH..ok, well i guess u gotta be in our gov group to understand that one...
- colin = abercrombie kid....and i mean seriously abercrombie...everything he wore today was from abercrombie. except for his socks...and i DO mean EVERYTHING..^_^..hehehe

in spanish today, stacy and me were reading this article on Garcilaso de la Vega (some spanish poet or something like that)..and all of a sudden, she's like "oh look!!...he's spanish-italian and he married someone named Elena.".....OMFG that made me laugh so made sridevi laugh too..hahahah (my spanish name is elena, for those of u who don't know)
and last but not least in mentorship:

nick: a way to improve your speaking clarity skills is to put a pencil in your mouth and then try to speak around the pencil
steve: *looking extremely confused* can we have a demonstration?
nick: umm..ok...*puts pencil in mouth sideways and starts to read out loud from a book*
steve: oh! i thought he meant like stick the pencil down your throat or something


domingo, octubre 19

troy: no steph
troy: that's what troys do best!!
me: hahah no
me: what troys do best is making soup!!!
troy: woohooo for sick stephanies!!!!

LOL....sooo awesome

ooo, and take a note of this, colin --

me: we still can't come to an agreement as to what color his celica is
troy: it's black, but he says it's blue


taylor's response to my confusion as to why guys wear undershirts:

"I wear undershirts because it makes my muscles look bigger... not that they need it or anything. " THAT why?...hehe

viernes, octubre 17

by special request, today's blog is dedicated to colin..haha (colin's response to that: "it's going to be dedicated to me? all rite!"...LOL)

so today in government i was pulling at this weird cord thing that was attached to one of frank's pockets, and out of nowhere, colin says to me "you're only perpetuating the flaws inherent in human nature." it was noisy in the classroom, and what i heard at first was TOTALLY i thought he had said somethign really..umm..yea... (hahah i'm not gonna write down what i thought i heard at first).. so i threw my pencil at him..that happens alot, i think he says something dirty, and he claims he didn't and that i'm the one interpreting it that that "consensus and cleavage" thing??...RRIIIITEE colin....suurree...hahahaa...j/k j/k

ok ok..back to guitar god here has an obsession with drilling holes into's object of interest was a messed up safety pin we found under angeline's desk....of course, it didn't work..hint: safety pins aren't exactly made to drill into desks..hehe..all the meantime, colin's trying to explain to me the whole "perpetuating the flaws inherent in human nature" thing....according to him (according to voltaire), "optimism" is considered a human i asked - is trying to drill a hole in a desk with paper clips and safety pins considered "optimism"?...well, apparently not, becuase he was still sitting there drilling happily away...colin's response to THAT: "well, at least i'm only perpetuating A're perpetuating THE flaws"..haha..WHAT???!!..i beg to unsucessfully trying to drill into the desk, he then proceeds to make an "unsafety" pin....lemme tell ya, that thing was FREAKIN dangerous...colin, there's a reason why the sharp end is supposed to go in the "safety" part of the pin..hehe..^_^

but yea...that was government today, plus or minus some revelations as to why guys wear undershirts ( i still dont' get it...) and some debates over whether colin's célica is dark blue or black (it's BLACK!!....)...

haha which reminds me...government campaign ad project!!....yesterday we went over to troy's house to work on that project...his house is FREAKIN amazing....soo much awesome stuff there....including foam rockets..haha..that COLIN broke, and nEVER fixed...u made troy cry!!..hehehe not really, .j/k..but it was fun, i think our video ad is gonan be kick ass...especially with our little plot to ..umm.."merge" some clips!!..and dustin got his voice back!..yay dustin!!.....then i got to ride home in colin's célica...hahah that is one NICE car, lemme tell's so funny, cuz it's such a small car, so the seats are scooted waaaay back...including the driver seat.. colin was so far back that he almost could be lying down...and the passenger seat was even MORE scooted back. when i got in, i was virtually reclining almost all the way back in the seat...that's where troy usually sits apparently, so that explains it all...u tall ppl...grr...

and of course, can't forget our debates over how to pronounce "st. louis" and "ciaconna"'s CHA-CON-NA....not SEE-A-CON-NA...LOL...(colin: well that's how I pronounce it")...

ok, that's all i can think of for now.....this blog isn't perpetuating the flaw of human nature is it?...see, what a nice happy change from all the depressgin stuff i've been writing lately...hahah....hope u enjoyed this blog, all it needs to make it even better is a music clip of colin playing i said in the last post, he's freakin aweosme, anyone who hasn't heard him play is missing out on a LOT...what an awesome guy...haha..leave a message in the tag board when u read it..i've gottta know whether or not it deserves the colin seal of approval...LOL...

