domingo, junio 19

alrite, haven't posted in a while, due to mostly laziness and stuff. last few weeks have been soooo boring. i still love rice, but it's not that much fun this year with the new people. no offense to anyone though. some highlights: jessica sun came to rice TWICE to visit!!, a "preliminary dance party" in brian's room until we got kicked out by a RUPD officer, walking all the way back from south campus cuz i got too pissed at the metrorail to pay anymore money for it, trying to deduce the synthesis of imiquimod (yea, jesus and karan think i'm weird now), houston symphony concerts, going home and hanging out with my dad, and then lAST night was REALLY fun!!! i love rice and UT ppl more than anyone else from any other college, hands down. i'm taking this from thida's blog since she already describes it better than i ever could =) -->

After bumming around this random house near Rice (and eating some Ethiopian food and cookies and cream ice cream) we headed over to the Miller Theater to see if we could find miss Stephanie Wang. Managed to find her and after much hugging and it's-been-so-long-since-I've-seen-you-last conversation we headed to a coffee shop downtown. The name has slipped my mind, but the ride there was quite an adventure (since Dan was doing such a wonderful job driving). After avoiding several accidents with the lightrail, wrong turns, almost running red lights and a close brush with $15 event parking..we eventually get his car parked and walk over. Nice place...reminds me of Austin (but what coffee shop doesn't?) It was wonderfully dark and close and the air heavy with caffiene. mmmmmm. Enjoyed some iced chai (nifty, eh?) and stole some of Dan's tiramisu and Stephanie's biscotti.

There was this great little band playing live and the conversation and laughs flowed naturally.

Yeah so I haven't been that contented and happy in awhile. And with such a random group at that.

It's just something about music. and driving. and moonroofs. and laughing.

My favorite part of any day/night out is the drive anywhere. Like when all four of us were crammed into Dan's car and he was blasting German music. Or when Apoorva and I were driving home and Mae was blasting.

Ahh yes, I do love blasting music.

*happy sigh* couldn't have described it better. i wish all of college and/or summer was like this.

thida and some other ppl might be staying over at rice one weekend!!ahhh!!! that will be so much fun.

next week taylor (TWOODS!!!!), my favorite caucasian dude (hehehehe....old joke), will be coming to visit, and christine says she might drop by toooo. yay! maan..i miss houston friends so much...