wow, it's been way too long since I last posted. Well, I got out of Mexico safely...a thank you to those of you who sent me emails with messages saying "I hope you didn't get raped!" thank you, no I didn't. haha.
Mexico was a fun experience. I can't say that it was an educationally enriching experience, but it was definitely fun, and it was definitely an experience. The best part in retrospect, I think, was just being there. Yes, I was creeped out by the Mexican men sometimes (no offense to anyone, this is simply the truth). Yes, I hated the constant flooding (I lost my beloved soccer slides because they were soaked with sewer water beyond repair). Yes, I complained about the traffic and the crowds and getting sick. But it was still worth the experience.
The weekend trips were definitely the best part though! Acapulco was definitely my favorite. Unfortunately, I don't think I posted about that, but there's kinda way too much to post from that anyways. Lots of memories and lots of quotes from various people.
Another thing is that this summer was just so radically different from all the other summers I've had - I've spent every single summer since high school graduation working in labs, so this was definitely a huge shock. It's also my first summer living completely by myself (the person I lived with was never there, so it doesn't count). And it's my first summer living without other students.
Well, I'm not really in the mood to write right now, so I'll just end this post here.
I'm coming back to Boston this Friday!!! (August 17th) I can't wait to see everyone again, although I'll be sad to leave Houston, too.
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