hehee..well if any of yall read my blog post from friday november 7, remember how i promised that i would go back and balance out the blog post dedicated to colin??..well, wait no longer, here it is!!!....ok the only person who is gonna end up reading this is prolly colin the awesome what else can i say...well there's the fact that i have now confirmed that his car is blue (grrrrrrr)...and then there's also the fact that we have both established that i am umm..a very gullible person..and he seems to like exploiting that fact..LOL..haah but it's all rite cuz colin makes me laugh...especially when seeing him trying to imitate sid(refer to post of november 9)..aah, good times good times....oo that reminds me - this kid can also pick out pieces (both hands) on the PIANO, too...not just the guitar, but also the PIANO..grr that's going into MY territory now!!..haha j/k.....o_O..but wow guys, doesn't that just make u jealous? colin knows that we're just all picking on him..rite rite??...^_^ i said afterwards (in a later post somewhere)'s cuz we all love u colin!!!!....where else can we find another polar bear like u?? AND he listens to good music..DMB = pretty darn awesome (now that i've been introduced to it)...

lol..i think i've lengthened this one out to waaay longer than troy's dedication blog......that ought to make it up for u, colin...^_^

BUT..since i just recently found out that colin DOESN"T CHECK HIS EMAIL...i have decided to take the liberty of writing whatever the heck i want in this dedication blog..since he never checks it anyways..HEHE...j/k colin...but see, it's rather pointless if i just keep elongating and elongating this blog...because then every time i want to post somethign about colin, i'll have to keep coming back to viernes, octubre 17...haha...and then the only person who will read it (yet again) will only be colin..that's no fun so fun messing with him..hehe. and he says that I'M gullible...psssh...well..actually....nvm on that subject..geez..just cuz i can never tell whether or not he's mad...^_^

lol..ok..well that's enough "balancing out blogs" for now....everything from now on that i post about colin will be in a current people better read my blog more often (that means YOU!!

miércoles, octubre 15

colin has gotta be one of the BEST guitarists i've ever heard....seriously....he needs to start recording stuff and writing lyrics..*shakes head*..FREAKIN AMAZING.........totally blew us all away..

why is there always an unexpected turn of events? i wish i wasn't feeling this way...i don't know what path to take

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to do.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.
I hope you had the time of your life

i hope you had the time of your life...

martes, octubre 14

u ever get the sudden, inexplicable feeling that you've lost something, and you can't ever get it back?

and you desperately want it back, but it's too far away, and it's out of your control?

and you're sitting there, hoping that it'll come back on its own, but you know that it's in vain?

and as you sit there, you know that even if it does come back, you'll have to let it go again someday?

and you can't say goodbye, because you don't want to lose it again?

and in the end, you sit there blaming yourself over and over again, wondering why it happened?

---from donnie darko-------(mad world - gary jules)

all around me are familiar faces
worn out places
worn out faces
bright and early for the daily races
going no where
going no where
their tears are filling up their glasses
no expression
no expression
hide my head i wanna drown my sorrow
no tomorrow
no tomorrow
and i find i kind of funny
i find it kind of sad
the dreams in which i'm ----- are the best i've ever had
i find it hard to tell you
i find it hard to take
when people run in circles its a very very
mad world
mad world
children waiting for the day they feel good
happy birthday
happy birthday
and i feel the way that every child should
sit and listen
sit and listen
went to school and i was very nervous
no one knew me
no one new me
hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
look right through me
look right through me
and i find i kind of funny
i find it kind of sad
the dreams in which i'm ----- are the best i've ever had
i find it hard to tell you
i find it hard to take
when people run in circles its a very very
mad world
mad world
enlarging your world
mad world

on monday i was walking thru austin's main hallway right before class started, when it's the most jam packed...and all of a sudden, it kinda just hit me right then and there...that i really hate high school

i hate the way the classses are set up
i hate how GPA and ranks are so fucked up
i hate the way ppl construe the fucked up GPA and ranks
i hate how i can't LEARN because of the atmosphere of competition and decay
i hate the cheating
i hate the conformity
i hate feeling oppressed in the high school environment
i hate how quantity is stressed instead of quality
i hate how ppl are so superficial
i hate how our society is so superficial
i hate how people are always hiding something (not that i don't )


domingo, octubre 12

"...and baby i miss you and i need your love......"

