another random convo with much for his efforts to convert me to UH..(and btw, who the heck is mike? i didn't even know that there was a "mike" at church....)
orkdorc74: hehehe i went to UH today
JustChillaxin007: o? for what
orkdorc74: i had a piano lesson
JustChillaxin007: ooo koo
orkdorc74: UH IS a prety campus
JustChillaxin007: im in marching band!!!
JustChillaxin007: i guess
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: haha are u serious!!...UH marching band?/!!
JustChillaxin007: yup yup
orkdorc74: oh wow
orkdorc74: hahaha
orkdorc74: cougar marchign band
JustChillaxin007: =)
orkdorc74: *shakes head*
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: u shoulda gone to UT instead...then u coulda stayed with being a longhorn!!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: but uh is pretty!
orkdorc74: hahhaaha
orkdorc74: but...longhorns!!
JustChillaxin007: heheh
JustChillaxin007: so how are you?
orkdorc74: i'm doing u going to asian mass tomorrow?
JustChillaxin007: nah
JustChillaxin007: dont think so
orkdorc74: me neither
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: well for me there's really no choice
JustChillaxin007: as in you cant go?
orkdorc74: haha yea....i don't think i could go anyways tho....i'm so busy that i think i have to stay up all night tonite in order to even be able to finish my hw by the tiem i go to bed SUNDAY nite
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: (it's cuz i procrastinate..bad thing..heeh)
JustChillaxin007: wow
JustChillaxin007: i dont rem HS being so hard.....
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: well
orkdorc74: iuno
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: it's cuz ur SMART!!!!!
orkdorc74: heheeh
orkdorc74: hopefully college will be better tho
JustChillaxin007: LoL i wish
JustChillaxin007: i failed my chem test
orkdorc74: awwww!!!!
orkdorc74: noooo
orkdorc74: how do u know already?
JustChillaxin007: they posted answers afterwords =
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: 13/20
orkdorc74: =(....i'll help u next time!!..just call or IM or somethign if there' s something u dont' get and i'll try to help
orkdorc74: ^_^
JustChillaxin007: haha thnx
JustChillaxin007: thats sweet of you
JustChillaxin007: i was really pissed about it
JustChillaxin007: cause like i felt real good bout it before i took it
JustChillaxin007: and i was doing the reviews and old tests like nothing
JustChillaxin007: and then i get there and its like what is this stuff?!
JustChillaxin007: gr.....
orkdorc74: ooo maan i HATE when teachers do that
orkdorc74: it's like they expect u do know extra
JustChillaxin007: yup
orkdorc74: wait...actually..did the prof write the test or did the TAs write the test?
JustChillaxin007: teachers i think
JustChillaxin007: cause its a department test
orkdorc74: ooo ok
orkdorc74: cuz at UT
orkdorc74: i hear that the TAs write the tests sometimes
JustChillaxin007: blah blah blah
JustChillaxin007: haha
orkdorc74: and they always screw up the tests
orkdorc74: hehehehe
orkdorc74: HEY!!!
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: we're not talking about UT now are we?
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: its all about UH!
JustChillaxin007: cause its a pretty campus!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: HAHHAHAA
orkdorc74: *falls off chair laughing*
orkdorc74: u still have to go visit mr. hester!!
orkdorc74: play piano for him sometime!!!
orkdorc74: actually, i don't have the music to that song
JustChillaxin007: i used to
JustChillaxin007: used to have this book with all these disney songs
orkdorc74: awww!!..u shoudl find it!!!
JustChillaxin007: im not sure what ahppened to it....=
JustChillaxin007: ask my bro
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: HE stole it, hmmm???
orkdorc74: *storms after ted*
orkdorc74: hehhe
orkdorc74: j/k
JustChillaxin007: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: im cheering for you!!
orkdorc74: OMG....did i ever tell u what happened that nite when u toldme to try the warn button??
