martes, septiembre 30

twooodzz sent me an email today titled "Email of Importance"

i opened it up and it said....."You don't look very Mexican."

LOL.....great line great line...that laughed me up

i'm supposed to blog about something that me and troy were talking about in gov today...but i can't remember what it

domingo, septiembre 28

JustChillaxin007: but u forgot im catholic
JustChillaxin007: no ghosts
JustChillaxin007: *dials a number* "who're you gonna call.."
JustChillaxin007: GHOSTBUSTERS!!!
JustChillaxin007: *theme song in the background* UH dorkus..hehehe..j/k

Steveie986: only a dozen ellipses, a handful of capped words, several *s, several gestures
Steveie986: talking to you on AIM is like watching a lively circus spectacle
Steveie986: with demonstrations of obscure keystrokes I'd never seen before
Steveie986: and which I wouldn't know how to replicate

oh....hahaha....woops i never noticed that...*quickly tries to change writing style*..*doesn't work*

and btw, this kid is one of the most amazing writers i've ever met.....IM him and tell him to show u his NMSC essay....*shakes head*

wow i talked on the phone for a long time...haha...good thing my parents weren't home

******: my kids are gonna be swoll! they gonna be pimp!!

LOL...uhhh...okkies...hahahahaah...that laughed me up A LOT...made my day rite there

oh..and remember...u have to say "eff" for a whole week now instead of "f--k"...whereas now i guess i have to say "f--k" for the next week now, huh....hmm..does "f--k" count?..or maybe i just won't talk at all next week...heheheheheehe...*innocent smile*......^_^

another random convo with much for his efforts to convert me to UH..(and btw, who the heck is mike? i didn't even know that there was a "mike" at church....)