..stupid cell phones. stupid cell phone technicians..=(

orkdorc74: but wait..i seriously thought it was due tomorrow tho..i remember seeing october 16 crossed out somewhere on the sheet and replaced with a 13..
Steveie986: I won't fall for it
Steveie986: too smart for that
orkdorc74: hahaNO!!
orkdorc74: i'm serious!!
orkdorc74: go and look!
Steveie986: oh crap
Steveie986: I still have Calc, Stat, and an English paper to do
Steveie986: and a Rockets game tonight
Steveie986: I think this is divine punishment for trying to trick others


JustChillaxin007: morning steph
orkdorc74 (autoresponse): rawr
JustChillaxin007: oooo
JustChillaxin007: the sound of a cougar
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: umm
orkdorc74: moooooooooooo

*sigh*...cougars vs. longhorns again, is it not?

everyone go and type in "ciaconna" on yahoo or google and see what the top result is..



wait, i don't get UT application is due 1/15/2004, but the scholarship stuff is due before 12/1/ then am i supposed to send in my application before the scholarship?....huh??

anyone who applied for a UT scholarship or anyone who knows something about this, please lemme know.....

random things that made me laugh this week:

- watching colin and frank trying to drill into a desk with a paper clip

- orkdorc74: *gasp*!
orkdorc74: *faints*
JustChillaxin007: LoL....*farts*
orkdorc74: HAHAHHAAH....wth

- in statistics, on friday, david taps me on the shoulder and asks "are you going to college?"
hahahah.....right after he said that he was like ...'wait..i didn't just say that' .....*shakes head*..hehe...he needs more sleep......wait a sec...he sleeps too

- steve: and this is one of my personal favorites.."someone just go and lock chen in a closet!" ( did an awesome presentation btw, we all really loved it)

jueves, octubre 9

heheh this is random but i just felt like sharing this little piece of info with everyone:

wallace's older brother is the ABSOLUTE BEST person in the world!!! end of discussion...^_^

(btw....i've only met ONE wallace in my entire life so those who really know me will know who his bro is...hehehehe)

martes, octubre 7

Steveie986: you missed the most important quote on your blog
orkdorc74: haha which one, now?
Steveie986: I said, "104.9, jammin' hip-hop all the time"
Steveie986: that's what really cracked Prita up
Steveie986: steve: *frantically waves arms around* wait! I listen to hip hop too! 104.9, jammin' all hip hop all the time

LOL LOL LOL.....this is AWESOME..hahaa

i don't particularly like taking these online test thingies, because some of them come out so accurate that it scares me:

1. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and

2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is straight-forward, just tell you he/she
loves you.

3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.

4. You don't like it when your partner is insecure.

5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is that both of you can talk about everything and
anything, no secret is kept.

6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
wrong after marriage.

7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married,
you'll treasure it and your partner very much.

8. At this moment, you think of love as a committment for both parties.

question for *YOU*: that accurate or wHAT???..^_^

lunes, octubre 6

highlights of the day:

- steve: oo this book is good *points to invisible man*
me: haha ok i'll put a star by it *draws star*
steve: no put another star too
me: ok...*draws another star*
steve: no wait, draw a circle around it and write "chen recommends it" next to it
me: hhahhaha


- profesora gaytan's response after me talking to her ( en español) about how i tend to have trouble expressing myself fluently in spanish due to lack of continuous exposure to the language: *gives me surprised look* "No se nota..!"
(hehehhe...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....that made me happy..^_^)

- prita: hmm i think i'll ride in travis' car instead, he has r&b and hip-hop music
steve: *frantically waves arms around* wait! I listen to hip hop too! i listen to 104.9!!

- debate at lunch with cynthia, karen, katie, and travis about tofu hot dogs, whole milk, steak

- karen and nick's debate over "Why I am a Democrat"

- after finding bernstein sheet music for piano: "bernstein. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. oh my god...." (hahah courtesy of steve)

in a nutshell, rice impressed me more than i thought i would..

domingo, octubre 5

I GOT AN INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is my epitaph, composed by Troy Ruths (copyright laws in effect)

here lies stephanie
Fallen from her chair
So many times
here lies a girl
laughing off her hair
on one too many lines

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.....*falls off chair laughing*...maaan i'm gonna miss u when u go off to columbia next year...

