screw chemistry...i refuse to do any more freakin if i care. plus i think my mom took my sheet now anyways...ahahah!!..dun dun dun dunnnnn....anways.. so again i keep fergetting to update my blog. or its more like i don't relaly have time to get online anymore. or do anything anymore, if u really wanna go technical. sigh. can't even find time to practice. if course i could be practicing right now if i wanted to. but since i love u guys so much and want to keep my blog updated and all nice just for u, that's why i am sacrificing my precious time on here..yes..uh..of course..rite??..*ahem* lesse...what has been happening this week that i can possibly talk about..
monday - too far back. can't remember
tuesday - math test. got paranoid over it. chem test. got paranoid over that too. no one finishes .stacy u remember..>)
wednesday - most likely quizzes and tests. oh yes chemistry lab. must strangle chem teacher for forcing us to go to school at 6:45 in the morning. finish chem test during class. note to self: be sure to be far away from karan and kyle next time they do a lab. sid is also an idiot for dancing and wearing flipflops during lab.
thursday - morning lab again. got to play with bunsen burners, which also managed to melt our rubber tongs. the stupid sodium carbonate hydrochloric acid methyl red clumpy thingie sitting in our evaporating dishes wouldn't dry out quickly enough. kyle and sid get sick of waiting and blow torch it instead. lol. some freshman kid tries to hit on me in the hallway before lunch. creep. sad thing is, he was kinda cute.
friday - physics quiz, calc quiz, chem test over rxns that no one knows how to do. went to violin lesson, mr. rubin got a new puppy! its another stray though..mrs rubin was at the dry cleaners, and it just kinda jumped in her van, so she took it home. they offered it to us, but now they;re not sure anymore
saturday - walk for breast cancer.went with lisa and stacy. takes us 1.33333333 hours to walk 3.1 miles..>) lots of free stuff from sponsors..including food and candy!!!
ok..can't think of anytign else now