orkdorc74: hehehe i went to UH today
JustChillaxin007: o? for what
orkdorc74: i had a piano lesson
JustChillaxin007: ooo koo
orkdorc74: UH IS a prety campus
JustChillaxin007: im in marching band!!!
JustChillaxin007: i guess
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: haha are u serious!!...UH marching band?/!!
JustChillaxin007: yup yup
orkdorc74: oh wow
orkdorc74: hahaha
orkdorc74: cougar marchign band
JustChillaxin007: =)
orkdorc74: *shakes head*
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: u shoulda gone to UT instead...then u coulda stayed with being a longhorn!!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: but uh is pretty!
orkdorc74: hahhaaha
orkdorc74: but...longhorns!!
JustChillaxin007: heheh
JustChillaxin007: so how are you?
orkdorc74: i'm doing u going to asian mass tomorrow?
JustChillaxin007: nah
JustChillaxin007: dont think so
orkdorc74: me neither
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: well for me there's really no choice
JustChillaxin007: as in you cant go?
orkdorc74: haha yea....i don't think i could go anyways tho....i'm so busy that i think i have to stay up all night tonite in order to even be able to finish my hw by the tiem i go to bed SUNDAY nite
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: (it's cuz i procrastinate..bad thing..heeh)
JustChillaxin007: wow
JustChillaxin007: i dont rem HS being so hard.....
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: well
orkdorc74: iuno
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: it's cuz ur SMART!!!!!
orkdorc74: heheeh
orkdorc74: hopefully college will be better tho
JustChillaxin007: LoL i wish
JustChillaxin007: i failed my chem test
orkdorc74: awwww!!!!
orkdorc74: noooo
orkdorc74: how do u know already?
JustChillaxin007: they posted answers afterwords =
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: 13/20
orkdorc74: =(....i'll help u next time!!..just call or IM or somethign if there' s something u dont' get and i'll try to help
orkdorc74: ^_^
JustChillaxin007: haha thnx
JustChillaxin007: thats sweet of you
JustChillaxin007: i was really pissed about it
JustChillaxin007: cause like i felt real good bout it before i took it
JustChillaxin007: and i was doing the reviews and old tests like nothing
JustChillaxin007: and then i get there and its like what is this stuff?!
JustChillaxin007: gr.....
orkdorc74: ooo maan i HATE when teachers do that
orkdorc74: it's like they expect u do know extra
JustChillaxin007: yup
orkdorc74: wait...actually..did the prof write the test or did the TAs write the test?
JustChillaxin007: teachers i think
JustChillaxin007: cause its a department test
orkdorc74: ooo ok
orkdorc74: cuz at UT
orkdorc74: i hear that the TAs write the tests sometimes
JustChillaxin007: blah blah blah
JustChillaxin007: haha
orkdorc74: and they always screw up the tests
orkdorc74: hehehehe
orkdorc74: HEY!!!
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: we're not talking about UT now are we?
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: its all about UH!
JustChillaxin007: cause its a pretty campus!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: HAHHAHAA
orkdorc74: *falls off chair laughing*
orkdorc74: u still have to go visit mr. hester!!
orkdorc74: play piano for him sometime!!!
orkdorc74: actually, i don't have the music to that song
JustChillaxin007: i used to
JustChillaxin007: used to have this book with all these disney songs
orkdorc74: awww!!..u shoudl find it!!!
JustChillaxin007: im not sure what ahppened to it....=
JustChillaxin007: ask my bro
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: HE stole it, hmmm???
orkdorc74: *storms after ted*
orkdorc74: hehhe
orkdorc74: j/k
JustChillaxin007: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: im cheering for you!!
orkdorc74: OMG....did i ever tell u what happened that nite when u toldme to try the warn button??
JustChillaxin007: *steph steph steph.....slowly fading away)
JustChillaxin007: LoL, i saw your warning go up
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: and you and him had a warning war right?
orkdorc74: YES
orkdorc74: 80 freakin percent
JustChillaxin007: hehehe
orkdorc74: becuase ivan decided to help ted
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: and then i got kicked off AIM
orkdorc74: *sigh*...ur bro is soo considerate *COUGH*
orkdorc74: heheeh
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: yes he is
JustChillaxin007: =P
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: i learned my lesson
orkdorc74: i shall never touch the warn button again
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hehe really?!
orkdorc74: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
orkdorc74: u did NOT just do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
orkdorc74: haha
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: *mouse hovers over warn button ominously*
JustChillaxin007: hahha you're so silly
orkdorc74: hmm...well i suppose ONE click won't be of too much harm
orkdorc74: ^_^
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: haha couldnt' resist
orkdorc74: ok
orkdorc74: no more no more
JustChillaxin007: you lied!!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL it was a test
JustChillaxin007: and you failed miserably!!
JustChillaxin007: ;-)
orkdorc74: *cries*
orkdorc74: *hides in corner*
JustChillaxin007: hhe its ok im not gonna send you to 'timeout'
JustChillaxin007: it'll be alright
orkdorc74: heheh
orkdorc74: yea i know i know, ur just gonna fail me so that i can't go to UT
orkdorc74: THAT's ur strategy for geetting me to go to UH
orkdorc74: i see, i see
orkdorc74: hehehee
orkdorc74: j/k j/k
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: hey now, if thats how you're gonna be, go to UT!!
JustChillaxin007: haha
JustChillaxin007: we dont want your kinda attitude here!!
JustChillaxin007: ruin the how UH aura
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: you'd pollute the pretty campus!!
JustChillaxin007: =D
orkdorc74: HHAHAHHHAHH
orkdorc74: FINE then
orkdorc74: i shall go to UT
orkdorc74: and come back and terrorize UH with ted
orkdorc74: heheehehe
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: nope, once you go to UT, UH will shut you out!
JustChillaxin007: muahahahah
orkdorc74: grrrrrrrrrrr
orkdorc74: *tries to shove past davin*
JustChillaxin007: *quickly steps aside, Steph falls flat on face*
JustChillaxin007: *points and laughs*
orkdorc74: wait...i got a BETTER idea
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: *gets on magic carpet and flies OVER dave's head*
orkdorc74: hah!!!..NOW try and stop me!!..muahhaahhah
JustChillaxin007: *grabs a flame thrower and fires at carpet*
orkdorc74: *grabs fire extinguisher*
orkdorc74: *aims leftover foam at dave's head*
JustChillaxin007: better yet, *acorn comes outta no where and knocks you off*
orkdorc74: aaah,, but u fergot... i'm already super glued on!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: *grabs fresbies*
orkdorc74: frisbies?? that supposed to knock me off??
orkdorc74: THINK AGAIN
orkdorc74: heheheeheh
JustChillaxin007: haha
JustChillaxin007: fine fine
orkdorc74: i am invicible with my magic carpet!!
orkdorc74: hehehe
orkdorc74: but if u want, u can have a ride
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: *mr gullible pops out in front of ya and you drop like a fly*
JustChillaxin007: =D
orkdorc74: ooo
orkdorc74: dat's not good
orkdorc74: heheheeh
JustChillaxin007: heheh
orkdorc74: what does mr gullible look like anyways?
orkdorc74: i gotta be prepared in case i meet him someday
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: he looks gullible
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: its so fun talking to you :-D
JustChillaxin007: ooooo
JustChillaxin007: *creats tornado*
JustChillaxin007: ha! lets see you fly through that
JustChillaxin007: *cow soars by* (like in twister)