******: lol...guys? confusing?
******: I'm simple...I like to eat

lol....ok then...hahahha

WOW....this thing is FREAKIn

The idea of togetherness, love, warmth, tenderness and mutual understanding fascinates you but you seem to be embarrassed by the thought of allowing this to appear openly. It would appear that you employ a cautious exploratory tactic in the pursuit of this objective, making sure that you are neither irrevocably committed nor found out.

You are very self-sufficient and methodical. You presume to know where you are going but need to find a person who will recognize the way you are, not be too demanding and who is, as they say in Italy, 'Simpatico'.

The way things are at this time it is necessary to 'go slow'. All the pleasures that you have anticipated should be left in abeyance until some future date, but all is not lost, you are able to derive and achieve considerable gratification from someone quite close to you.

All of the stress and strains resulting from disappointment have led to agitation and anxiety. You have been going out of your way to make a good impression, but you have reservations as to the likelihood of succeeding. You feel that you have a right to accomplish all that you set your mind on but you have become helpless and distressed when circumstances have gone against you. The idea of failure is most upsetting and this can even mean utter dejection. You see yourself as a scapegoat and you feel everyone in your sphere of influence has tried to take undue advantage of you. You are trying to convince yourself that your failure to achieve standing and recognition is not of your making but indeed of those around you.

You are moody and depressed at this time but it will pass. All of your hopes and dreams seem to have gone astray and you are fearful of planning further for the future. Disappointment at the non-fulfilment of your hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety and you try to escape from this by withdrawing into yourself. But that is not the answer. You have the power to succeed, believe in yourself... all is possible to him who believes.

N3mesis85: hahah told you you were mexican steph
N3mesis85: geez
N3mesis85: all you need now is a tan

OMFG they're actually gonna let me attend the contemp. mexico class!!!! woooott!!


It would be a pleasure to have you visit the class. Span 346 is taught by
two instructors, Dr. Maarten Van delden and myself. On monday the students
will be discussing two topics related to the TLC. I hope you find our
discussion of interest.

Looking forward to meeting you,


haha...'r'?? is gonna be one awesome professor...

viernes, octubre 3


*shakes head*..maaaann..some ppl just have waay too much free time on their hands....

jueves, octubre 2

Troy and Colin's Interest Group Song : INTRODUCTION and INTEREST GROUPS

singing courtesy of troy, guitar riffs courtesy of Colin (Bird)

yall have GOT to listen to's like the most hilarious thing ever...and freakin freakin freakin awesome too....!!!

i totally love my government group!!!...YALL ARE IRREPLACEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!


...this has got to be the weirdest AIM convo i had ever had.....

bobthecuke: r u my mom?
orkdorc74: WHAT?
bobthecuke: i mean
bobthecuke: r u robbie's mom?
orkdorc74: umm..are u alan?
bobthecuke: yeah
bobthecuke: it's a joke
bobthecuke: hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaah
bobthecuke: get it?
bobthecuke: robbie's mom?
bobthecuke: get it?
bobthecuke: fhahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahhha
bobthecuke: get it?
bobthecuke: robbie's mom?
bobthecuke: ahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahaa
orkdorc74: oh dear....alan what are u smoking
bobthecuke (autoresponse): are u gellin?

..i have NO idea what the heck just happened there......umm.....yea..well now that alan has successfully scared me away from UT....................... if anything could keep me away from UT....^_^

miércoles, octubre 1

i like this quote(thanks jess...u and ur jane austen books...^_^):

"I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in F. W.

"I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look, will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never."

yall shoulda seen sky in government today....he put on 6 letter jackets (with mine on the bottom..and he was sweating like crazy...ugh...i'm not wearing my jacket again till i get it washed)....he looked like a complete idiot, but it was so hilarious, even ms. duke was laughing her ass off.....o_O

also, troy is my hero of the day for saving my peach from OTHER ppl *cough*colin*cough*

ok ok...i know i promised that i wouldn't go online much for that....

(HEY....YOU haven't been online either!!..get online!!'s aiite i know ur busy studying too...^_^...hope eco is going better...)

ok...baaack to government reading....

oh yea..that reminds me:


everyone's growing up.........=(

me: i really want to go to UT
me: for a lotta reasons
will: dunt worry
will: ur parents will understand
will: not to mention...u'll be 18 soon
will: no one can stop the ADULT steph!
me: umm actually
me: i'm turning 17
will: oh..
will: no one can stop the ALMOST ADULT steph either!!!!!!!!!!

well....i WISH i was turnign 18