heey i added on a comments box at the bottom of each post, see it?...make comments there instead please!!!..i'll use that until i finally decide to switch to livejournal...lol
domingo, febrero 29
So yesterday got up at 6 am on a Saturday morning to go to the Rice math competition. I was hoping it wouldn’t rain, cuz it always rains whenever I go onto a college campus..=/..it ended up not raining except it looked bleak the entire day.yuck…overall, the competition wasn’t that exciting, but it was fun hanging out and also doing the team competitions…altho the team next door *COUGH* was singing or something the entire time, that was an interesting distraction, and halfway thru they opened up the partition door and asked to see our trash can…LOL….hmm ok I guess they weren’t working on the team problems at all…=P…the individual tests were HARD tho, at least I thought they were…i bet amy didn’t think so, she was scribbing away the entire time…woohoo!!!...i hope she wins something this year, she did last year..stacy introduced me to wendy’s bacon cheeseburgers…YUMMY!!!...thanks stacy….i actually remember seeing something about being addicted to wendy’s bacon cheeseburgers on someone’s profile (..i think it was steve..?) ..after lunch we basically hung around in the student center waiting for the awards ceremony to start at 3:15 so that we could go home…jenny and me ended up wandering around looking for a drink machine….then we found a grand piano and jessica (zhu) played the RIGOLETTO SUITE for us!!!!!!*drool*…I freakin love that piece…she played it REALLY well too..so 3:15 rolls around, we get back to Herzstein Hall and the guest speaker is STILL talking….walked around campus with jess, came back 30 minutes later – and he’s STILL talking!!!!...o_O…he finally finished around 4 effin 15 pm, and by that time, I was freaking out cuz I needed to get back to sugarland before 5, and other people were getting worried too cuz they were supposed to be back by 4:30…baevich and grigassy apparently got tired of waiting too, so they decided to leave..*whew*…
Ended up not getting back to Austin till 4:45, where sid picked me up (thanks for actually driving all the way out to the school!!!!!) and we dashed off to the AMC on westheimer…hahah sid made this invention where he took one of those elastic headbands, put it on at an angle so that he could slip his cell phone under the band right over his ear…LOL…. sid’s dad though, apparently saw it too and said something to sid in Chinese about a dog eating its own crap..HAHA hey, I thought it was a pretty brilliant idea
Sid ingeniously got to the AMC on time, (where we watched “the passion” with the rest of his church), even though we drove past dunvale and had to turn back!! And I mean RIGHT on time, like we sat down with the rest of them right when the actual movie started, we didn’t even have to sit thru any previews.. MAD PROPS to you sid!...now that’s what I call some spiffy driving there..hehe
The movie, “the passion,” was pretty intense and amazing, I’ll say that much. I don’t want to talk that much about it on my blog though. I pretty much sat kinda stunned the whole time. It was the first time that I’ve ever cried while watching a movie before, iuno..it just seemed so real, and I guess watching it was kinda like having someone slam you in the stomach over and over again. I tried not to cry, but the part where they nailed Jesus onto the Cross really hit me hard. I think I just couldn’t hold it in then, cuz that’s when it hit me that He really DID suffer for us. For us. Are we worthy? “And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness.”…of course, the number of times they slammed the hammer down was more than 4 times, but it was both happiness and unhappiness at the same time. The interesting thing was that afterwards when we all met back at jireh, john told us that when they filmed them nailing Jesus to the cross, the hand that we see holding the hammer is actually mel gibson’s hand…it’s supposed to symbolize that WE killed jesus…very subtle, I thought that was really interesting…another part that really got me was when Jesus fell down the second time carrying the cross, and his mother ran to help him up.. I don’t know why that part got me, it just did….the whole film wasn’t anti-semitic anyways, I don’t see what the whole hype was about. It was just extremely stark and real. People say that there’s too much violence in the movie. But what if it really was like that? Plus, it doesn’t make sense to call the movie anti-jew, cuz Jesus technically was a Jew too.
We followed josh back on the way to jireh..the mini cooper!!..it’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone who I actually KNOW drive a mini cooper….we wondered whether josh knew that we were following him though..hmm…lol I told sid about how i do “people-watching” at the mall but see, when I do that I don’t just sit there and watch people, I actually get up and follow…sid calls it stalking..>_<..
