domingo, febrero 23
sábado, febrero 22
well, i think i really must be tired when i blog. cuz i don't even remember half the stuff i put on there...ahahaahah...wooops
anyways, we went to rice today for the math competition. got up at 0500 on a bleh saturday morning. it looked like it was gonna rain again, but now its really sunny outside! yay! on the bus ride there i finally got to listen to the coldplay cd. i like it a lot. they're an AWESOME band. in fact, i like them so much that i even "stole" punag's coldplay cd. or rather, just "fergot" to give it back to him..heheh.sorrie punag!!! i'll give it back to u on monday.but the bus ride was really fun. apoorva, thida, christine, jessica, punag, justin, hayden, me all sat in the back. we were extremely loud. especially jessica..she's sooo happy in the mornign!! (that's a good thing)..hehehe...we all love her anyways..i think we actually mananged to scare ryan away cuz we were being so loud. he was sitting close to the back by us, but he moved up to the front later. ooops. ^_^. then justin and apoorva both brought their drumsticks and were banging around on the seats while hayden "flowed."..hehe i know what "flow" means now!! to think it mean "raving"...haha..shows how out of it i am) of course, the math tests were impossibly hard as usual. power team - got about 2 questions rite. eric and me spent most of the time before the power test started drawing UT symbols on the chalkboard..hehee..when the proctor came in (some really cool hippie guy with hair longer than mine, a beard, glasses, and a hot pink shirt..@_@) he glanced at the board and was like.uhhh....ahahahaaha..ok, so we kinda flunked the power test. then the algebra test was impossible too. and the calculus test too. i think i only got one rite on the algebra test. don't even ask me about calculus..hehee..i spent most of the time drawing on the scratch paper..i can draw pretty picutures now!!..hehe *sigh* pitiful isn't it, every year i get to practice my doodling skills whenever we go to a math competition. i think i did the exact same thing when we went to A&M...haha
speaking of A&M, that reminds me of, i think my chinese teacher and christine have both brainwashed me into going to UT..ahahaha...but seriously, i never thought that UT was a bad school. in fact, i thought it was relaly really good...i could never understand why my mom always got mad wheneever i mentioned going to UT....i mean, as christine very wisely put it, it really doesn't matter that much where u go to college, since it all kinda equals out once u go and get a job. i dunno...i don't even know what i want to go study yet. which might be a problem, seeing how next year at this exact same time, i'll probably already know where i want to go to college. skarie. it's really skarie how everyone's growing up so fast. people i've known since 2nd grade (lesse: lauren, punag, apoorva, kyle, sid, etc, etc..) are almost adults now..just one more year and they'll be 18. now that really freaks me out, seeing how there's the whole "war" thing going on right now. i don't want my friends to be drafted into any kind of war. i never really thought of war as a big thing, until now, when i actually might be affected. but i don't want to be affected. i think i liked it better when i just stayed in my happy little bubble. i think its like what gandalf says..that thing about how all people who live in times like this wish that they hadn't been born then. estoy de acuerdo, but it's gonna be really hard to handle. makes u wonder what we have done to deserve this kind of stuff.
i wonder where this will all lead to.
man, this started out as a happy blog..what happened??
domingo, febrero 16

Goddess of green. You probably prefer to be outside
where you can get some fresh air!
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
all rite!!..she's even holding a violin!!!!
Estas son las mañanitas
Que cantaba el rey David
Hoy por ser día de tu santo
Te las cantamos aquí
Despierta, mi bien, despierta
Mira, ya que amaneció
Ya los pajarillos canta
La luna ya se metió
aah!!'s been stuck in my head the whole day!! i didn't get to go to church depressing...well, i guess i gotta get over him sooner or later, huh?, of course, it could be the old saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder"..AHAHAHAHA.....well anyways, it's cuz my dad can't take me to church and then back home, cuz he has to go rite back to church again after he takes me home, so the timing isn't good enough for him...=(..on the plus side, i think i mite be going to st. teresa's's much closer...AND...*drum roll* has a spanish mass!!!...woohoo!!!....MAJOR plus side!!!....hehe, so if i go there, i guess i will be going to the 0800 spanish mass..hey, works for me..even though i don't get to see him...ahahaha..
domingo, febrero 9

You are a Spaniard.
What's your Inner European?
brought to you by Quizilla
yeah!!! pride!!! los hispanohablantes!!!!!! woohoo!!..(actually, i was hoping for italian, but spanish is good enuff..hehe)
i am so confused
went to solo and ensemble at 0800. we had a SKARIE judge!! andrew said good morning and tried to make conversation and everything, but the judge kept answering in short one word answers. geeez. and i thought that u were supposed to try to create a friendly atmosphere. anyways, stopped by wel-farm on the way back home (andrew's mom wanted to buy chinese sausages..yummy!), got home around 1000 and went back to bed. woke up around 1245, which kinda disoriented my whole sense of time. i thought it was sunday and started freaking out cuz half my homework is NOT done. lol.
yaay! i just finished downloading "do u call my name" by Ra. they are an AWESOME band. thanks apoorva and thida for "enlightening" had the Ra CD playing the whole way to sarah's house on saturday, where we had to work on the boat project..bleh. i bet mrs long doesn't even know how to make one herself. man it was freezing saturday! every time we went outside to use sarah's electric saw, we were literally shaking in the cold. we got the body of our boat done. i'm proud of it! it took us 1.5 hours, but at least it goes in a straight line. and it can hold 5 rock-pebble thingies (hehe. ..we couldn't decide whether they were rocks or pebbles)..btw..HAPPY BDAY SARAH!! just turning that's really young for being a junior. i think it's better to be young for ur grade than to be too old for ur grade. cuz it would be really awkward if u were like 18 or sumthing like that and still in junior classes. on the other hand, i'd feel weird being in a class full of ppl older than me. it's been like that for me every single year in math. oh well. at least next year i'll actually KNOW some of the ppl in my math class (statistics AP)..but that would be awkward too, seeing how i'm so used to being in a math class in which i only know like 3 other ppl.
