martes, enero 13

lesson #1 of the day: when a 6-ft tall white guy yanks on a 5 ft. 2 little asian girl's insanely overloaded backpack, that poor little asian girl is prolly gonna either 1)go flying across the room (as had happened last semester), or 2) completely lose her balance and come crashing to the ground (as almost happened today)

lol...and NO, colin, i do NOT need to gain more weight..

lesson #2 of the day: vomit-flavored jelly beans look very much similar to toasted-marshmallow flavored ones.....haha darn it heather, our plot didn't work out!!!

lesson #3 of the day: troy doesn't REALLY like membrane proteins..he just said that he does to see what i would do...which would have been trying to get him into a discussion about membrane proteins..^_^

lesson #4 of the day: "apples" does not equal "marsupials"...*cough* troy *cough*...dang it, i thought everyone had forgotten about that by now!!!!!!

on a more serious note, i'm getting kinda sick of ...oh iuno what i'm sick of...i just know that i'm sick of was awfully helpful...nvm...