Chilled for a while eating pizza and really yummy salad (that cyndy made!)….jackie made this cake that looked REALLY good but I couldn’t eat it cuz of lent…=(…hahh john made us all introduce ourselves and then say something interesting about ourselves… no one knew what to say, so he gave up and just told us to say what color gummy bears we liked the best…lol….so random but funny (kid: “umm, I like red. And green. And yellow. And orange…” Jessie: “uh, you mean all of them?”..HAHA)..meanwhile we could all see steve pacing around in the kitchen eating salad and whatever else he could.hehe. guess he was hungry…so john made steve come in and say TEN interesting things about himself, while telling him that the rest of us had already said our “ten interesting things”…..LOL, sorrie steve, but that was just really amusing..=P…also found out that I managed to throw everyone else off since I call Jessie by “Ms. Liu”…haha of course that goes the other way around as well, I get thrown off whenever I hear everyone else call her “Jessie”
We had an informal discussion/bible study session in the chapel (..is that what it’s called at non-catholic churches, too..??) to reflect on the movie….i thought that was a really good idea, and it felt nice getting to sit with all these ppl who all felt the same way I did…john was the leader of the discussion basically, and did a really good job with it too, he really knew how to make us reflect and think…I was impressed too by how everyone knew the Bible so well….the thing I think i like most about jireh is that u get such a warm, enveloping, yet serious feeling when ur there, and then all the singing they do too really kinda reinforces everything too – that part I REALLY like….props to all the musicians (sid john josh edwin cyndy evan) for making it all feel so…iuno if I can find the right word for it….for making it all feel so..right.?..i can’t express it in words, they’re up there on the podium playing, the rest of us are below singing along, and looking UP at the words on the screen, and I feel this wave of excitement kinda wrap its way around me….i mean, it’s something I’ve never felt before anywhere else …I don’t even know most of the ppl there, but I was just really impressed by them overall, really convinced, really content…
Finally left around 10:30, and drove back to new territory with sid and two other girls (woot! Sid’s a pimp!!..hahahhaa j/p j/p) Jackie and Sunny (…I think that’s her name..?)…halfway thru sid and me switched into spanish for some reason…LOL…funny, cuz Jackie and sunny then switched into mandarin…the best part, as sid noted, was that “es interesante que nosotros podamos entender ellas, pero ellas no nos pueden entender”…HEHEHE…..oh, almost fergot, have to blog this funny convo from earlier:
me: people say you look like yao ming…cuz of ur hair I guess
sid: hmmm..yup.
sid: maan, I’d have to say that he’s the coolest Chinese guy ever
me: ..wait…who, you or yao?
sid: me, of course!..................*pause*…… and yao….
HAHA…I ought to do a poll on that, sid vs. yao…=P
So I ended up being out of the house for almost 15 hours!..but it was worth it, it was a TERRIFIC day/night in all aspects possible….i wanted to go to jireh again this morning, but couldn’t make it in time cuz of driving class…..soooorie yall!!..i’ll try to make it next Sunday or Saturday
And don’t forget: “Gaudí fue atropellado por un tranvía enfrente de su edificio la Sagrada Familia!!!!!!!!”
these next few weeks are gonna be crazy with work. For some reason I’m starting to flip out about grades again. Just like good ol’ junior year…*sigh*..Work practice and scholarships. Meeh. I’m prolly gonna temporarily disappear offline for a while, prolly not too much AIM…just call if you need something or just wanna chill…I think imma need get out more often now that the school year is almost over. =(…of course, with enough time for practicing too..!
viernes, febrero 27
lesse.....let's finally get the difference between stacy and me straightened out, i think people have been mixing us up since 8th grade...LOL..even though we are NOTHIGN like each other:
stacy = short straight black hair, no glasses, only has one violin hickie
steph (me) = curly long black hair, glasses, and i have two violin hickies
hehheh...i think i'm taller, but stacy is still cool =P
hahah ok. no more mix-ups, hopefully.
miércoles, febrero 25
orkdorc74: yaay!!!
orkdorc74: i'm excited actually
orkdorc74: hahaaha
Steveie986: good
Steveie986: you should be
Steveie986: to be around Stid's presence
orkdorc74: Stid...?