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: oo...cow ...mooo
orkdorc74: hehe
orkdorc74: wait..wasnt' that in wizard of oz??
orkdorc74: aaahh..i U are mr. gullible
orkdorc74: now that i know what he looks like
orkdorc74: and which school he goes to....
orkdorc74: *starts making plans*
orkdorc74: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: there's a tornado in front of you woman!!
orkdorc74: *uses magic carpet driving skills and steers aroudn tornado*
orkdorc74: *steers tornado back towards dave*
orkdorc74: EN GUARDE
orkdorc74: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: *fires a kamehamaha, destroys tornado and puts a hole in carpet*
orkdorc74: WHOA we're gettgin HIGH tech here, hmmm??!!!!
orkdorc74: alrite....screw the carpet
orkdorc74: sword fight!!!
orkdorc74: hahahh
orkdorc74: *runs and aims*
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: *creates illusion, sword turns to snake*
orkdorc74: HEY..but it's ONLY an ILLUSION!!!!
orkdorc74: *throws snake*
orkdorc74: oh wait..i fergot...i dont' like snakes
orkdorc74: hahah...omg..i can't believe i just told u that too
orkdorc74: HAHAHAH
orkdorc74: ooh maan
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: mr gullible strikes again
orkdorc74: >:P
JustChillaxin007: heheh
orkdorc74: ummm
orkdorc74: *frantically thinks up another plan*
JustChillaxin007: *snakes drop from sky, nonstop
orkdorc74: *lightbulb goes off*
orkdorc74: *throws rotten eggs*
orkdorc74: wait..are u ticklish??
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: gullible isnt neither
orkdorc74: what??!!!
orkdorc74: ooh pooey
orkdorc74: hmmm
orkdorc74: but u may be lyin
orkdorc74: i'l have to wait till the next time i see u at church and see for myself
orkdorc74: orr..i coudl just ask ted
orkdorc74: buh he's not onilne rite now
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: so i gues you just have to take my word for it
orkdorc74: LOL..maann..i just read over this entire convo..this is DEFINTELY going in my blog sometime soonn....
orkdorc74: can u copy paste the convo and email it to me?
JustChillaxin007: hahah
orkdorc74: lol...let's see what else comes out of this convo
JustChillaxin007: aiite
orkdorc74: *rolls up sleeves*
orkdorc74: *gets in fight position*
orkdorc74: hiiaaa yaaaahh!!!!
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: that didn't work
orkdorc74: so much for my chinese martial arts yell
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: um.....
JustChillaxin007: *boos steph off campus*
JustChillaxin007: "Boooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"
orkdorc74: arrrrggghh
orkdorc74: heheheh
orkdorc74: grrrr
orkdorc74: hmmmm
orkdorc74: *brings in the longhorn from UT*
orkdorc74: *longhorn charges*
orkdorc74: toro! toro!!
orkdorc74: heheeh
JustChillaxin007: *rubs lamp*
JustChillaxin007: *longhorn runs like a whimpering dog after seeing genie*
JustChillaxin007: ha!
JustChillaxin007: UH is more creative
JustChillaxin007: eheh
orkdorc74: *snatches lamp away*
orkdorc74: *genie starts to plot against davin*
orkdorc74: heheh
JustChillaxin007: *cougar tackles you....FUMBLE!*
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: OMG..someone else just threatedn to warn me!!!
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: look what u've done!!!
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: ahha who who?!
orkdorc74: my friend
orkdorc74: ooo go warn him!!
orkdorc74: sn: cgtruths
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: cause you're a longhorn!
JustChillaxin007: haha
orkdorc74: wahatt??
orkdorc74: so are u!!
orkdorc74: dobie!!!
JustChillaxin007: heheh
JustChillaxin007: you want me to?
orkdorc74: yess!!
orkdorc74: hehe do it just for kicks
orkdorc74: hehe
orkdorc74: he won't know who u are!!
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: that requires me to delete someone off my list...
orkdorc74: huh?why?
JustChillaxin007: hm....who's this orkdorc girl anyway, i think i'll delete her
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: cause im full
JustChillaxin007: i need to add him on my list
JustChillaxin007: and i have to have him reply me
orkdorc74: HAHAHAH
orkdorc74: hmm...delete ted..u can alwasy add him on later
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: j/k
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: silly =P
JustChillaxin007: so what are you up to?
orkdorc74: still talkign to ppl
orkdorc74: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: koo koo
orkdorc74: still fighing for LONGHORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: im playing some typing game
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: my rank is sea monkey so far
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: site?
JustChillaxin007: yahoo
JustChillaxin007: go to games
JustChillaxin007: its called typer shark
JustChillaxin007: look for it
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: oo ookkies
orkdorc74: hey did u ever warn him??
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: did his warning go up?
orkdorc74: nope
orkdorc74: hahaa
JustChillaxin007: are you playing
orkdorc74: im trying to find it..
orkdorc74: which category is it under?
orkdorc74: oo nvm i foudn it
JustChillaxin007: um....
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: i played hard
orkdorc74: wait i don't have to download it do i?
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: it just has to load
orkdorc74: which level do i start with?
orkdorc74: eeh i'll do easy
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: haha
JustChillaxin007: i did hard fisrst
JustChillaxin007: now im doing expert
orkdorc74: haha i LOVE thsi game
orkdorc74: ADDICTING
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: are you serious?!
JustChillaxin007: hehehhehe
JustChillaxin007: dork =P
orkdorc74: YES
orkdorc74: hhehe
JustChillaxin007: heh
orkdorc74: ok leemm etry expert
JustChillaxin007: whoa
JustChillaxin007: heeh
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: NVM
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: yea thats what i said
JustChillaxin007: ehhe
orkdorc74: grrrrrrrrrrrr
orkdorc74: heheh
orkdorc74: ooo they have scrabble on line too
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: imma chum!!
JustChillaxin007: hehe yea
JustChillaxin007: everythings practically online
JustChillaxin007: so, who's this guy that everyones been talkin about on your chatterbox?
JustChillaxin007: mike from church???
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: huh?
orkdorc74: mike?
JustChillaxin007: o n/m, i thought i figured it out
JustChillaxin007: hah
JustChillaxin007: is your dad letting you go to HC?
orkdorc74: huh?? what are u talkign about??
orkdorc74: OH
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: THAT's what ur talkigna bout
orkdorc74: o, he'd prolly let me go..i just don't realy want to
orkdorc74: too lazy to find a date
orkdorc74: hehe
JustChillaxin007: aw...bur you're going to prom though right?
orkdorc74: mebbe
orkdorc74: if i fidn a date by the
orkdorc74: *then
orkdorc74: LOL
JustChillaxin007: you have to go to prom!!
JustChillaxin007: who's the guy?
JustChillaxin007: ehe
JustChillaxin007: hehe dont mind me, im just being nosy
orkdorc74: oh, someone from UT
orkdorc74: ^_^
orkdorc74: a longhorn!!!!
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: *gasp* ted!!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: *falls off chair laughing*
JustChillaxin007: hahahah
orkdorc74: *rolling aroudn on floor in pain*
orkdorc74: OMG..this is DEFINTEILY going in my blog
orkdorc74:, not ted
JustChillaxin007: gee, whats on your floor?
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: LOL
orkdorc74: hmmm...a magic carpet!!
JustChillaxin007: hahaha
orkdorc74: aahh
orkdorc74: *wipes tears from eyes from laughin so hard*
orkdorc74: (i'm serious about the laughin part btw)
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: aw...i made steph cry
JustChillaxin007: hehehe

