martes, mayo 30

i was thinking...the mendelssohn violin concerto starts off kinda like a sad lover telling her sad love know, the introductory melody that starts out so quietly and so melancholy - all these lovely drawn-out quarter notes and half notes...and then all of a sudden the melancholy tune morphs into this frenzied, angry buzz of triplet 8ths, which turns into chromatic octaves, and culminates into a high shriek that leads into the immediately takeover by the rest of the orchestra. GOSH IT'S FREAKING BEAUTIFUL. i wish i could describe it in better words.

on a lesser note, school ended last week, and i got back in houston last saturday..i'm not sure how i feel about this semester i'm really glad it ended, but i'm really sad that some classes are over, at the same time.

and on a greater side note....i LOVE organic chemistry. TAKE THAT! ;)


At 3:18 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.


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