lunes, abril 26

colin says that i've been awfully negative lately.....hmmm i guess he's right....maybe it would help if he stopped mistreating my spanish book

HEHEHE j/k j/k

but i guess i have some reason to be negative...senior year has been the crappiest year of my life, hands down.....and it's not getting any better..YAY!!(anyone hear any sarcasm?)

yea, well gnite everyone...going to bed soon

sábado, abril 24

i get to skip all three TAKS days vacation for me in new england next week!!!

jueves, abril 22

i've had two absolutely bizarre dreams lately...bizarre but funny, because i actually woke myself up laughing:

1) punag and me were invited to be "special guests" at a church....but this church was odd...remember the mountain on which the lamp was located in "aladdin"?..yea, so the altar looked just like that, but wiht a greater surface area, so there everyone who was "important" sat around the altar, and so punag and me got to sit up there....and this church had this "holy water" that they kept in a piece of TUPPERWARE...hahh holy water in tupperware, now how random is that...anyways, halfway through the sermon, punag suggested that we steal the tupperware of holy water and run off with it....i thought it was a good after the sermon, when ppl were distracted, i took the tupperware of holy water and tried to hide it under my shirt...yea,, genius idea huh, especially seeing how the tupperware stuck out like crazy under my somehow we ended up at the mall, me still with the tupperware under my shirt....and that was the end of the freakin

2) well, we were all in spanish class, but it was like an old fashioned classroom, with wooden bench row desks and stuff....and not only were there 11 people in the class, but there were a whole lot of other ppl in the troy, colin, heather, steph, and basically it was like my spanish class and econ class combined me, johann, and apoorva were all sitting in the back row....and for some reason, everyone was folding paper airplanes....and every time sra. ramos turned her back to the chalkboard, everyone started chunking paper airplanes liek crazy at me johann and apoorva in the back...HAHA....and that's when i woke up laughing for some reason...

and the even weirder part is that today in spanish class, we were talking about what to do for our skit...and all of a sudden, johann started mentioning throwing paper airplanes....AHHH!!...hahah is that weird or WHAT

and right now i'm looking at directions as to how to get to MIT from Logan Airport....other than buses, shuttles, and taxis, here is what one of the options are(no joke, this is actually on the webpage):
by Hood blimp
Take the blimp to the tall building with all the glass windows (that would be the Hancock tower). Head north over the Charles River and have them put you down on top of the large, convex, concrete structure on the north shore of the river (that would be the Great Dome of MIT). Watch out for police cars on the roof.

lol i bet that really is a joke tho, but if it WASN'T a joke ,how neat is that? i bet stanford doesn't have that. you palm tree huggers...HEEHE...j/k j/k, i love all you stanford people ^_^

martes, abril 20

alrite....HOW in the world did someone link to my blog by typing in "How you know you are a true Mexican" into google????!!!......that's freaky bizarre....

lunes, abril 19

I just got back from Math Night, which was total JOKE….for some reason, they kept the house lights on the whole time, and then they made all the officers stand too (no chairs for us),….yea basically it was kinda gay.

But anyways, troy and his parents were there, and his mom told me about a very interesting conversation that she had with a friend apparently:

friend: so do you know who stephanie wang is?
Troy’s mom: yea! I know who she is!
Friend: did hear hear that she is valedictorian and also got a FULL SCHOLARSHIP to STANFORD????!!!!
Troy’s mom (who knows that is totally false): ……………….uhh…….

HAHAHAHAH…yea…ok, so um ..there’s several things wrong with that:

1) I’m not valedictorian. No chance, actually
2) I’m not going to Stanford. I didn’t get even into Stanford, I got wl
3) Even if I went to Stanford, the only way they’d give me a full scholarship is if (in the words of Punag) “only if you were dirt PO’!!”…

Lol…so that was an amusing start off to the night.

viernes, abril 16

these are some of my favorite pictures of welch, taken from wai-ying's photo album (thanks!!)......this summer won't be the same - definitely NOT, nothing could ever replace welch, EVER

our awesome sculpture of dr. rogers!!! (the dr pepper cans represent the muscles....i carved the face in the apple!...and notice tuan falling in the background - look at the right side of the picture))

twister....we made this one evening when we were bored out of 12 trash bags and sharpies....the guy at the front desk gave us a weird look when we asked for the trash

wai-ying's lovely cheerios creation

you can't really see it, but this is the beloved dinosaur sculpture of UT - Arlington that wai-ying and me always used as a landmark whenever we kept getting lost the first week..haha

jueves, abril 15

1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
Biology 4th Edition
"HYPOTHESIS #1: If differences in physical environments cause variations in the life histories of guppy populations..."


2) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?

3) What is the last thing you watched on TV?
spanish telenovela

4) WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is.
8:03 pm

5) Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
8:02 pm...hahah WOW

6) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
my bro playing the piano, water from downstairs

7) When did you last step outside? what were you doing?
going to my violin lesson

8) Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
miink's dj to copy/paste this thing

9) What are you wearing?
mu alpha theta shirt and gray pj bottoms with pandas

10) Did you dream last night?

11) When did you last laugh?
in spanish class-->
apoorva: hey everyone, we're calling our play "la pasión de Don Manuel"
sridevi: i'm offended

HAHAHAHA...u kinda have to understand both ppl in order to get that

12) What is on the walls of the room you are in?
iuno....a random bug?..light switches?

13) Seen anything weird lately?
yea....i saw an ad in the Houston Press that said " BE GAY. Call. Guys are waiting!" (

14) Last movie you saw?
A Beautiful Mind

15) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
i'd pay for college first

16) Tell me something about you that I don't know
hmmm....well i don't think that any of yall know who i like right now....and i'm not telling either...and i don't think anyone will guess who he is anyways.....muahhaa^_^

17) If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
make spanish the official language......hehe j/k

18) Do you like to dance?
yea but i suck at it

19) George Bush:
he has the same initials as Great Britain

20) Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Keara (spelled just that way, NOT named after the actress)

21) [Same question for a boy]

22) Would you ever consider living abroad?
HECK YEA.....yall know where, too ^_^

and some more questions i found from other lj's that i thought were neat:

One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Alejandro Gomez- Guillen, i still remember the name, All-State 2001

If I were a sin, I'd be: LUST and INFIDELITY....haahah no no no j/, i guess i'd be gluttony

miércoles, abril 14

i am so bummed. i might not be able to go to MIT at all. i mean for campus visits...ahhh....i guess the first time i step foot onto the campus might actually be in september =(

airlines are so freakin annoying. seriously, i don't get it. *shakes fist*

buuuut hope everyone has fun at CPW tomorrow and the rest of this weekend.....and for all u future owls, have fun at OWL week too!!

SID WINS THE COOLNESS AWARD FOR THIS WEEK.....he bought a spanish bible..HAHA

and MIINKAY WINS THE AWESOME LISTENER AWARD.....ur so awesome miink!!!..^_^

martes, abril 13

being in the lab today brought back more fond memories of welch....

we were trying to figure out how to work the new electrophoresis machine since mei needed to use the old one the whole day, eugenia and me finally got it to work by setting the voltage all the way up to 300 and then and ONLY then would the milliamps stay at 25. o_O..right. it finally worked, and then xuefeng had to use it, but it wasn't workign for him at all:

xuefeng: how does this thing work?
me: i think you have to set the voltage all the way up.
*sets voltage to 300 and milliamps to 100* *presses starts* *voltage goes back down to 100 and milliamps to 8*
xuefeng: i don't get it
heidi: what's wrong?
xuefeng: i can't get it to work!
*they stand there for a while trying to get it to work*
nat(heidi's husband): if you want, i can throw it downstairs for you
*they go and get a another machine, and it works this time*

hahaha ok so that was successfully resolved...on the other hand, if that had happened to Kory at UT-Arlington this summer at Welch, this was what you would have heard, all the way down the hall:

"#$&*!! stupid machine!! piece of $&%*...*indistinguishable mutters*...%$*%**&($*!!!...*sound of something breaking*"

LOL....big difference

i have a UT Med School badge on a Baylor University keychain, a UT-Arlington ID card, two UT shirts, and a University of Maryland notebook.

yet I'm going to MIT...haha gotta love that, go beavers!

lunes, abril 12

i've noticed recently that more and more of my blogs are beginning to be less of what i do, but more of what i think. why is that?

it's kinda weird, because as senior year goes on, i'm finding that i'm becoming more distanced from some ppl that i've known like forever, yet i'm just starting to make new bonds with other people that i've just met...which is definitely the coolest thing ever, cuz these ppl i'll still see in college, and college is where it matters the most, i would think...the MIT ppl are pretty neat...i just found out that another person i used to know is also going to MIT..and she used to work at the museum too!! now how cool is that??!!!

but it's sad tho, how ppl i used to be close to, i no longer am.