sábado, septiembre 27

THANK YOU again...yes, YOU....u know who u are...^_^

from our lovely, effed up government in america book:
"Indeed, Asian Americans have often been called the superachievers of the minority majority. This is especially true in the case of educational attainment..."


this statement made me mad.....i can't quite explain why...i dont even know why myself...

mebbe it's because of the fact that it plainly states another stereotype

wait.."another" stereotype? isn't this the stereotype that we've had to live with for who knows how many god forsaken years?

i can't tell u how many times i've heard that term "superachiever" flung around in the classroom, at me, at other people....having to deal with sky's "asian invasion" theory every single day in history last year to the point where i was seriously afraid that one day i would have to physically hurt him

don't laugh. this isn't funny. i'm being serious.

at my brother's HSO concert, the conductor was a mexicano who had been to both princeton and harvard, and the composer of another piece on the program (danzas latinoamericas) graduated from MIT with a double degree in electrical engineering and composing......last nite at dinner, my godfather had the nerve to express how SURPRISED he was to find out that some hispanics actualy went to mit and harvard and whatnot and that all mexicanos weren't lawnmower ppl and roof repairers..


one minority discriminating against another minority? isn't that a bit hypocritical?

i think "hypocritical" here is a gross understatement

you ppl all know how much i love and respect the hispanic culture and language and you can imagine my shock when i heard him say that..

don't get me wrong is true, i AM still chinese (no matter how hard i try to fight it)...and i really DO respect the chinese culture...but it gets really hard sometimtes

i was talking to one of my friends the other day..discussing my apparent mixed feelings for chinese culture...and i think we both came to the conclusion that it's partly how one is brought up that determines their particular pride for their own culture

scenario #1: kid is brought up in a completely chinese household...chinese painting and knottings everywhere, chinese books and movies and music all over the house, chinese cultures, chinese traditions, chinese holidays celebrated in full scale, etc, etc...

scenario #2: kid is brought up in a "chinese" sign of any chinese-ity anywhere except if u happen to open the pantry and see a handful of chinese spices and tea lying around....there is one chinese knotting hanging on the wall...chinese books are by far out numbered by english books...chinese movies - virtually nonexistent in this household...chinese holidays not forgotten, but barely celebrated....rare contact with relatives

i would fit scenario #2...the only "chinese culture" i can remember growing up with is the fact that i was oppressed, not allowed to do this, not allowed to do that, not allowed to go out with friends, forced to stay at home all day and STUDY

logical reasoning led me to deduce that THIS was what being chinese was like

you show me one person who is WILLING to put their pride into a culture when presented to one like this, and i will gladly kiss their feet

so what else could i come to a conclusion about? i had to seek another culture, although all the while knowing that i would never fit in

i could not fit in the chinese culture completely, because of what I had seen of it (not what others view it as, but through my OWN perception).......but nor could i ever fit in with the hispanic culture either - simply because...i am not hispanic

maybe my curly hair is hispanic-like, and maybe one day i'll become fluent (correction: one day i WILL become fluent) but that's the closest i'll ever get to it...

in the end, i am still, irrevocably, and undeniably a chinese person. wo3 shr4 hai3 wai4 de chong guo2 ren2......yes, let's all laugh at my pitiful attempts at pinyin...all those years of chinese school that i never really took seriously..

do i regret it?

i'm still trying to figure that out

i want to know WHO i am
i want to know WHY i'm here
i want to know WHAT i can identify with

is that too much to ask?

don't interpret this the wrong way...all my asian/chinese friends out there....i envy how you guys are all so well established in the culture...i LOVE how yall are like that

so bear with me when i'm still floundering around trying to figure out where i stand in this wilderness

funny though...i still remember when back in 8th grade up to 10th grade i was all into it, i seriously had a lot of (for lack of better words) "asian pride"

i know there's still some of it left somewhere

i just need to find it

viernes, septiembre 26


person of the week award goes to colin, for:
1) NOT wearing any abercrombie shirts this week!!!
2) FINALLY wearing the duck tape shirt!!!!...yeaaa!!!..haha

colin: i have like 5 orange shirts...but none of them are UT shirts...

>:( ............that's minus 20 points for u, rite

jueves, septiembre 25 i've received numerous requests......should i post about the marsupial-apple incident? or should i not??..hmmm...

miércoles, septiembre 24


ur waaaayy better than the best.....sacrificing ur gaming time to talk to me.....and PLUS u were the only one not screwing up my AIM (*cough*ted ivan *cough*...hahah)...props for that!!!....u rock my world!!!....^_^

ted and ivan yall are SOOO dead.....hehehehe

maan how did that start in the first place?.....i think it was davin who tempted me to use the warn button...