Steveie986: yeah
Steveie986: Steve + Sid
*falls off chair laughing*..........THAT totally made my entire night...hahaahahahah
first day of lent . good luck to all catholics who are gonna be giving something up. i didn't know that only catholics observe lent like that. imagine my surprise this morning when i realized that all my protestant friends weren't giving anything up. haha. i'm converting. j/k.
we were talking about lent the whole day tho. i've decided that instead of giving up sweets AND snacks, i'm only gonna give up sweets. otherwise i'd starve. like right now. well, technically it's not starving. i've always wondered what it would be like to be starving though. not just the hunger of not eating for a day, but for a week, two weeks. it's possible to survive you know. u'd just probably be pretty damn weak. and maybe delirious. interesting thought. anyways, we were talking about lent in spanish and apoorva said that i should give up school instead..HAHA:
me: i'm giving up sweets and snacks
apoorva: why? i'd give up church. then no worries (...LOL)
me: haha that'd be like sacrilegious
apoorva: or maybe give up school. you could say it's for religious reasons. if anyone asks, just tell them that Jesus says u can
johann: or you could give up men
LOL....noope....i don't think the last one would work, sorrie johann.
eco was kinda quiet today, not much happened. bleh. although yesterday was a LOT of fun. i brought my UTMSB lab badge, and colin got a hold of it. LOL...it was pretty funny, he tried to trace the picture on a piece of notebook paper , and it turned out looking....not too bad actually....and then troy tried and it ended up looking like a cave man...HAHAHA...*falls off chair laughing*...i think he ended up stealing my badge and wearing it to lunch...oiii....o_O....yes troy, you do look quite a lot like me *cough*...hahahah...anyways, heather found the "reduced fat sugar free wafers" that they were giving out to the juniors, sophs, and freshmen for TAKS testing for their "healthy snack" *snicker*, and also this weird trail mix granola bar thing. troy ate one and looked like he was gonna spit it out. so we got some more, and they spent the rest of class smashing up the two packages and throwing them around..HARD, i think i got smacked several times....lol...i've decided that i like these free days in eco (as if that wasn't obvious)..can't wait till the next time there's TAKS testing....woohoo!!!!!
i'm reaallly really hungry right now. this blows. and i have SNHS afterwards. i wanted to go play tennis after school, but it's freezing outside so i don't know. maybe just go to work out at the club. time to get swoll....HAHAHA...uh no. lol and apparently clements ppl have never heard the term "swoll" before. they think it's "shroll" (heheehe j/p j/p...=P)
oh! almost fergot. troy and i made up a new word today: "swexy"....wooot!!!!...use it yall, it's a combo of "swoll" (or "sweeeeeet" depending on what you want to say) and "sexy"....hahah troy came up with the last part, not me. whhhiiich reminds me again: troy i'm sooo happy for you!!!!!!!!.....soo glad that it's turning out 1289372389 times better than it did for me..^_^
one last note before i get back to reading "adios, cordera!" (spanish)...my email is screwed up right now because my mentor sent me a 2917 KB power point file, and my mail box was already pretty full. i thought i had it fixed, cuz i cleared out a lot of stuff, but i guess not. ish. sooo anyone who i owe an email to, soorrrie, i won't be able to email for a couple of days. on the other hand: TAYLOR YOU OWE ME AN EMAIL. stop reading this blog and email me instead..hahahaa...j/p
i'm out. later.
lunes, febrero 23
today was soooo freakin fun!!!!...let's start with eco:
ok so WHAT exactly happened in eco today??!! in colin's words, "it was like a freakin earthquake"...or something like that hahah....(even tho HE was the one who did it..>_<)...so anyways, i'm sitting at my desk, the whole room is quiet, innocently taking notes while ms. duke is talking....i was kinda bored, so i started balancing my pencil bag on the edge of my desk, and i was balancing my eraser too...all of a sudden (when ms. duke's back is turned) colin reaches across and yanks on the edge of my pencil bag, making it ALMOST fall off, but i caught it in time, plus he had to quickly lean back in his seat because ms. duke turned around again..haha...so everythign goes back to normal again and everythign is in equilibrium point, where i have my pencil bag and eraser balanced again....out of the corner of my eye, i saw colin lean over and whisper something to troy, but didn't really think anything of it....THEN...all of a sudden, my entire desks shakes, and my pencil bag flies off my desk (that must have been troy), and then colin's foot comes shooting up and hits my desk REALLY hard (that's the huge banging noise that yall heard) and my eraser fell off my desk....HAHAHAAHAHA.....WHAT in the world yall....it DID sound like an earthquake i think i was in shock or something for a few seconds, and colin was laughign SOOO freakin hard...>_< >_< >_<.....maaan u are sooo dead colin, everyone turned around and looked at ME and didn't even suspect yall..!!!!!
