ahhh back at home for the weekend to finish up driving lessons.....but i miss rice already!!!...i kinda like the idea of working my ass off during the day and then coming back and chillin at the dorms at night..HAHAH the trampoline..there's this gigantic trampoline on the side of the courtyard in martel and we all just sit there chatting away while being eaten to death by mosquitoes..some highlights of the week:
1)eating turkish food. yummy. we went to a turkish restaurant in rice village called "istanbul"
2)"what the f*ck?" books
3)miriam bought a "would u rather..." book at half-price..LOL...gotta love it...we spent like all of last night and the night before that reading weird things from that book
4)"would u rather have your sex organs glow red like ET every time you made an advance, or would u rather moan like chewbacca every time you defecate?"...HAHAAHAHHAHAAHA...that was our favorite one
5)"fart confetti"
6)-"she sells seashells by the seashore"
-"she shells...wait...she sells sheshells....ahhh, dammit"
7)the trampoline, of course
8) watching "elefant".....pretty sad movie actually
9) jenna got me into the habit of calling javadi "chris #2"
(yea...so now we have chris #1, chris #2, and chris #3 who we call "anthony"
10) jane's awesome chinese food
11) miriam's jelly bellies and the "perfume -flavored" wildblack berry....lol
12) FINALLY getting an email..=P
13) listening a 3.5 hour long lab meeting argument about who wants to clean up and how to enter in plasmids into a database
14)hot chocolate
and i met some more ppl too:
-jeremy--> darsh and brian's roommate who is from canada
-ramón --> someone from wilkinson's lab who speaks spanish and is trying to learn mandarin
- jane--> someone else from wilkinson's lab who is trying to teach ramón mandarin and is not tryign to learn spanish
-ankit --> someone else in our program from corpus chrisit who was telling us about flowing his entire salutatorian speech
-david --> random person from UT
-hong --> someone who i met in the kitchen one morning who invited us to play ultimate frisbee...have yet to do that
- lennell --> a black shuttle driver from new orleans who's really neat...the only shuttle driver so far who doesn't creep the hell outta me
and all of my lab ppl...hahah i LOVE them:
-dou --> the lab manager who i mostly work with...she's sooo awesome, like the best mentor-type person i've ever had....
-valeria --> an italian post-doc who is really funny
-xiaofang--> another post-doc i think...who doesnt' like to clean up
-kihwan --> a korean post-doc who oils carts with a pipet..LOL...he and xiaofang always pick on each other
-ling --> a really quiet post-doc who's really nice
-dong yu --> don't really know her, but she seems nice
ooo and we also have to wear these blue lab coats cuz we're summer students, but my lab gave me one of their white "department of immunology" lab coats..hahhaah i am SO wearing that from now on...it actually fits me better anyways
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