JustChillaxin007: use it now
JustChillaxin007: try it on ted

haha THAT'S why my AIM is effed up now...o_0

martes, septiembre 23

Steveie986: possibly an analysis of The Brothers Karamazov
Steveie986: and how it has influenced twentieth century western thought
Steveie986: I get a rush of adrenaline just by thinking about it
orkdorc74: yea, you should see me in bio..."oo! look at the cells!"..while everyone else just stares at me
Steveie986: lol yea i can see it
Steveie986: I'm used to the weird stares when I start rambling in English
Steveie986: I've learned to decipher the teacher's looks
Steveie986: I know which means "shut up chen" and "that's brilliant, but we have to move on."

hahahaha...YES!!!..finally someone who knows what i mean!!

phillip: come to MIT
sid: u f' er, go to MIT
troy: do columbia
ryan: rice
davin: UH!!! go cougars!
jenny: go to stanford! i'll be your ROHO (room host)!
christine: go to harvard, i'll visit you there

everyone else: UT!!!


lunes, septiembre 22

late nite convos with ted

orkdorc74: hey mr. UT guy
TN464: sup miss. wannabe-UT girl

TN464: lol
TN464: of course i'm nice
TN464: i'm quite busy but yet i'm still finding time to talk to a dear friend like you
TN464: don't you feel special?
orkdorc74: haha awwww
orkdorc74: of course of course!
orkdorc74: ur the best!!
orkdorc74: sacrificing all ur time just to talk to me
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: j/k
orkdorc74: haha imma put that on my blog ..that laughed me up
orkdorc74: *cracked me up
orkdorc74: hahhaa
orkdorc74: 'laughed me up'
orkdorc74: LOL
orkdorc74: my mind doesnt' work rite at 11 pm
TN464: lol
TN464: should add those lines too...
TN464: it laughed me up as well

hahahhah....RITTEE ON!!!!.....ACC WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BEAT THAT??!!!..(other than ****** ****, of course...^_^)

domingo, septiembre 21

it's happening...i guess i got what i wanted...but it's all going wrong..completely's supposed to happen, but NOT THIS WAY....i'd be happy if it had happened a different way

INTENSE sidnia: ur so f'ed up

yea, you're prolly right

ooo how fun i get to be so cynical...i hate being i apologize ahead of time if i'm overly sarcastic the next few days....

sábado, septiembre 20

haha colin i DID already tell u happy birthday!!..i wrote it on ur calendar!..LOL..
but just for u...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLIN!!!! YEAAA!! BIG 18!!! (September 21)

everyone who sees this blog needs to tell him happy birthday, too

imma get u a roll of duct tape for ur birthday present, okkies??.....i'm sure troy and i can put that to good use ..;)

LOL...j/k j/k....hope u have ur best bday ever!!

viernes, septiembre 19

welcome back home to H-town ted!!!....and welcome back to ascension...the REAL ACC....hehehe....

HOLLAA to all my ACC fellowship ppl out there!!!!
-ted davin ivan janice cecil miinkay weikay teresa connor frank- (eerghh..i hope i'm not leaving anyone out)-

things to do:
rock climbing
disney songs
super glue
flying carpets
twister (hhahahha let's keep it G rated this time)

i'll be back soon....*cries*

lesson of the day in government = fun


so i was explaining to my govmt group today what "ciaconna" means....u see , the issue with that is that i use the name" ciaconna" because it's the name of a really realy neat violin solo piece....but when i finally looked it up, i found that "ciaconna" is a derivative of the "sarabande", which is an erotic sensual dance......

colin: so u download porn on your blog?
me: what?!..haha um NO
troy: *just then zoning into the conversation* steph, u have porn on ur blog?
colin: yup, she does
troy: just what i thought
me: nooooooooooo


...and then we spent the rest of the period drawing little gobstopper ppl imitations of colin...and also trying to see who had the whitest skin..i think shelby wins...haha flash!!..colin has freckles!!!hahaha

jueves, septiembre 18

will: that's're in good hands
will: anyone who has the same last name as me has got to be good

HAHHHAHA.....*note: will's last name is "tran"

miércoles, septiembre 17

According to a research at an English university, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter is at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because we do not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.

...i've seen this seen on at least 5 people's profiles and 3 people's blogs...i guess someone ought to be original and type it out the right way instead..

