by special request, today's blog is dedicated to colin..haha (colin's response to that: "it's going to be dedicated to me? all rite!"...LOL)
so today in government i was pulling at this weird cord thing that was attached to one of frank's pockets, and out of nowhere, colin says to me "you're only perpetuating the flaws inherent in human nature." it was noisy in the classroom, and what i heard at first was TOTALLY i thought he had said somethign really..umm..yea... (hahah i'm not gonna write down what i thought i heard at first).. so i threw my pencil at him..that happens alot, i think he says something dirty, and he claims he didn't and that i'm the one interpreting it that that "consensus and cleavage" thing??...RRIIIITEE colin....suurree...hahahaa...j/k j/k
ok ok..back to guitar god here has an obsession with drilling holes into's object of interest was a messed up safety pin we found under angeline's desk....of course, it didn't work..hint: safety pins aren't exactly made to drill into desks..hehe..all the meantime, colin's trying to explain to me the whole "perpetuating the flaws inherent in human nature" thing....according to him (according to voltaire), "optimism" is considered a human i asked - is trying to drill a hole in a desk with paper clips and safety pins considered "optimism"?...well, apparently not, becuase he was still sitting there drilling happily away...colin's response to THAT: "well, at least i'm only perpetuating A're perpetuating THE flaws"..haha..WHAT???!!..i beg to unsucessfully trying to drill into the desk, he then proceeds to make an "unsafety" pin....lemme tell ya, that thing was FREAKIN dangerous...colin, there's a reason why the sharp end is supposed to go in the "safety" part of the pin..hehe..^_^
but yea...that was government today, plus or minus some revelations as to why guys wear undershirts ( i still dont' get it...) and some debates over whether colin's célica is dark blue or black (it's BLACK!!....)...
haha which reminds me...government campaign ad project!!....yesterday we went over to troy's house to work on that project...his house is FREAKIN amazing....soo much awesome stuff there....including foam rockets..haha..that COLIN broke, and nEVER fixed...u made troy cry!!..hehehe not really, .j/k..but it was fun, i think our video ad is gonan be kick ass...especially with our little plot to ..umm.."merge" some clips!!..and dustin got his voice back!..yay dustin!!.....then i got to ride home in colin's célica...hahah that is one NICE car, lemme tell's so funny, cuz it's such a small car, so the seats are scooted waaaay back...including the driver seat.. colin was so far back that he almost could be lying down...and the passenger seat was even MORE scooted back. when i got in, i was virtually reclining almost all the way back in the seat...that's where troy usually sits apparently, so that explains it all...u tall ppl...grr...
and of course, can't forget our debates over how to pronounce "st. louis" and "ciaconna"'s CHA-CON-NA....not SEE-A-CON-NA...LOL...(colin: well that's how I pronounce it")...
ok, that's all i can think of for now.....this blog isn't perpetuating the flaw of human nature is it?...see, what a nice happy change from all the depressgin stuff i've been writing lately...hahah....hope u enjoyed this blog, all it needs to make it even better is a music clip of colin playing i said in the last post, he's freakin aweosme, anyone who hasn't heard him play is missing out on a LOT...what an awesome guy...haha..leave a message in the tag board when u read it..i've gottta know whether or not it deserves the colin seal of approval...LOL...
hehee..well if any of yall read my blog post from friday november 7, remember how i promised that i would go back and balance out the blog post dedicated to colin??..well, wait no longer, here it is!!!....ok the only person who is gonna end up reading this is prolly colin the awesome what else can i say...well there's the fact that i have now confirmed that his car is blue (grrrrrrr)...and then there's also the fact that we have both established that i am umm..a very gullible person..and he seems to like exploiting that fact..LOL..haah but it's all rite cuz colin makes me laugh...especially when seeing him trying to imitate sid(refer to post of november 9)..aah, good times good times....oo that reminds me - this kid can also pick out pieces (both hands) on the PIANO, too...not just the guitar, but also the PIANO..grr that's going into MY territory now!!..haha j/k.....o_O..but wow guys, doesn't that just make u jealous? colin knows that we're just all picking on him..rite rite??...^_^ i said afterwards (in a later post somewhere)'s cuz we all love u colin!!!!....where else can we find another polar bear like u?? AND he listens to good music..DMB = pretty darn awesome (now that i've been introduced to it)...
lol..i think i've lengthened this one out to waaay longer than troy's dedication blog......that ought to make it up for u, colin...^_^
BUT..since i just recently found out that colin DOESN"T CHECK HIS EMAIL...i have decided to take the liberty of writing whatever the heck i want in this dedication blog..since he never checks it anyways..HEHE...j/k colin...but see, it's rather pointless if i just keep elongating and elongating this blog...because then every time i want to post somethign about colin, i'll have to keep coming back to viernes, octubre 17...haha...and then the only person who will read it (yet again) will only be colin..that's no fun so fun messing with him..hehe. and he says that I'M gullible...psssh...well..actually....nvm on that subject..geez..just cuz i can never tell whether or not he's mad...^_^
lol..ok..well that's enough "balancing out blogs" for now....everything from now on that i post about colin will be in a current people better read my blog more often (that means YOU!!
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