jireh was awesome, again, as usual!
saturday - played some ultimate frisbee before we started - such a fun game, reminds me of martel all over again....will showed up too! apparently he knows jenny (lin) so he's been coming to jireh (kinda) for a couple of weeks YEAA!!!...watched a tommy nelson discussion video on Song of Solomon - pretty interesting, especially with our discussion that followed after it...and evan can drive now!!!...he's a pretty good driver, especially for being a new driver and driving a manual too
sunday - church! we have an additional pastor now, Pastor Ellen...maaan he gives awesome sermons...the topic today was about God's love, and the interesting thing was that the sermon touched on a lot of topics that i had been struggling with recently, too...it gave me a lot to think on, plus he was an amazing speaker..seriously, that' s the first lecture that i've actually listened through all the way in a looong time (all those M.D. Anderson seminars.......hehe..Ankit made those interesting at least)...and then before youth discussion, we celebrated jon's bday with a bakeoff..hehe some ppl had baked different things, and jon had to be the judge and decided which one was the best (jackie: "and don't say that they're all good!"...hahahaah)..another thing is just seeing everyone at jireh interact with each other - it's so open, it's so honest, it's so humorous, it's so endearing, ahhh it's unexplainable...just the things that they all do for each other, and the way they treat each other - you know that warm fuzzy feeling, or that feeling that kinda just washes over your spine when something really touches you? ..yea, that's the kind of feeling you get at Jireh all the time...hard to explain but you get the point, i think...and they're so WELCOMING!!...i'm sad to be leaving so soon, cuz i'll only get to see them one more weekend before i leave - even though i haven't known them for that long a time either, they've already started feeling like family...all the prayers today at the end of discussion were SO TOUCHING....i LOVE YALL...i pray that there will always be a group of ppl just like yall wherever we all end up in the future, and that yall will continue to spread your love to all newcomers in houston...
evan has these really cool aqua disco pants that he wore to church today..haha...and jackie and lyndy are terrific cooks, and jenny makes awesome chinese dessert thingies (i forgot what they're called in english)
next week i've gotta start packing. ahhh!!!!
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