HAHHA...j/k...i thought it was neat, least the first three times i saw

troy: hmmm sky, i think we should take a picture of that and send it to erica

lol...too bad i had no idea what was going on until i finally turned around...

stuff that made me laugh today: -->

INTENSE sidnia: ahh
INTENSE sidnia: i wouldn't go there
INTENSE sidnia: if they had a bag of money in one had
INTENSE sidnia: and a gun in the other
orkdorc74: actually
orkdorc74: after going to the presentation
orkdorc74: i don't know if it's rite for me
orkdorc74: it just didn't..feel rite
orkdorc74: iuno
orkdorc74: lol
INTENSE sidnia: it's rite for u
INTENSE sidnia: trust me
INTENSE sidnia: if ur parents named u correctly
INTENSE sidnia: u would be called
INTENSE sidnia: mary i. tang

orkdorc74: but what about my guy??
orkdorc74: =(
orkdorc74: hehe
blazingheat88: o yea
blazingheat88: im sorri steph...bad will

troy(hitting my knee with a pen): u don't have reflexes. *starts whacking in random places all over my knee and shin*
colin: hmmm lemme try *takes a pen and starts whacking at my other knee*
me: ...................*moves one knee just so that they'll stop hitting my knees*
colin: it worked!
troy: no i bet she just moved her knee so that we'd stop hitting her knees

hAHAHAHAA....i think troy and i have know each other for waay too

INTENSE sidnia: wut do u have in gov?
INTENSE sidnia: don't lie
orkdorc74: i have a b
INTENSE sidnia: liar
INTENSE sidnia: liar
INTENSE sidnia: liar
INTENSE sidnia: stephanie never gets lower than a 96
INTENSE sidnia: ever

*shrugs*..guess ur wrong this time, sid...haha....NOTE: sid is the one who got a 101 on his gov test... (and btw, he has a 97 in that class....i hate u'm not a hater..^_^..congrats congrats congrats)

martes, septiembre 16

excerpt from davin's paper:
"In order to achieve our goals, we must get a well-balanced atmosphere of work and play amongst the organization, equilibrium (5). We must get involved with the community and show all the parents of Ascension that the youth group is not just an excuse to get together, and we do contribute goodness to society. Also, we must prove that their children will be in good hands with us and that only goodness will come out of being a part of the youth group. On the contrary, most of the “good” activities are neither very interesting nor fun to younger children. Therefore, in order to intrigue the youth to join us, we must incorporate some fun events or prizes with our activities. All in all, we must form our group so that both the parents would want their children to be a part of and also the children would want to join on their own free will."

JustChillaxin007: we should take that and post it all around church
JustChillaxin007: maybe your parents will see it
JustChillaxin007: ;)

haha yes yes i'm all for that indeed...feellowwshiippp!!!!

ooo and one more thing: ACC???!!! austin chinese church??!!!...ted!!!!!!!...*shakes head* well u know they're all just wannabes...hehe..j/k

lunes, septiembre 15

o_O o_O o_O o_O

oooooooooooooooooooo.........look at all the lights...hehe

LOL...everyone go and ask punag what our new motto is gonna be for mu alpha it's so guy-oriented tho..^_^

domingo, septiembre 14

i'll pray for you

she stands outside the intricately carved wooden door and pauses, listening to the bright, ringing tones of laughter intertwined with the strumming of the old spanish guitar playing the balada emanating out from the cracks under the door. the caustic night wind whips her dark curls around her face as she turns around trying to look for someone - someone who had already gone away. there is no one there. she shudders involuntarily and tugs at the warm, brightly colored chal wrapped around her shoulders.

she doesn't want to, but she knows she has to go in. she must dance.

the door is thrown open as if by an unseen force. it tugs at her hand and pulls her inside. she stands there, blinking confusedly at the sudden glare of lights. it doesn't make sense. something is wrong. the chal suddenly feels stiflingly hot and uncomfortable. the music is still playing. people are still laughing, clapping.

but the faces..where were the faces? suddenly, se dio cuenta de que there were no faces on the people. they were just blank canvas, waiting to have features painted on them. who were these people? and why was she here by herself? she spun around again, hard, on her heel. but again, there was no one there. (where was he? why wasn't he coming?)

she didn't want to, but she knew she must dance.

the music takes an abrupt turn out of the dreamy reverie of the balada and immediately plunges into the crisp, staccato rhythm of the malague?a. compelled again, by that force, she steps in time to the music, slowly at first, but then gradually faster and faster. she is becoming enveloped in a cascade of flying rhythms and colors and clapping hands and stomping feet and she is getting dizzy and lightheaded where is he, why isn't he here, she is turning in all directions now but he isn't there, will he ever come back, why did he leave, her pain envelopes her even further, she is being spun in a centrifugal vaccum, she wants to stop, she needs to stop.

but she can't. he isn't here, and she must dance.

me: how is MIT?
phillip: it's awesome here
me: is it hard there?
phillip: yes
phillip: very
phillip: extremely difficult
phllip: hehe, you should come

....maaan if phillip says that MIT is hard...that means that it's FREAKIN hard...goodbye MIT application...

sábado, septiembre 13

Trapt - Still Frame

Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down,
this picture's frozen and I can't get out (of here)
Believe me, I'm just as lost as you
And every time I think I've finally made it
I learn I'm farther away than I've ever been before
I see the clock and it's ticking away, and the hourglass empty
What the fuck do I have to say
Keep it inside the image portrayed
As if I couldn't stand losing as if I couldn't be saved, no way
A small confession I think I'm starting to lose it
I think I'm drifting away from the people I really need
A small reflection on when we were younger
We had it all figured 'cause we had everything covered
Now we're older it's getting harder to see
What this future will hold for us, what the fuck are we going to be?
I'm afraid I'm falling farther away (from where I want to be)

yup....there really IS a song for whatever emotion i'm feeling at the moment

JustChillaxin007: o look, there goes mr. gullible...
JustChillaxin007: say hi
orkdorc74: HI
orkdorc74: haha
JustChillaxin007: aw..he's riding that magic carpet