haha anyways so that was eco..tomorrow will be even more fun cuz it's a free day due to taks testing...yeaaa!!!
i went home and exercised...a LOT...went to the club first and saw 9874398275 ppl there from austin that i knew...o_O....i never knew THAT many ppl go to the club after school....as i was leaving, i saw will and his sister grace (hehehh will and grace..lol j/k j/k) coming up, and we decided to play tennis....i realized how rusty i was at tennis tho...jenny joined us too, and she's good...i gotta go back and play some more i think i'm addicted now
anyways, then i got home, and called sid back...he got a freakin 93 on his OPI!!!!!...woohooo!!..daaang that kid is just racking up the points there....and the best part is that he got the 93, even though he didn't know what one question was asking....so before he answered, he paused and listened to what felipe ( a native speaker) said, and then copied what felipe said...HAHA..heey, it worked what can i say...and ended up scoring 6 points higher too..LOL...u rock kiddo....u'd rock even more if u managed to get colin's sister...HAHAHAH ok j/k j/k imma stop with those jokes now
alrite now i'm freakin tired....i need someone to play tennis with on a regular basis tho....time to start looking around..
domingo, febrero 22
ohhh i almost fergot!!!!...CONGRATS to austin varsity boys basketball for their stellar job on Friday....last game, it was off by only one point....good job yall!!!!..great way to en the season!!!!!!.soorrie for missing it tho.....i had to miss colin's starting position and troy's 23 points...=(...
1. i can still fit into my chinese dress from forever ago. interesting.
2. i always think that i don't have any homework on sunday night. then i realize that i have to do mentorship hw. have i started my mini presentation yet? NOPE. when's it due? thursday. am i gonna do it now? i'll think about it (omg...that sounded just like Bird..haha)
3. it rained today. but it was sunny earlier
4. if i lie down on the second staircase, i can see all the cars at the club.
5. heard that the stanford reception wasn't all that. sorrie to hear, hope yall had fun anyways!!
6. it's sad when u have certain ppl on ur buddy list put on buddy alert.......
7. i'm bored. take me out to the ball game.
plans for next weekend (i think):
-rice tournament
-"the passion" (what time are yall going???...keeep me updated)
-driving lesson..o_O
-tennis..??? (ferget basketball, u got to do that already this week...lol)
Steveie986: he's all dressed up
Steveie986: seeking to impress some chicks
orkdorc74: yea, blue express shirt
orkdorc74: HAHHAAH
Steveie986: so obvious when he does that
orkdorc74: we were talkign about that last nite too
orkdorc74: LOL!!!!!
orkdorc74: i bet
Steveie986: well it wouldn't really work
Steveie986: cos they'd confuse the two of us, because we're the same person
orkdorc74: hmm, so all the chicks woudl go for u instead
orkdorc74: and poor sid will be left standing in a corner
orkdorc74: HEHEH
orkdorc74: j/k j/k
Steveie986: well we're on the same team
Steveie986: you score points for your team
Steveie986: we don't keep individual statistics
hahah ..ooiiii...have fun at the stanford reception (sid, chen, and brandy)
sábado, febrero 21
i had a pretty neat day!!!....disregard the previous blog, i was in a bad mood when i wrote that
so anyways, first i went on my first drive time ever..aahh!!...i got to observe the first hour though...the kid who was driving was doing his last drive time, but nevertheless managed to almost get us run over, TWICE, because he couldnt' back out of a driveway rite...he did it twice in a row..oiii....but other than that, he was a pretty good driver...then came my turn...and i think i scared everyone else in the car because it took me forever to figure out how to stop correctly....lol...oh well, i got it in the end!!
