lunes, abril 7

look stacy!!..i updated my profile! aren't u proud of me!! i've been busy..will be busier in the next few weeks before APs...and then summer break officially starts for me at 12:00 noon, May 13th!!..YES!!...i will go runnign eveyr day..must try to lose off some of the weight that i have gained from the food day in spanish was goood food!!..comida buena!!!....and it wasn't even our was sra. chong's had to go and talk in spanish to them...of course, we eneded up eating more than talking...sra. ramos comes over and says "elena..estás hablando, o estás comiendo?"...oopss..

oh yeah..physics quiz mañana......before i ferget tho....ok..yesterday i was at church being bored half out of my mind during the homily..half way thru mass, i turn around and GUESS WHO IS SITING RITE BEHIND ME!!, is that coincidence, or luck, or fate or what?!!!..heeheheh...