martes, diciembre 16

aannd another one.....hahaha thanks you guys, yall made my day

INTENSE sidnia: as i said b4
INTENSE sidnia: its not even a big street
orkdorc74: LOL
INTENSE sidnia: its like a community street
orkdorc74: ok ok sid, i trust u
INTENSE sidnia: _____: 8 lane high way
INTENSE sidnia: i'd say parts of 59
INTENSE sidnia: over both ways
INTENSE sidnia: so 16 lanes
INTENSE sidnia: not to mention 18wheelers as possible distractions
INTENSE sidnia: not worry
orkdorc74: HAHAAH
INTENSE sidnia: no 18 wheelers coming down ur street
orkdorc74: OK i won't
orkdorc74: lol
INTENSE sidnia: maybe a kid on a bike
INTENSE sidnia: don't hit him....
INTENSE sidnia: he mite sue u
INTENSE sidnia: just wait for him to pass
INTENSE sidnia: and lob it over
orkdorc74: no, it'll be you riding on a bike trying to get to my letter before i do
orkdorc74: lol
orkdorc74: j/k
INTENSE sidnia: haha
INTENSE sidnia: then u better on hit me