0023 now. if i want to actually be able to wake up and go to church tomorrow, i'd better go to bed now. hehee.. me go to church tomorrow and see "him"!!...ahahahahaaahaahahahah
sábado, febrero 8
why is my computer font suddenly so much smaller? it used to be super big that i had to scroll right and left in order to look at webpages, but now its super small. what the heck.
i have another buttload of homework. what is it with teachers who think that 3 days off=equals more homework. man.....
and then i have hyac this afternnon. yaay. time to go and piss off mrs. pao. i think i succeeded pretty well yesterday. it's actually very easy to annoy people like her. very enjoyable too. ah, the sweet sounds of vengeance.
anyways..i'm not in a blogging mood rite now..sorrie
miércoles, febrero 5
crazie physics ppl....i bet she watches those videos for fun on saturday nites...
since when did it get so cold? it was beautiful outside yesterday, un día despejado con una brisa (yay!..practicing spanish AP vocabulary #7) and now its freaking cold again..houston weather is terrible. and i was planning to actually go running tomorrow too, seeing how tomorrow will be the last day of the week. guess that won't happen now.
and then on saturday i have to go play at the loser houston young artists thing..what gayness..all it is is a little loser concert put together to make all the losers feel better. i should know. i've had to play in it two times already. sucks to all the gala ppl. plus, the last thing i want to do is deal with mrs. pao again. hate that person. i'm gonna piss her off on purpose just to get her back for pissing me off all these years. *evil laugh*..muwahahhahha
hehe...ok..enuff blogging for today..i think i'm tying up our phone line agian
martes, febrero 4
i want to laugh. i want to cry. i want to dance, to sing. i want to scream in frustration and throw a brick at my computer screen. i want to go around and smile all day long, living in my little fantasy 1700s world. i want to curl up in my bed and sob out all my pain.
what the hell is wrong with me?
i think it's time to go and do homework.
lunes, febrero 3
darn...i just realized how obvious my blog was..LOL... well too late now..hehe..or else stacy just has very good deductive powers...hahha...which is highly i guess i won't be going to watch "kiss me kate" ...too bad...the only reason i would go is cuz eric and chris are both leads, but ...well...i heard it wasn't worth it either..oh well...hehe.based on the description of "les mis" that i heard tho, "kiss me kate" is probably a lot better....
u know, i really appreciate all my friends who really do put things in perspective for really does help a lot, no matter how much they think its, u guys know i'm really emotional at times...i don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing...i guess it's a good thing for music ppl, cuz i guess they have to be expressive..i don't know if i consider myself to be a music person anymore...i used to be extremely obessessed with violin, but lately just not as much...i think i like piano better, i have been playing piano for about 6 years more than violin...either way, it doens't really make a big difference...cuz i don't ever have time to practice anymore...u know, we students would like to have a social life once in a while..or perhaps its just me...perhaps i go too deep into stuff....oh well..that's my own problem, i'll have to fix that on my own..i mean, u have ppl like sid who don't study worth crap, and get super high grades..i mean, sure, he's smart, and i acknowledge that, but ...well, life ain't fair..what else can i say
domingo, febrero 2
i actually got to celebrate chinese new years!!..yeah!!...cuz at first i wasn't gonna be able to go cuz my brother was gonna go perform at some kind of concert..houston young artists i think..but then teresa called and asked if i wanted to go over to her house for dinner..hehe it was soo fun!!...and peter was there too!!! it's not 8 years, it's 7 years!!...*dances around celebrating*...hehe as if that made a difference..everyone else there was so was church people, but all the kids were already outta college...1970s babies!!..hehee...j/k!!..i actually got to talk to him!!..i'm not skared anymore!! this is SAD...hehehe...ok, so we all just basically ate huo guo (i pinyin is terrible) and talked at the table...but there were very interesing conversations..for example, alex told us how his chinese teacher tried to help them cheat on their Chinese IB exams ( basically, the same thing as AP exams)...HAHAHHA...that's the first time i've ever heard of a teacher when he was taking the exam, his chinese teacher somehow got access into the room they were testing in and whispering answers over their shoulders..and she also tried to show them all the oral prompts!!...ahahahaa....well alex is a smart guy, i'm sure he woulda done great on his IB test anyways..but still, that's kinda odd...that teachers musta really have wanted to keep her reputations up...hehe that reminds me of mrs. hall ("all my calculus BC students get 5's on their APs!"..hehe..stacy and me just stared blankly at, but no, she doesn't walk into the AP testing classrooms during testing)...well at least mrs. hall is a really really really good teacher..seriously one of the best i've ever had..there ought to be more teachers like that..hehe..ok anyways, back to last it was fun...good food too...then all us "kids" went upstairs and looked at teresa's pets..she has a gecko (mr. G), lizard (happy buddha), and a parakeet(zuppa)...hehe the bird is like was squawking away the whole time we were eating dinner...watched the lizard eat two crickets, (we lost a cricket's jumping around sumwhere in her room)...and then when we took the lizard out it jumped on teresa's face!! sure beat having to stay at home all nite...i wanna go's one of those days i wish i could relive..(heheh teresa u know exactly should be proud of me..i fnally updated my blog!!..guess i'll blog later...but i'm mad cuz i didn't get to go to church today...cuz i know he was gonna go