went out with my family to quizno's afterwards, and saw brian there...apparently he got called into mr. leach's office TOO, for staying after 6th period!!..HAHAHA....join the club brian!!!...at least he didn't sit on the couches in the office...LOL..;)...ugh
finally decided to go work out at the club for the first time in forever..apparently a lot of ppl go on saturday afternoons: colin, sid, joel, ben and some other austin ppl...poor colin had been stuck at the club since 8:30 in the morning reffing (sp..??) and being scorekeeper...i think he wanted to go home but the person at the front desk woulnd't let him...LOL...so we all kept him company for a while....haha it was funny, colin and me tried to play a little one-on-one basketball inbetween the games, but i think i sucked too much....i DID manage to get the ball away from him several times tho!!..woohoo!!!..=P...time for me to start brushign up on basketball skills..grr..but i WILL beat him down in tennis...REAL tennis not that xbox wanna-be-tennis..haha
theen CPC scholarship ball.....i saw caroline, miink, and weikei there!!!....and also cynthia, madelyn, daniel, alex....sooo many freakin ppl....but it was fun....i discovered that i'm NOT alone, since cynthia and steve share the same viewpoint as me on a certain issue...WOOHOOO!!!!..that made me feel sooooo much better
ok i have to get offline now since sid told me to call steve...
i've been getting really pissed off lately at various things...little things too.....yall prolly haven't noticed it at all, because i don't show it when i get pissed off, and plus there's always plenty of ppl/things to make me laugh and ferget temporarily about it....i just randomly explode at random ppl who i don't intentionally direct it towards.....and for once , the thing(s) that are getting on my nerves are NOT because of my family...i think i only blew up at one person this week...soooorie, it wasn't supposed to be directed towards real (and that's NOT a "forced" apology!!..haha)
i guess i've been feeling really apathetic lately. or maybe not apathetic, but...resigned?..iuno, that's not the correct word either. i think i've been reading "the stranger" too much, but hey what can i say, i like that book...i've thought about it, and meursault isn't really apathetic i guess....i think he's more perceptive than all the rest of the little buggers in the world around him...maybe that's what pissed me off....the magistrate and the chaplain trying to get him to believe in God just to "save his soul", when, given meursault's point of view, it really doesn't even matter. and hey, i think that's acceptable. meursault is content, and at peace with himself. and what else matters then?
from christine's blog:
everyone needs to read "the stranger" by camus.
its so honest.
i think in away we all feel like that deep down inside.
only people are to conformed to society's rights and wrongs to admit it.
i think its ingenious.
how many people even take the time to consider the truth in his words?
things matter too much nowadays.
we're all afraid to accept the fact that sometimes,
it just doen'st make a difference.
whats all the fuss about anyway.
amen to that. christine is EXACTLY right.
i guess that book deals a bit with religion too. i see all these ppl around me who are so religious (or at least appear so to me) and honestly, i admire yall a LOT. it's pretty amazing. it's something i'll never be able to be. but on the other hand, i'm not worried about it. i don't know, it's hard to explain. it's like a feeling of "oh well" for me. somethign like that.
i want to go visit jireh again. maybe i'll start going there regularly. it was actually really meaningful to me, and the ppl there are pretty awesome too.
jess's baptism is tomorrow!!!!...so excited for her!!!!
alrite enough of my random thoughts. i'll let yall stew on those.
viernes, febrero 20
martes, febrero 17
it is a happy happy HAPPY tuesday indeed..^_^
lunes, febrero 16
sid and steve both came over last night to play on my piano...i think steve was really excited..sid says that steve's hands were sweating, but i think he was lying...lol...but steve is an amazing piano player, he definitely underestimates himself...geez why do ppl underestimate themselves???...i guesss i do that too, but still...
anyways, steve's repertoire consisted of the heroic polonaise, the military polonaise, maple leaf rag, schubert impromptu op. 90 no. 3, rhapsody in blue, moonlight sonata..o_O..wow...i think i'm in awe...
sid: maan u know what colin's sister can't do?
me: what?