LOL....*falls off chair laughing*....i totally LOVE all of yall ACC ppl!!!!!!!!!!.....i miss yall so much!!! (yes, davin, YALL..hehe)

oh...and birthdays..



stuff to do this weekend:

fiestas patrias saturday 1-7 pm, fort bend museum
bio labs due monday
mentorship paper due monday
stat quiz over chp.4 monday
memorize spanish script
make poster for spanish play
read adarand constructors vs. pena by monday
read chp.5 government
finish rough draft of government citation by monday
read heart of darkness
make attendance sheets for MAO
figure out what the hell is going on for the MAO competitions
get jess to make a poster for MAO
call washington mutual about car wash
national merit semi-finalist form due monday

*throws binders across room*

AznShuaiKnight: STEPH
AznShuaiKnight: WSUP Miss PIMPTRESS

..............................i am NOT a pimptress.....

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

viernes, septiembre 12

i think it's kinda funny, and i think it's kinda sad.....

that after almost 17 years of this, after 17 years of having to put up with this bullshit, after 17 years of being pushed around, after 17 years of taking sacrifice after sacrifice, after almost 17 years...

i can still show up and put on a happy mask everyday, show up with a smile hiding the emotional mess on the inside, trying to prevent others from seeing so that they don't have to worry about me.....

asdfdf siento triste cuando te vea como esto...nd...nunca sabr?s la devoción y la ayuda que te daré. siempre estoy aquí. siempre.

ben: james looks like your brother
james: what??!
me: no he doesn' haven't even seen my brother before
ben: yes i have. i see him every morning. he has a blue backpack, always carries a lot of books, your mom drops him every morning, red car..
ahad: dude, are u like stalking her brother or something??!!


miércoles, septiembre 10

orkdorc74: JAMES
orkdorc74: I'M KIDDING
orkdorc74: it IS NEXT wednesday
JadeFalcon87: you are the physical manifestation of evil in women

rofl....oh maan, and they say I'M gullible...hahahahhaahahah

....poor fun messing with his mind ...hehehe..j/k

INTENSE sidnia (5:48:44 PM): quizas el me mora???
roamer879 (5:49:27 PM): u said
roamer879 (5:49:40 PM): perhaps he die me

LOL.....*shakes head*....sid, u shoulda stayed in spanish IV last year!!!!

here are the lyrics...yea, there's a whole bunch of rima, so that's nothign to worry about...i'm not even sure what exactly we're supposed to be doing with them - looking for arte mayor y menor? versos llanos? agudos? esdrújulos?...woohoo i know my vocabulario de la poesía...LOL...umm...i would double check the accentos tho....internet lyrics tend to leave out the accents half the time..>)

Arrasando - Thalia

Que sube que baja que no se que pasa
que la condición humana va acabando con la raza
cuando triunfas en la vida va creciendo mas la envidia
vas sintiendo cuando subes que te dan zancadillas
No sabes que los lobos están a tu lado
pues les va de maravilla, la apariencia mas sencilla
nunca faltan los gorrones para ir de reventones
mas cuando los necesitas, no les ves ni los talones
Son tantos los celos que me hacen cosquillas
que si engordo, que si enflaco, que si no tengo costillas,
hoy tengo respuesta a cualquier encuesta
pues yo sigo caminando y también sigo arrasando

Arrasando con la vida
cosechando la alegría
no hay obstáculo que me impida,
disfrutar de un nuevo día
Arrasando con lo bueno
desechando todo lo malo
no hay oscuridad que cubra
esta luz que en mi deslumbra

Parece que somos armas mortales
pues sin miedo mutilamos sentimientos naturales
destrozamos la alegría, acabamos con la vida
sabotajes para el alma, tropezones y apatía
Juzgamos a todos los que encontramos
destrozamos sus creencias y evadimos sus razones
que si es guapo, pues es gay, que si es rico es del cartel
que si es joven y es muy bella la cuchilla estuvo en ella
Estamos entrando a un nuevo milenio
pretendamos concentrarnos en lo que hace nuestro cuerpo
somos jóvenes fuertes y también inteligentes
en el alma ir concentrando lo que el día va arrasando

Arrasando con la vida
cosechando la alegría
no hay obstáculo que me impida,
disfrutar de un nuevo día
Arrasando con lo bueno
desechando todo lo malo
no hay oscuridad que cubra
esta luz que en mi deslumbra

Mirando hacia atrás aprende el legado
de personas que han dejado una huella en el pasado
Einstein, DaVinci, Neruda y la Malinche
los Aztecas y Toltecas y también los Zapotecas
Napoleón conocido como estratega
a Cleopatra no le importa en el amor la entrega
Ghandi, Lutero y Madre Teresa,
aunque pasen muchos años se hablara de su entereza
Lady Diana princesa de corazones,
y una Eva que ha pecado y nos jaló con sus acciones
Luther King, Malcom X, personajes de la fe
que la historia va dejando pa’ que sigan arrasando.