domingo, abril 11

got this off liberty's lj....all the welch memories came rushing back *sniff* I LOVE ALL YOU WELCHIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i'll post some more from waiying's album later)

Jesus, thank you for your cross
For the life that set us free
The crimson stain of all our sins
Washed away by your mercy

finally got to go to another sunday service at jireh, and i'm really liking it, especially the sermons. today's was about truth..gave me a lot to reflect on actually

i've never been on a mission before either...jireh's gonna do one during the summer and i think it'd be neat to go if i's in harlingen (sp..?)...somewhere close to the border, so lots of spanish will be spoken, or so says josh. (at this point steve points at me "that's no problem at all, she's obssessed with spanish"..HAHA...niiiiice one)..but anyways, the process that one goes thru before actually going on the mission sounds interesting too, with all the letters and sounds like a really good preparation, quite interesting in fact, and also a good opportunity to increase faith too. i wonder why not all churches do this.

also, has anyone else ever noticed the beauty in poetry? not just the "raw-meaning" beauty but the deeper structural, complex beauty of...of innateness....of intimacy....of...u can't quite put it in words, but it's there, just that feeling, that gut feeling...just like music.....u'll be playing the gorgeous inner section of the fourth and fifth page of the G minor ballade by chopin, and u don't ever quite notice what ur playing, like u don't really listen for crescendo or decrescendo or rubato in a certain measure on a certain note - it just comes out naturally by itself....and even though that part isn't the hardest part to play technically, u nevertheless play it over and over again just so that every time you play it you can feel that wave of....of something...caress you from all sides and te cobija en todas sus acaricias como si pudiera caminar por las olas de ambrosia

and someone i talked to today mentioned how when everytime u read a poem u see something different. and it's quite true too, and the same for music as well. it's like how when you play a piece for a while and practice it, and then kinda just leave it on the back burner to simmer for a couple days, and when you come back to it, it's much better than it was before....what an interesting way to think about it, that was quite a interesting topic, thanks for talking about it and making me think about it too ^_^


viernes, abril 9

i. am. broken.

jueves, abril 8

i am SOO freaking stressed.

does anyone else think that the spanish homework this weekend is quite a ridiculous amount of work? or am i the only one who thinks that 50 pages of spanish reading and 32 study questions (actually, each question is split up into 3-7 subquestions. so it's more than 32 questions) is a lot?

not to mention, i have a new dilemma now:
if i go to CPW, i can't get back to houston until monday. meaning that i'll have to take the stats final. anyone who knows me knows how much i dislike stats. so is it worth going to CPW? or no?

at least mentoring was fun today. i got tired of doing homework while waiting for the gel, so i went and talked to one of the spanish..HAHAAH...that was neat, i think she was pretty impressed too

anyways. i'm going to go work now. homework. spanish homework. oh yea, and english work is killing me too. wonderful. work my ass off. geez, apparently the meaning of "vacation" has become obsolete. eff. and happy easter.

martes, abril 6


heather TOTALLY made my day today, esp. after that sucky econ quiz....hahaha....she's like my sister

and then i made punag's day-->

me: you sound like a little old russian woman
punag: HAHHAH YES!!!! that totally made my day!! today, en resumen, is officially a good day

right now, i wish that i was a sophomore so that senior year i'd be able to do THIS

ok what the heck

i just went through my tracker, and people have linked to my blog by typing in the following things in google:

- Tryconympha (ok, who's the weirdo who keeps doing this??? came up like 4 times in the tracker)
- MIT+Harvard+birdseed+whistle (wow...that's just...odd....must have been someone who heard my story..?)
- Bellaire High School (wtf....i've never even typed those words in my blog until now)
-bautismo+recuerdos (woot! someone was speaking spanish)
- Justin+Lee+Bellaire (again, wtf.....i've mentioned his name like once......looks like he's got a stalker....geez. and ppl accuse me of blogstalking)

hahah alrite that's just amusing. i'm out. later.

lunes, abril 5

Alrite I was gonna go into anti-blogging mode until May 14th ( last day of APs) but stacy persuaded me not to. Lol. So I’ll update once in a while but just not as often or as long (sorrie!)..haha…like two ppl read this thing anyways...i promise i'll update a lot after APs tho!!

domingo, abril 4

What a disappointment.

This week we found out about mentorship applicants and colleges, and I must say, what a disappointment.