sid: she can't play piano
HAHA..ok the whole aubrey joke thing is over now, so i'll stop mentioning it
and i went over to sid's house to study spanish today...something about imperfecto subjuntivo, iuno, but wutever it's called, it was a REALLY good review for me...i reallly needed it...sid is crazy, he's gonna make up a whole spanish study schedule..o_O...and he calls ME crazy when he sees my calculus notes from last year..lol..but hey, it'll help both of us a lot.....he wants to get a 4 on the AP...i think he's gonna get a 5 tho, with all the studyign he's doing
we actually got a LOT of studying done....i kept drilling him on vocab while he was making fried rice...haah it was good fried rice too..and then we pigged out on chocolate...it was damn good chocolate....i was eating away happily at it until sid made me look at the nutritional facts..>_< ....lol j/p...but that was fun...ANNNND we discovered spanish soap operas WITH caption!!!!....woohoo!!!...the plan is to stop working out now and just watch spanish soap operas instead until at least APs are over....lol
good day so far, i think.....i think i'll go play piano now...prolly gonna go play the elegie....it fits my mood perfectly rite now anyways
sábado, febrero 14
who says friday the 13th is unlucky??..psshh
so i got up at 7:30 and very hurriedly finished off two applications (big thanks to my parents for helping me so much on those)..and then went off to the lab hoping to actually get to DO something today...got there at 11, washed some tubes, still didn't see anyone except for heidi, so i just read. read and read and read and read...ugh...well, at least i'm starting to understand it now....around 1, yuan finally arrives, but we figure out that she can't do anythign either until eugenia gets to the lab...hmm...we ended up talking a lot about random stuff, mostly in mandarin/english..LOL...i'm gonna walk outta the lab knowing a lot more chinese i'm willing to bet....in the end we did a gel electrophoresis with..dun dun dunn..READY-TO-GO GELS!!!!!....they even came prepackaged..haha it was the weirdest thing...i get to see the results on tuesday..
then heather comes over around 6:45 to pick me up for the basketball game last nite...messed around on my piano for a while (heather is an amaaaazing singer), then we realized that we were extremely LATE for the game...ooopss...but we still got to see colin play!!..woohoo!!...our team lost, sorrie to say, but we DID make a good comeback....hightower at least didnt' win by THAT much...other than that, i had a REALLy fun time there...and of course, our encounter with "the asian josh groban" (HAHAAHHAAHA...=P)
after the game heather me brian and niral head out to wendy's...heather claims that wendy's is the austin after-the-game hang out place, but there was barely anyone there..HEHE..j/p j/p....had some interesting convos, and we tried to get heather to sing for us with the background music for accompaniment but she wouldn't..>_<..lol
we had no idea what to do after we ate and no one wanted to go home yet, so we decided to go to pecan park and swing on the swings!!...lol that was after niral reminded us of the swings at the food drive (*COUGH*)...it was FREEZING cold outside...we were hoping that it would snow, but it was just wet. yuck. we couldn't even swing cuz the ground was soaked!....i climbed off the playground, but then i turned around and brian is walking towards us with his ENTIRE shirt front and pants ALL WET....HAHAAHA...apparently he had slid down the WET slide....head first.....*falls over laughing*....it was hilarious...we tried to think up excuses for brian, but the best we could come up with was that he had "spilled coke all over himself"....in the end he ended up sliding down the other wet slide feet first so that he was wet all over...LOL...then we messed around on the swings until it was time to go home...
so fun!..i have to hang out with them more often
hmm..oh yea, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY everyone!!...such an overrated holiday, but interesting nevertheless to see how much the industry profits out of it..hmm who wants to draw a PPF curve for that?!!!..lol..okkies piano time now...later..
miércoles, febrero 11
lunes, febrero 9
my not so terrible-horrible-horrendous-hideous day..............in eco (as usual)
*referring to the imaginary person "alimony"*.....
heather: this conversation has gone from bad..to worse..to terrible...
troy: hmmm...and what would go after terrible? horrible?
me: then horrendous
troy: yea! horrendous!!
me: and hideous...??
troy: *laughing* like colin's face!
me: *exaggerated gasp* no maan, colin is hot!
troy: oooo yea i fergot, colin's hot, alrite!
colin: ..i AM hot...
