viernes, julio 30


I apologize for all the trouble that my blog has caused. When I posted those last two posts, I was upset over certain things, and basically just kinda "let it out"...if you happened to not see that post, then don't worry about it, you didn't miss much. But other than that, I apologize and I'll keep my own thoughts to myself from now on. =/..which also means that i'll be blogging less from now on too...

but in deleting those posts, I deleted something else on accident that i need to put back in...let's have a drum roll for ..dun dun dunnnnn...Azim's quote!"

"$2 for a $10 hoe? F*** that!"


miércoles, julio 14

yes!! AP scores are in!!!!

i am ecstatic and elated because even though these won't count for credit, they're the only APs (minus stats) that i really cared about!!!!

yaay for apoorva too! (and thanks for calling me to let me know that AP scores were in the mail)

lunes, julio 5

the Houston weather deities have an interesting sense of humor. the day after july 4th it conveniently starts to pour again. >_<

domingo, julio 4

maan this weekend EVERYONE freaking went home...jenna, miriam, michelle m., myers, jane, javadi, neil, azim, jonathan, ankit, celsio, the only ppl at the dorms from our program are me, michelle t. and anthony....of course there are a lot of medical school and college ppl too, so that's basically who i've been hanging out with the irish guys too. man, they are balla, other than the fact that i can't seem to understand their accents too well. waah i miss everyone already....most ppl coming back on monday, but westley decided to be a rebel and miss tuesday as well, while javadi isn't coming back til thursday cuz of UT orientation. so much crazy and stupid fun in the last few days/weeks that i don't want to even START to blog it all.haha. although i do have to post this one thing....

DEUTSCHLAND is NOT pronounced as "doucheland"....HAHAHAAH...ankit is the most absent-minded smart person that i know. i think he's even more absent-minded than me.

played patty cake with neil. had a flowing contest with azim (YEA!..hahahah). watched jeremy turn an interesting cranberry shade of red as he continues to drink beers (don't worrie, he IS legal age). alyssa's odd friends taking over room 210-211. stolen mattresses! actually being able to RUN/JOG about 2 miles without stopping (don't ask how, i don't know either, and i prolly couldn't do it i found that apparently i can give good massages. punag and apoorva are super awesome for coming up to rice (again). gettign ridiculously lost on main and montrose. feeding squirrels. feeding ducks. trying to fulfill jenna's dream of kicking a duck (HAHAAHAH). myers the baby bear! (awwww). javadi's classical music mix. myers cleaned up his room and found 4 unopened boxes of pop-tarts, a box of unopened cereal, and three huge unopened bags of chips. a SOCK-IT-TO-ME pudding cake. michelle and anthony (heheh insert another awwww here). neil doesnt' know who elmer fudd is! playing cranium with miriam, javadi, neil, and myers till 2 am. and so much more.