miércoles, febrero 25

first day of lent . good luck to all catholics who are gonna be giving something up. i didn't know that only catholics observe lent like that. imagine my surprise this morning when i realized that all my protestant friends weren't giving anything up. haha. i'm converting. j/k.

we were talking about lent the whole day tho. i've decided that instead of giving up sweets AND snacks, i'm only gonna give up sweets. otherwise i'd starve. like right now. well, technically it's not starving. i've always wondered what it would be like to be starving though. not just the hunger of not eating for a day, but for a week, two weeks. it's possible to survive you know. u'd just probably be pretty damn weak. and maybe delirious. interesting thought. anyways, we were talking about lent in spanish and apoorva said that i should give up school instead..HAHA:

me: i'm giving up sweets and snacks
apoorva: why? i'd give up church. then no worries (...LOL)
me: haha that'd be like sacrilegious
apoorva: or maybe give up school. you could say it's for religious reasons. if anyone asks, just tell them that Jesus says u can
johann: or you could give up men

LOL....noope....i don't think the last one would work, sorrie johann.

eco was kinda quiet today, not much happened. bleh. although yesterday was a LOT of fun. i brought my UTMSB lab badge, and colin got a hold of it. LOL...it was pretty funny, he tried to trace the picture on a piece of notebook paper , and it turned out looking....not too bad actually....and then troy tried and it ended up looking like a cave man...HAHAHA...*falls off chair laughing*...i think he ended up stealing my badge and wearing it to lunch...oiii....o_O....yes troy, you do look quite a lot like me *cough*...hahahah...anyways, heather found the "reduced fat sugar free wafers" that they were giving out to the juniors, sophs, and freshmen for TAKS testing for their "healthy snack" *snicker*, and also this weird trail mix granola bar thing. troy ate one and looked like he was gonna spit it out. so we got some more, and they spent the rest of class smashing up the two packages and throwing them around..HARD, i think i got smacked several times....lol...i've decided that i like these free days in eco (as if that wasn't obvious)..can't wait till the next time there's TAKS testing....woohoo!!!!!

i'm reaallly really hungry right now. this blows. and i have SNHS afterwards. i wanted to go play tennis after school, but it's freezing outside so i don't know. maybe just go to work out at the club. time to get swoll....HAHAHA...uh no. lol and apparently clements ppl have never heard the term "swoll" before. they think it's "shroll" (heheehe j/p j/p...=P)

oh! almost fergot. troy and i made up a new word today: "swexy"....wooot!!!!...use it yall, it's a combo of "swoll" (or "sweeeeeet" depending on what you want to say) and "sexy"....hahah troy came up with the last part, not me. whhhiiich reminds me again: troy i'm sooo happy for you!!!!!!!!.....soo glad that it's turning out 1289372389 times better than it did for me..^_^

one last note before i get back to reading "adios, cordera!" (spanish)...my email is screwed up right now because my mentor sent me a 2917 KB power point file, and my mail box was already pretty full. i thought i had it fixed, cuz i cleared out a lot of stuff, but i guess not. ish. sooo anyone who i owe an email to, soorrrie, i won't be able to email for a couple of days. on the other hand: TAYLOR YOU OWE ME AN EMAIL. stop reading this blog and email me instead..hahahaa...j/p

i'm out. later.