domingo, abril 11

Jesus, thank you for your cross
For the life that set us free
The crimson stain of all our sins
Washed away by your mercy

finally got to go to another sunday service at jireh, and i'm really liking it, especially the sermons. today's was about truth..gave me a lot to reflect on actually

i've never been on a mission before either...jireh's gonna do one during the summer and i think it'd be neat to go if i's in harlingen (sp..?)...somewhere close to the border, so lots of spanish will be spoken, or so says josh. (at this point steve points at me "that's no problem at all, she's obssessed with spanish"..HAHA...niiiiice one)..but anyways, the process that one goes thru before actually going on the mission sounds interesting too, with all the letters and sounds like a really good preparation, quite interesting in fact, and also a good opportunity to increase faith too. i wonder why not all churches do this.

also, has anyone else ever noticed the beauty in poetry? not just the "raw-meaning" beauty but the deeper structural, complex beauty of...of innateness....of intimacy....of...u can't quite put it in words, but it's there, just that feeling, that gut feeling...just like music.....u'll be playing the gorgeous inner section of the fourth and fifth page of the G minor ballade by chopin, and u don't ever quite notice what ur playing, like u don't really listen for crescendo or decrescendo or rubato in a certain measure on a certain note - it just comes out naturally by itself....and even though that part isn't the hardest part to play technically, u nevertheless play it over and over again just so that every time you play it you can feel that wave of....of something...caress you from all sides and te cobija en todas sus acaricias como si pudiera caminar por las olas de ambrosia

and someone i talked to today mentioned how when everytime u read a poem u see something different. and it's quite true too, and the same for music as well. it's like how when you play a piece for a while and practice it, and then kinda just leave it on the back burner to simmer for a couple days, and when you come back to it, it's much better than it was before....what an interesting way to think about it, that was quite a interesting topic, thanks for talking about it and making me think about it too ^_^