.....lol....and the classic quote: "he's like a friekin annoying chinese energizer bunny"....
sábado, febrero 7
enough depression for now, time for some happy news:
carwash today was super fun, i had a blast, which was just what i needed right then after everything that's happened lately...they fed us cake! free cake. and justin baked about a gazillion cookies, which weren't all sold. and he wouldn't give us any free ones..>_<....lol j/k...we tried to get martin to buy us milk and then we were gonna sell it back to him. that didn't; work too well..and krupa did her ride-a-horsey (or wutever it's called) dance...it was HILARIOUS!!!...anyways ray and me just finished our bio lab...yay, done with bio for the weekend...i'm missing the fellowship meeting right now. that sucks. there are two reasons for that. yea, it's a complex issue. you wanna know, ask me.
alrite that's all, gonna go home now and do some scholarship apps. yummy. (wait...yummy..?..O_O..nvm......) and then i'll go mope and brood some more. back to depression mode in 5....4....3...2...................................................1 1/2.....1 1/3...........1 1/4...........1 1/16...........1 1/32...............1 1/64.....(this is ray's idea btw...hehehe).....
viernes, febrero 6
spies, spies everywhere. especially those you do not expect. ur friends, perhaps. i lose all hope in the human race.
i'm scared of cages, but in this case u don't even need a cage. just place a whole bunch of spies around me, and i'll feel trapped the same way. oh, and btw, i don't blame anyone but myself.
there comes a point where everything crashes so suddenly and withOUT warning that it leaves u dizzy and upset to where you can't start studying for your economics test until 2 and a half hours later.
and the worst part is that it's not even for a legitimate reason
omg please let me get through this somehow
jueves, febrero 5
at the lab rite now, almost time to leave. today was actually a pretty neat day, considering how i finally got my badge!.YEEES!!...NOW the fun begins!...eugenia (one of my mentors)let me talk to all the grad students today and they told me about their respective projects...i think i understand most of what they told me..yuan is growing E. coli with MinE vectors, phillip is constructing a strain where u can control the tetracycline, arabinose C, and lactose operators simultaneously, jun is studying topology of lactose permease and xuefeng is studying phosphatidylglycerol (say that ten times fast) and cardiolipin in yeast systems...i'm mostly typing this just to help myself remember. so that was interesting, i actually learned a lot...and the grad students are really neat...notice how they are all chinese...HAHA (except for phillip but he's not a grad student)
bio and econ were interesting free days...both classes had substitutes, and we just sat around playing cards and "studying"...lol...NEW CHALLENGE: someone needs to beat colin in the staring game! seriously, he's good...and i mean GOOD....i swear the kid never blinks....just keeps giving u that shifty-eyed look..=P....and then they turned my backpack inside out in eco..o_O..that was...interesting...and amusing, seeing how i was the one who gave them permission to....lol
right now my head is pounding..it hasn't done that in a long time. i think that i'm getting sicker and sicker. phooey. i'm also cold right now. which is weird, cuz the lab is usually warm and i usually dont' have to wear jacket. but i get cold when i get sick. so i guess i must be sick. haha the only jacket i have with me today is my letter jacket. so ppl are giving me weird looks whenever i walk down the hallway..o_O..*note to self: don't wear letter jacket to lab anymore*..yea so cuz i guess i'm sick, my picture on my badge looks really funky. i look like i'm half asleep. or stoned. or somethign like that...LOL...(btw, ask colin to show u his stoned stare..it's very hilarious...haha)
i'm tired. i think i'm going to go home and sleep and not get online tonite (to a special someone - sooo sorrie!!!!!..=(....)....but i have to study for eco and finish the spanish essay..aaahh...so much to do. at least it's pretty outside now! i can gaze out of the windows on the way home and daydream all i want about being free, outside, gliding thru the air........
anyways....i have to post about HYAC , i'll do it soon janice!!!....not very eventful but i'll post about it nevertheless....
i'm out now...later playas...
martes, febrero 3
two things that i really really really want right now (in order of preference):
1)mi cariño
2)repeat #1
lunes, febrero 2
i'm at school rite now, but this was just so funny, i had to post it immediately:
will: what does PI stand for?
ray: (talking all in one breath at breakneck speed) it’s national income plus transfer payments minus social security taxes minus corporate income taxes minus undistributed corporate profits..whew…
will: *blinks**pause* ray….when I asked what PI stood for, I meant the letters ‘P’ and ‘I’
HAHAHA....well at least ray won't fail his economics timed writing today!!