and so it ends.
wednesday night we celebrated jeff's birthday a day early at jenna's apartment again (haha i'm spending so much time there that i almost know where everything is already)...she cooked up a storm of an awesome meal, and then jeff, meng, niral, salman, and valerie all came over. i won't go into details cuz then this post will be too long but it was DAMN FUN. hahaha. the fun included: seeing all four guys squeezed next to each other on one side of the dinner table, meng offering to tell me how to use tampons and jeff and niral's incredulous reactions, jenna not even blinking an eye when meng asked her if she knew how to use tampons cuz she's already used to him LOLOL, jeff twisting all of meng's toes, salman "vibrating" against meng, watching crazy music videos including tunak tunak tan (INDIAN COWBOYS!!!), gunther (lol the stupid song got stuck in my head the entire night), backstreet boys rendition by wonchon and crew, and last but not least, listening to OBSESSION and singing that over and over again hehehe. and then jenna made EXTREMELY awesome pasta sauce and chocolate cupcakes with frosting hatches.
then i spent literally all of friday at Rice and then stayed over at jenna's apartment again till saturday morning....haha oh man so much crazy fun and wasting doing absolutely nothing but still having fun nevertheless
got to the medical center at around 6:30 am lol, cuz i took the bus into town. bummed around in M.D. Anderson for a while reading orgo and trying to stay awake, and then walked over to Fondren Library to read some more and wait for jenna to get to class. MAN the view of Rice from Fondren is GORGEOUS:

it was even better, because it was like at 7:45 am, when no one was in class yet, so i got a peaceful view with the sunrise and no people around to spoil the effect. oh man, it's indescribable in words. and Fondren itself is gorgeous too - if i was a student at Rice, i'd willingly spend hours inside Fondren just cuz it's so nice. oh and then i saw STACY as she passed by!!! hahaha stacy is soo adorable.
went to german class with jenna at around 11 am. hahaha both of us apparently forgot that her german class is like advanced german, so the instructor (dr. Spuler, or something like that) talked in german the ENTIRE time.woops. lol it was still entertaining though, german sounds pretty cool. and the professor looked like he walked straight out of a World War II movie, he had the buff look and the shaved head and everything. actually for most of the time, the class was split up into groups so i attempted to learn german from jenna's course reader, and stared at steve's bright glowing red hair (seriously, it's like the coolest color of red ever) and at this other guy in the class whom apparently had the misfortune to be given the name of tedward. interesting.
after class, we ran around for a while trying to figure out what to do for lunch, and coincidentally ran into meng, jeff, and niral, whom we were looking for in the first place anyways. they had class, so jenna and i went ahead to DiMassi's for lunch. GOOD STUFF MAN. i can't believe i didn't know that place existed in rice village and i was like right there the entire time. anyways, back to campus to the Rice activities fair to find jeff and to find the free tapioca tea. we ended up running into more people, such as michelle, ann, and other random people. and then we got badgered into signing up for all these clubs. HAHA. i felt so bad saying "no i don't want to join" and i also felt uncomfortable saying "sorry, i don't exactly go to this school" that i went ahead and signed up for like 4 clubs. woops. at least we got the free tapioca though. jeff later amused us by showing us this fobby korean combat game on his laptop. hahhaa MAN it was a fobby game. but very cool though. then we wandered around Rice some more and ran into both Wonchon and Zach again. Wonchon apparently thinks that Meng is a demi-god :D
so we wanted to watch 40-year-old virgin cuz meng and niral said that it was a good movie, but meng apparently loved it so much that he wanted to watch it again. lol. jenna and i met up with him around 3:50, after the activities fair, and proceeded to go to Edwards Theatre to catch the 4:10 showing. no problem right, since Edwards is like a skip and a hop away from Rice? hahaha well it actually took us an HOUR, literally, to get to Edwards. somehow we manged to pass Edwards 3 or 4 times,and each of those times, none of us managed to see Edwards. lol it was funny, all of us were like "damn...we should really know where this place is by now"....after a detour to 610 and all over 59, we finally made it to Edwards to catch the 4:50 showing. it was a pretty amusing movie, i wouldn't say that it was "beautiful" (=P), but i still liked wedding crashers better. burgers for dinner before we headed over to meng and niral's apartment to bum for a while. oh man we had some interesting conversations then:
person A: "so if you were a virgin, would you...oh crap never mind, i didn't mean it to come out like that.."
person B: "what are you implying?! are YOU a virgin?!"
HAHAHAAHAH....ok inside joke, but hilarious nevertheless. and also, we ARE going to make that music video. lol meng's got me totally addicted onto that one song now.
the supposed party at Wiess that night was pretty lame, but we still had a blast anyways. this kid called Scott (i don't even know who he is) was having another private birthday party in his suite at Wiess, and so we went to that instead. hahaha enough said ;) in other news, we saw Randy!!! and two of his other friends also - Ed, his roommate, and Steve, who is Ed's friend. after jumping on the Wiess trampoline for a while, and having lol in scott's suite, we decided to all go to IHOP. hahah oh man i hope that we didn't scare randy and ed and steve too much. steve was pretty much laughing his ass off at meng's, niral's and my antics, while randy looked a litte intimidated and ed looked nervous. LOL. jenna and jeff were perfectly fine though, so that was good at least. oh man SO many stupid and funny things were said that night. we finally left IHOP around 1 in the morning, and i crashed, once again, at jenna's apartment. meng and niral took me back to sugar land in the morning. and wow. i guess that's the last time i'll be seeing rice for a while.
it was especially hard to say goodbye to Jenna, Meng, Niral, and Jeff. but yet at the same time, it didn't really feel like that much of a goodbye, cuz i know i'll be seeing them in between breaks back to Houston, and hopefully med/grad school in 3 years.
it's not a goodbye for Houston. it's a see you later. and it's an i'll be back. don't forget me!!!