Of course, there were some super awesome things, so CONGRATS to the following ppl for their colleges!:

Stanford – jace, amber, justin (but still a loyal, liberty (fellow welchie!)
BHP – christine, joel
Wash. U – troy (with full tuition!!)
UC Berkely - punag
NYU – rebecca
Rice/duke/upenn, etc.. – anu! (the best welch roomie ever)

Alrite so I may be leaving a few off, but congrats nevertheless…

But mentorship. WOW. What a disappointment indeed, in everything, but as of now, especially of the applicants…of course, i have to say congrats to ALYSSA and MELISSA first for making it in, cuz they totally deserved it….but there was one person on there who definitely did NOT deserve it. Ok, when on the very DAY of ur mentorship interview, you have to stop and ASK someone else “what do I in neurology? Do I , like, cure depression?” when you’re trying to get into mentorship thru neurology – alrite kiddo, THAT IS PITIFUL. I can’t believe that person got in, but who am I to judge. What crap….other than that tho, many aspects of mentorship have disappointed me this year. I won’t go into detail, because I know that too much of what I say on here can (and has been, in the past) used against me. But take for example the topic of the research paper for first semester. I spent an effin buttload of time on that. seriously, like that ate up all of my thanksgiving break , and I didn’t even do that well on it. However, as I recently found out, another mentorship student almost literally copy and pasted his/her (gender not revealed to protect anonymity) entire paper. I don’t know how well he/she did on it,but that is such crap, once again. But whatever. Things happen as they do.

I’ve been finding that whenever I’ve been getting deprimida or upset lately (as has been recently), it helps me the most to take out my Abriendo puertas book and start reading it. Not just the prose, but the poesía too, and it’s totally amazing. I don’t know why it calms me down so much. I tried reading the stuff in Perrine, but that doesn’t help half as much. It also helps to write down my own versos in Spanish too:

Quizás en la mente
(en la de la gente)
les de un sospecho
de lo que he hecho

spanish IS easy to rhyme in....i think I’ve fallen in love with literature española, i also love the story we’re reading right now in class, las ataduras…such an amazing story , I think,…but part of the reason I think I like it so much is because I see so much of myself in Alina…just check out this excerpt from the story, it matches me perfectly right now (plus or minus a few phrases that I ellipsed out):

“[…]más en que tuvo que esforzar mucho para esconder su melancholia [...] No sabía lo que le pasaba, pero su deseo de irse era mayor que nunca. Se sentía atrapada, girando a disgusto en una rueda vertiginosa. Se reía sin parar, forzadamente..”

y es perfecto. Just look at it.

Let’s see, I also went through the notes that we took in class over this story about the themes, and lo and behold, they match once again:

- falta de comunicación entre los hijos y padres................CHECK
- los niños no pueden comunicarse completamente...........CHECK
- “flashback” del desarollo y los conflictos........................CHECK

pretty interesting.....i see a lot of the same conflicts of Alina in my life (altho in altered form) , sus deseos, sus gustos, y sus emociones

and one other thing. I’ve decided that elites get on my nerves. Of course, I still like the people, but just not when they act elitist. I hate it when I hear ppl say “man, I hate stupid ppl!”…which is what I’ve heard lately so many times. I hate it when they say that. why? Because that is so effing orgulloso that it’s disgusting. Plus, I don’t consider myself among their ranks too. Who cares if they’re “stupid”? there’s no way you can define “stupid”…everyone has their different definitions. If a person is not that terribly quick or smart do they fall into the category of “stupid”? even if they work their butt off? Really, you would think that you’d have a little more consideration. People are different. And I guess I can’t really tell you what to think of other ppl. I consider myself on middle ground. Which is why I will never become an elitist. I’m not good enough for that category, anyways.

that is all I have to say right now. Dejame en paz ahora.

viernes, abril 2

tmac1balla1: hmmmmm
tmac1balla1: all i ever use is power rule
orkdorc74: lol david!!..that makes u sound less smart than u are
orkdorc74: uhh
orkdorc74: spew out some stats stuff
orkdorc74: iuno, "confidcenc interval, bla bla"
orkdorc74: hahah
tmac1balla1: oh
tmac1balla1: 65 percent of the variation of y is explained by the linear expression x and y

hehehehe...maaaann that totally made my night

david liang makes me laugh SOOO freakin hard...

so i put "MIT '08" in my profile

david IMs me --> tmac1balla1: check out my profile
tmac1balla1: i copied u

so i check out his profile, and it says:
"HCC '09"

LOL ^_^