JustChillaxin007: *steph steph steph.....slowly fading away)
JustChillaxin007: LoL, i saw your warning go up
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: and you and him had a warning war right?
orkdorc74: YES
orkdorc74: 80 freakin percent
JustChillaxin007: hehehe
orkdorc74: becuase ivan decided to help ted
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: and then i got kicked off AIM
orkdorc74: *sigh*...ur bro is soo considerate *COUGH*
orkdorc74: heheeh
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: yes he is
JustChillaxin007: =P
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: i learned my lesson
orkdorc74: i shall never touch the warn button again
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hehe really?!
orkdorc74: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
orkdorc74: u did NOT just do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
orkdorc74: haha
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: *mouse hovers over warn button ominously*
JustChillaxin007: hahha you're so silly
orkdorc74: hmm...well i suppose ONE click won't be of too much harm
orkdorc74: ^_^
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: haha couldnt' resist
orkdorc74: ok
orkdorc74: no more no more
JustChillaxin007: you lied!!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL it was a test
JustChillaxin007: and you failed miserably!!
JustChillaxin007: ;-)
orkdorc74: *cries*
orkdorc74: *hides in corner*
JustChillaxin007: hhe its ok im not gonna send you to 'timeout'
JustChillaxin007: it'll be alright
orkdorc74: heheh
orkdorc74: yea i know i know, ur just gonna fail me so that i can't go to UT
orkdorc74: THAT's ur strategy for geetting me to go to UH
orkdorc74: i see, i see
orkdorc74: hehehee
orkdorc74: j/k j/k
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: hey now, if thats how you're gonna be, go to UT!!
JustChillaxin007: haha
JustChillaxin007: we dont want your kinda attitude here!!
JustChillaxin007: ruin the how UH aura
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: you'd pollute the pretty campus!!
JustChillaxin007: =D
orkdorc74: HHAHAHHHAHH
orkdorc74: FINE then
orkdorc74: i shall go to UT
orkdorc74: and come back and terrorize UH with ted
orkdorc74: heheehehe
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: nope, once you go to UT, UH will shut you out!
JustChillaxin007: muahahahah
orkdorc74: grrrrrrrrrrr
orkdorc74: *tries to shove past davin*
JustChillaxin007: *quickly steps aside, Steph falls flat on face*
JustChillaxin007: *points and laughs*
orkdorc74: wait...i got a BETTER idea
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: *gets on magic carpet and flies OVER dave's head*
orkdorc74: hah!!!..NOW try and stop me!!..muahhaahhah
JustChillaxin007: *grabs a flame thrower and fires at carpet*
orkdorc74: *grabs fire extinguisher*
orkdorc74: *aims leftover foam at dave's head*
JustChillaxin007: better yet, *acorn comes outta no where and knocks you off*
orkdorc74: aaah,, but u fergot... i'm already super glued on!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: *grabs fresbies*
orkdorc74: frisbies?? that supposed to knock me off??
orkdorc74: THINK AGAIN
orkdorc74: heheheeheh
JustChillaxin007: haha
JustChillaxin007: fine fine
orkdorc74: i am invicible with my magic carpet!!
orkdorc74: hehehe
orkdorc74: but if u want, u can have a ride
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: *mr gullible pops out in front of ya and you drop like a fly*
JustChillaxin007: =D
orkdorc74: ooo
orkdorc74: dat's not good
orkdorc74: heheheeh
JustChillaxin007: heheh
orkdorc74: what does mr gullible look like anyways?
orkdorc74: i gotta be prepared in case i meet him someday
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: he looks gullible
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: its so fun talking to you :-D
JustChillaxin007: ooooo
JustChillaxin007: *creats tornado*
JustChillaxin007: ha! lets see you fly through that
JustChillaxin007: *cow soars by* (like in twister)
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: oo...cow ...mooo
orkdorc74: hehe
orkdorc74: wait..wasnt' that in wizard of oz??
