from sid's profile (ok..before u read it, lemme make a side note here: this is supposed to be funny to people who know what sid's actually talking about, and it's supposed to be "beautiful" to people who don't know wut he's talking about....and lemme tell u....IT IS FREAKIN EFFIN HILARIOUS..hAHHHA....all i can say is - colin, it's only a joke!!!...we're j/p, don't go beat up sid!!!)
Looking up, a faint glance,
From my conversation,
With Piedra,
'Twas all.
And she was waiting,
I saw, I rejoiced.
Her rosy cheeks,
Her sapphire eyes.
Her beautiful resemblance,
to a familiar sight.
But better infinitely,
better infinitely.
She ran up to me,
And I to her.
We embraced, we became,
one, together, for that moment.
Whispered she,
"I love you…"
All to the dismay,
Of an angry brother.
Who, with a mighty blow,
Bruised my body, but which,
Never could break
My love eternal.
By no lynching mob,
Nor electric jolt,
Can her spell
Of Love be broken.
No temptations,
Of chocolate delight,
Nor other damsel,
Can diffuse my focus singular.
So, to her,
I whispered,
"I love you…"
"I love you…"
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