Arrasando con la vida
cosechando la alegría
no hay obstáculo que me impida,
disfrutar de un nuevo día
Arrasando con lo bueno
desechando todo lo malo
no hay oscuridad que cubra
esta luz que en mi deslumbra


martes, septiembre 9

colin is still moping over how we didn't get to make paper signs yesterday...hahah

and then when ms. duke mentioned "wall of separation" today, our entire group (troy dustin shelby colin me) all start busting out laughing in the middle of times good times.....although colin's classic quote ("man i'm so lazy! if i get any lazier, i think i just might implode") is getting cut out of the video though....sorrie colin, troy and me decided that it just didn't exactly tie in with the establishment clause...hhahah..

ok ..maan there are just waay too many inside jokes on this gov one's gonna understand what the heck the squirrel is suppposed to be...LOL

lunes, septiembre 8

from ted's xanga: "I might actually give HCC (Houston Chinese Church) a visit as well! but sorry guys, my home church ACC is still the BESTEST! =P"

hahah heeeck yea!!!!!...u know it!!!

domingo, septiembre 7 me and my brother just spent 15 minutes (literally) trying to figure out how to put on his clip-on tie....and then we discovered that the clip needs to be unhooked first....*sigh*....maan i feel smart

"The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvellous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life."
~ by Sir Hugh Walpole ~

awwwwww, what a nice quote^_^

sábado, septiembre 6

NHS trash pickup....bleh......but we found this chick's wallet on the side of the was the weirdest thing ever, cuz how in the world does ur wallet just fly out of ur car window? gave it to the sponsors...then we also found a WHOLE BUNCH of car was almost like it had blown apart or we saw pieces of headlights, then all these pieces of metal, and then further down there was a tire in the mud...hrmmmm...kinda freaky.....

went to piano today....two of the keys on the piano are terribly out of tune, and everytime i hit those notes i started cracking i couldn't even get through the whole piece...and then mr. hester made it worse by imitating this one part like porky pig...MAAAN...he totally ruined the entire mazurka!!!...i will NEVER be able to play that passage again without having to stop and laugh....*shakes head*

then went to barnes and nobles to work on spanish project with martin and apoorva.....had some fun messing around with castillian spanish "ca" instead of "porque" and putting in random pronombres directos at the end of conjugated of course, the infamous "vosotros"....VOS VEIS!!!!!!!

but i've been thinking a lot about colleges much $$$ DO i want to spend anyways on college? it really worth it in the end?...or does grad school matter more?....sid insists that i should go to, ur not even applying there urself....if i go there imma prolly gonna come back to houston like all anemic and crap..haha

- dusty -->97 in gov!!!
- sid-->our current saletudinarian!!!...u betta beat out ***** in the end!!!!
- the most SPECIALEST person in the world..(hahah don't u just love my grammar)..--> perfect score on calc quiz!!!....soo happy for ya!!!!...keep it up!!!...u gonna be #1 in ur class when ur done, okkies?..ok, deal!!..hahaha..wish i was there rite now so i can see you.. ^_^

viernes, septiembre 5

ook, let’s clear up the whole “hombre” situation….so in spanish, we had to fill out this biographical chart for the don juan manuel, and we got to this part that was labeled “género”…i thought it meant “general”, so I listed a whole bunch of general characteristics about don juan manuel…then when we went over the chart together as a class, sra. Ramos told us that it meant “genre”….i was like “oh crap”…SIN EMBARGO, johann hears me say that, and for some random reason, he assumes that I thought that “género” meant “gender,” and he thought that I had put “hombre” in the box…..but I didn’t!!! he starts laughing, and sra. Ramos asks him what’s wrong, and he tells the whole class that I put “hombre”…of course, they believe him, whereas in the meantime I’m sitting there going “mentiras! mentiras!”…. hahah…maaann, johann , imma get back at u for

Oh, and for all the guys out there – have any of yall ever been pulled over for speeding while ur driving someone else’s car WITHOUT a license, wearing only your boxers??..HAHHAHA….yall have gotta ask nish about this one..

jueves, septiembre 4

troy: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18!!, that makes me sound smart...i'm gonna put that on my profile, and u call ME a nerd...pssshh..hehe

my parents have been getting..surprisingly "lenient" on me these last few days....i'm not sure what that means....i'm confused (LOL.."confused", "confused" does NOT entitle getting into a fight!!!...hheheh..^_^)

miércoles, septiembre 3

i think ted and me may have declared a temporary truce....instead of glueing each other to the carpet, he's gonna let me ride with him to UT (in the trunk..>P), and then we're gonna go around campus, root out all the people who DON'T HAVE UT PRIDE, and glue THEM to the carpet we fly them into a wall!!!!!.....HOWEVER, my terms for this service include my indispensible rights that i am allowed unlimited access to his food supply in his trunk....i hold these rights to be self-evident, yet he has refused to honor this offer, and not only that, but he has also refused to grant me the rights that i have to his food under the interminable agreement that was laid in place by the respective powers of this treaty. therefore, in the name of all that is given to be the property of the people under the due process of natural law, i hereby declare, by the authority thus invested upon me through the provisions of the pact that was made in due order, that the truce is now temporarily annulled until further negotiations and investigations shall, and can prove the legality of the actions thus taken by mr. tedman ng. Court adjorned.

LOL....maan...THAT'S when you know that u've been reading too many court cases....

lunes, septiembre 1

good things may come to an end, that's true, BUT.....great things last forever - and that's exactly what you are to the end, time and distance are only relative..true bonds don't break..u know how much u mean to me...and be optimistic!..this is different from others, and u know it too....don't make me have to throw popcorn at you again...^_^