orkdorc74: aaahh..i U are mr. gullible
orkdorc74: now that i know what he looks like
orkdorc74: and which school he goes to....
orkdorc74: *starts making plans*
orkdorc74: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: there's a tornado in front of you woman!!
orkdorc74: *uses magic carpet driving skills and steers aroudn tornado*
orkdorc74: *steers tornado back towards dave*
orkdorc74: EN GUARDE
orkdorc74: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: *fires a kamehamaha, destroys tornado and puts a hole in carpet*
orkdorc74: WHOA we're gettgin HIGH tech here, hmmm??!!!!
orkdorc74: alrite....screw the carpet
orkdorc74: sword fight!!!
orkdorc74: hahahh
orkdorc74: *runs and aims*
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: *creates illusion, sword turns to snake*
orkdorc74: HEY..but it's ONLY an ILLUSION!!!!
orkdorc74: *throws snake*
orkdorc74: oh wait..i fergot...i dont' like snakes
orkdorc74: hahah...omg..i can't believe i just told u that too
orkdorc74: HAHAHAH
orkdorc74: ooh maan
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: mr gullible strikes again
orkdorc74: >:P
JustChillaxin007: heheh
orkdorc74: ummm
orkdorc74: *frantically thinks up another plan*
JustChillaxin007: *snakes drop from sky, nonstop
orkdorc74: *lightbulb goes off*
orkdorc74: *throws rotten eggs*
orkdorc74: wait..are u ticklish??
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: gullible isnt neither
orkdorc74: what??!!!
orkdorc74: ooh pooey
orkdorc74: hmmm
orkdorc74: but u may be lyin
orkdorc74: i'l have to wait till the next time i see u at church and see for myself
orkdorc74: orr..i coudl just ask ted
orkdorc74: buh he's not onilne rite now
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: so i gues you just have to take my word for it
orkdorc74: LOL..maann..i just read over this entire convo..this is DEFINTELY going in my blog sometime soonn....
orkdorc74: can u copy paste the convo and email it to me?
JustChillaxin007: hahah
orkdorc74: lol...let's see what else comes out of this convo
JustChillaxin007: aiite
orkdorc74: *rolls up sleeves*
orkdorc74: *gets in fight position*
orkdorc74: hiiaaa yaaaahh!!!!
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: that didn't work
orkdorc74: so much for my chinese martial arts yell
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: um.....
JustChillaxin007: *boos steph off campus*
JustChillaxin007: "Boooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"
orkdorc74: arrrrggghh
orkdorc74: heheheh
orkdorc74: grrrr
orkdorc74: hmmmm
orkdorc74: *brings in the longhorn from UT*
orkdorc74: *longhorn charges*
orkdorc74: toro! toro!!
orkdorc74: heheeh
JustChillaxin007: *rubs lamp*
JustChillaxin007: *longhorn runs like a whimpering dog after seeing genie*
JustChillaxin007: ha!
JustChillaxin007: UH is more creative
JustChillaxin007: eheh
orkdorc74: *snatches lamp away*
orkdorc74: *genie starts to plot against davin*
orkdorc74: heheh
JustChillaxin007: *cougar tackles you....FUMBLE!*
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: OMG..someone else just threatedn to warn me!!!
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: look what u've done!!!
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: ahha who who?!
orkdorc74: my friend
orkdorc74: ooo go warn him!!
orkdorc74: sn: cgtruths
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: cause you're a longhorn!
JustChillaxin007: haha
orkdorc74: wahatt??
orkdorc74: so are u!!
orkdorc74: dobie!!!
JustChillaxin007: heheh
JustChillaxin007: you want me to?
orkdorc74: yess!!
orkdorc74: hehe do it just for kicks
orkdorc74: hehe
orkdorc74: he won't know who u are!!
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: that requires me to delete someone off my list...
orkdorc74: huh?why?
JustChillaxin007: hm....who's this orkdorc girl anyway, i think i'll delete her
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: cause im full
JustChillaxin007: i need to add him on my list
JustChillaxin007: and i have to have him reply me
orkdorc74: HAHAHAH
orkdorc74: hmm...delete ted..u can alwasy add him on later
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: j/k
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: silly =P
JustChillaxin007: so what are you up to?
orkdorc74: still talkign to ppl
orkdorc74: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: koo koo
orkdorc74: still fighing for LONGHORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
JustChillaxin007: hahah
JustChillaxin007: im playing some typing game
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: my rank is sea monkey so far
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: site?
JustChillaxin007: yahoo
JustChillaxin007: go to games
JustChillaxin007: its called typer shark
JustChillaxin007: look for it
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: oo ookkies
orkdorc74: hey did u ever warn him??
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: did his warning go up?
orkdorc74: nope
orkdorc74: hahaa
JustChillaxin007: are you playing
orkdorc74: im trying to find it..
orkdorc74: which category is it under?
orkdorc74: oo nvm i foudn it
JustChillaxin007: um....
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: i played hard
orkdorc74: wait i don't have to download it do i?
JustChillaxin007: nope
JustChillaxin007: it just has to load
orkdorc74: which level do i start with?
orkdorc74: eeh i'll do easy
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: haha
JustChillaxin007: i did hard fisrst
JustChillaxin007: now im doing expert
orkdorc74: haha i LOVE thsi game
orkdorc74: ADDICTING
JustChillaxin007: LoL
JustChillaxin007: are you serious?!
JustChillaxin007: hehehhehe
JustChillaxin007: dork =P
orkdorc74: YES
orkdorc74: hhehe
JustChillaxin007: heh
orkdorc74: ok leemm etry expert
JustChillaxin007: whoa
JustChillaxin007: heeh
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: NVM
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: hehehe
JustChillaxin007: yea thats what i said
JustChillaxin007: ehhe
orkdorc74: grrrrrrrrrrrr
orkdorc74: heheh
orkdorc74: ooo they have scrabble on line too
JustChillaxin007: hehe
JustChillaxin007: imma chum!!
JustChillaxin007: hehe yea
JustChillaxin007: everythings practically online
JustChillaxin007: so, who's this guy that everyones been talkin about on your chatterbox?
JustChillaxin007: mike from church???
JustChillaxin007: hehe
orkdorc74: huh?
orkdorc74: mike?
JustChillaxin007: o n/m, i thought i figured it out
JustChillaxin007: hah
JustChillaxin007: is your dad letting you go to HC?
orkdorc74: huh?? what are u talkign about??
orkdorc74: OH
orkdorc74: hahah
orkdorc74: THAT's what ur talkigna bout
orkdorc74: o, he'd prolly let me go..i just don't realy want to
orkdorc74: too lazy to find a date
orkdorc74: hehe
JustChillaxin007: aw...bur you're going to prom though right?
orkdorc74: mebbe
orkdorc74: if i fidn a date by the
orkdorc74: *then
orkdorc74: LOL
JustChillaxin007: you have to go to prom!!
JustChillaxin007: who's the guy?
JustChillaxin007: ehe
JustChillaxin007: hehe dont mind me, im just being nosy
orkdorc74: oh, someone from UT
orkdorc74: ^_^
orkdorc74: a longhorn!!!!
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: *gasp* ted!!!
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: *falls off chair laughing*
JustChillaxin007: hahahah
orkdorc74: *rolling aroudn on floor in pain*
orkdorc74: OMG..this is DEFINTEILY going in my blog
orkdorc74:, not ted
JustChillaxin007: gee, whats on your floor?
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: LoL
orkdorc74: LOL
orkdorc74: hmmm...a magic carpet!!
JustChillaxin007: hahaha
orkdorc74: aahh
orkdorc74: *wipes tears from eyes from laughin so hard*
orkdorc74: (i'm serious about the laughin part btw)
orkdorc74: lol
JustChillaxin007: aw...i made steph cry
JustChillaxin007: hehehe